Is Trump a racist?

you are bigots who are the guardians of the minority.


right? you are one whacked out bigot for sure, here's me at you,

The Dems have gone too far with race.
They have weaponized it.
They have lost their credibility because of their relentless racist demagoguery.
This is why they are now using their new term "white nationalist" to increase the fear and hate.
The Dem Politicians are dividing American's by race because they benefit from it.

Everyone with a brain knows what trump is trying to do. He is single handedly trying to reverse the demographic changes in this country, that have been occurring for the last several decades. The white population in this country are deathly afraid that they will soon be in the minority...

trump is determined to keep the White Man in charge. His 2020 campaign slogan should be MAWA.....MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN!

Yes, the slow and the racist love his message. They think trump cares about America when actually trump cares about trump.....with his family a very far second.
you're my evidence!!!

When you talk out your ass..... does it make a farty sound?

when I fart, yep, sometimes they're silent but deadly. But one thing we know in here, folks like you are bigots who are the guardians of the minority.

There is more in life than drinking yourself into a stupor and insulting other with crass and inane comments.....You should try it!

Did you racist mega meatheads expect liberals to shy away calling your president and y’all a racist when you created this forum?

Weren’t expecting me were you.


Message board loser eh?

Who’s hiding from whom Popeye. Stick your dick back in your pants, popping off and taking a shot at me only tells me you are bereft of any idea as to how to respond to my showing y’all what MAGA racist stupid shits y’all are.

ahhhh, it's you fks that are the true racist, you feel you need to defend the black people because you feel they are too inferior to you to defend themselves. that makes you the biggest bigot on the planet. I'd like to know what black asked you to defend them? come on big internet guy, who!!! you wouldn't know a racist if you saw one except when you look in the mirror.

I "feel the need to defend black people....... because (I) feel they are too inferior to you to defend themselves..... and that makes me a bigot?"


Just how far up your own ass did you have to reach to pull that particular piece of stupid out of your ass?
If I was a bigoted against blacks, why would I feel the need to defend them Popeye?

come on big internet guy,

Yes it does.....Thank you for playing....

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