Is Trump a racist?

Once upon a time many of us used to be Democrats & liberals and we used to believe in fairy tales. This isn't 1963 anymore. There is this movement, this backlash against liberalism, #walkaway. Look into it.
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

You're a whitey so you're at the BOTTOM of the DemoKKKrat food chain. lmao

The MAGNIFICENT President Trump appeals to AMERICANS; no one is exempt unless they refuse the price of admission; loving America.

Easy Joe; just renounce hating America!!!


Did you racist mega meatheads expect liberals to shy away calling your president and y’all a racist when you created this forum?

Weren’t expecting me were you.


God,you sound so mentally deranged...I hope you have access to a psychiatrist and some meds..if not, please get help soon!


Oh Lincoln. You don’t see what I’m doing?

What you and the rest of the mega meatheads here post tells me HOW..... Y'ALL..... THINK.

You can NO MORE hide your mega racist stupidity.... than you can stop me exposing it. Don’t you remember me saying that your postings tell me everything I need to know about you? No? :)


I’m confident in my arguments against you stupid fucks because I can prove y’all are really..... stupid fucks! Not by my arguments. NO no.

But by your presidents racist videos and YOUR postings trying to rationalize them. :)

Y’all mega racist fuck sticks?

Y’all are scared because you know I’m right. And I know you can see it because right now, you stupid fucks are stewing and pissed the fuck off because you can’t stop me exposing...... you for who you are.

Now y’all can call me a supercilious arrogant shit, not like I haven’t been called that before.

But it doesn’t make me wrong. :cul2:

not by inference

Oh no no no Mary.

You mega meatheads don’t get to argue what is or isn’t defined as racism.

Perception and Optics in politics is everything and there are no rules or limits. But you knew that didn’t you. Sure you did. :)

If the president is calling latinos coming across the border an invasion and how do you stop them, and someone shouts shoot them........ and your president laughs?

Well you can infer it as just the president doing it for laughs.

But when a mass shooter who’s manifesto states he’s hunting latinos invading America, quoting Trump.... and then drives 9 hours to El Paso to expressly shoot latino’s at a WalMart?

Well.... I’m sure you can see the optics and how people can “infer” Trump and his base being racist.


Y’all maga meatheads might want to brace yourselves for the campaign to come. I’m sure y’all are not going to like it.

NO sir.

Not one bit.

Just as you’re not going to like the optics of this.



Racism isn't hating whitey?? DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

You're a whitey so you're at the BOTTOM of the DemoKKKrat food chain. lmao

The MAGNIFICENT President Trump appeals to AMERICANS; no one is exempt unless they refuse the price of admission; loving America.

Easy Joe; just renounce hating America!!!


Well hey there Greg. I was expecting you in the MAGA GREAT forum but glad you’re here. BTW, has any of those other racist Maga dipshits shown up in that forum yet?

Btw, where have I ever said I hated America? Or is that something you and the other racist Maga dipshits post when your racist bullshit is being exposed and you have nothing to counter it with.

Just reach up ole Rush’s ass and feel around for something, anything..... to post.

Just saying Greg. Jussssssst saying.


not by inference

Oh no no no Mary.

You mega meatheads don’t get to argue what is or isn’t defined as racism.

Perception and Optics in politics is everything and there are no rules or limits. But you knew that didn’t you. Sure you did. :)

If the president is calling latinos coming across the border an invasion and how do you stop them, and someone shouts shoot them........ and your president laughs?

Well you can infer it as just the president doing it for laughs.

But when a mass shooter who’s manifesto states he’s hunting latinos invading America, quoting Trump.... and then drives 9 hours to El Paso to expressly shoot latino’s at a WalMart?

Well.... I’m sure you can see the optics and how people can “infer” Trump and his base being racist.


Y’all maga meatheads might want to brace yourselves for the campaign to come. I’m sure y’all are not going to like it.

NO sir.

Not one bit.

Just as you’re not going to like the optics of this.



Racism isn't hating whitey?? DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where did I say I hated “whitey” Greg?

Not reaching up Rushs ass again to grab another assumption are you? :SMILEW~130:
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

You're a whitey so you're at the BOTTOM of the DemoKKKrat food chain. lmao

The MAGNIFICENT President Trump appeals to AMERICANS; no one is exempt unless they refuse the price of admission; loving America.

Easy Joe; just renounce hating America!!!


Well hey there Greg. I was expecting you in the MAGA GREAT forum but glad you’re here. BTW, has any of those other racist Maga dipshits shown up in that forum yet?

Btw, where have I ever said I hated America? Or is that something you and the other racist Maga dipshits post when your racist bullshit is being exposed and you have nothing to counter it with.

Just reach up ole Rush’s ass and feel around for something, anything..... to post.

Just saying Greg. Jussssssst saying.


So another idiot that doesn’t know what a racist is!

Did you racist mega meatheads expect liberals to shy away calling your president and y’all a racist when you created this forum?

Weren’t expecting me were you.


Message board loser eh?

Who’s hiding from whom Popeye. Stick your dick back in your pants, popping off and taking a shot at me only tells me you are bereft of any idea as to how to respond to my showing y’all what MAGA racist stupid shits y’all are.

what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

You're a whitey so you're at the BOTTOM of the DemoKKKrat food chain. lmao

The MAGNIFICENT President Trump appeals to AMERICANS; no one is exempt unless they refuse the price of admission; loving America.

Easy Joe; just renounce hating America!!!


Well hey there Greg. I was expecting you in the MAGA GREAT forum but glad you’re here. BTW, has any of those other racist Maga dipshits shown up in that forum yet?

Btw, where have I ever said I hated America? Or is that something you and the other racist Maga dipshits post when your racist bullshit is being exposed and you have nothing to counter it with.

Just reach up ole Rush’s ass and feel around for something, anything..... to post.

Just saying Greg. Jussssssst saying.


So another idiot that doesn’t know what a racist is!
He wouldn't know, yet he looks into a mirror and sees one every time...sad how low humans can sink
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

You're a whitey so you're at the BOTTOM of the DemoKKKrat food chain. lmao

The MAGNIFICENT President Trump appeals to AMERICANS; no one is exempt unless they refuse the price of admission; loving America.

Easy Joe; just renounce hating America!!!


Well hey there Greg. I was expecting you in the MAGA GREAT forum but glad you’re here. BTW, has any of those other racist Maga dipshits shown up in that forum yet?

Btw, where have I ever said I hated America? Or is that something you and the other racist Maga dipshits post when your racist bullshit is being exposed and you have nothing to counter it with.

Just reach up ole Rush’s ass and feel around for something, anything..... to post.

Just saying Greg. Jussssssst saying.


So another idiot that doesn’t know what a racist is!

Now who posted the video of that racist shithead you call a president. You really going to argue semantics like MaryL tried?


what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

You're a whitey so you're at the BOTTOM of the DemoKKKrat food chain. lmao

The MAGNIFICENT President Trump appeals to AMERICANS; no one is exempt unless they refuse the price of admission; loving America.

Easy Joe; just renounce hating America!!!


Well hey there Greg. I was expecting you in the MAGA GREAT forum but glad you’re here. BTW, has any of those other racist Maga dipshits shown up in that forum yet?

Btw, where have I ever said I hated America? Or is that something you and the other racist Maga dipshits post when your racist bullshit is being exposed and you have nothing to counter it with.

Just reach up ole Rush’s ass and feel around for something, anything..... to post.

Just saying Greg. Jussssssst saying.


So another idiot that doesn’t know what a racist is!
He wouldn't know, yet he looks into a mirror and sees one every time...sad how low humans can sink

Oh Lincoln. Just stop jerking Popeye off. You two aren’t helping each other. Might feel good...... but it’s just sugar sprinkled on a Trump turd that’s giving you a sugar high.

I was being sarcastic, kid.

You were trying to sound snarky and a witty and you failed at both. :)

This reminds me of a Rorschach test. You want to see what you want, that's your take away. Trump isn't a racist, that's my take away. Sorry.

It’s called cognitive bias.

Cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. Individuals create their own "subjective social reality" from their perception of the input. An individual's construction of social reality, not the objective input, may dictate their behaviour in the social world.

Cognitive bias - Wikipedia

Specifically. Not Generalizations What? That isn't Liberal bias?
I fear liberals, way more than anything else. Because I fear reprisals from them .I fear retribution from so called democratic liberals like they were brown shirt fascists. They tell you what to think, they dictate everything and anything. Liberalism is doing that. This isn't America anymore.
I fear liberals, way more than anything else. Because I fear reprisals from them .I fear retribution from so called democratic liberals like they were brown shirt fascists. They tell you what to think, they dictate everything and anything. Liberalism is doing that. This isn't America anymore.
classical liberalism is based on liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before the law.

Current US liberalism combines ideas of civil liberty and equality with support for social justice and a mixed economy.
oh,the white wash crew hard at work,eh?

why do you live in the past? ah, drive your fucking agenda...who ENDED slavery? white rich men...who ended segregation? white rich men...

you INTRODUCED segregation? right..the looney left and Black lives matter...who fights for racism? antifa

as for your Japanes example...well, what you of course neglect to mention is, that Imperial Japan could rely on several japanese spies on Hawai and could have relied on many more on the West coast and how to find out who is and who is not?

Sorry,Asian people are very racist (to this day) and segregationist and their loyalty had to be questioned....ever wondered, why to this fucking day, you have destinctive China towns in every major city? Ever wondered why we have Chinese economic and mafia connections between Canadian third or more gen Chinese and mainland China?

but you don't ask a lot of questions,eh?

typical leftist
Slavery ended in 1865.
Segregation ended in 1954.
Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013.
Slavery existed long before our country started.

of course slavery and segregation had to be ended by whites, because only whites had power during those times.

"Black lives matter didnt exist until 2013."

do you even follow current events or reality? or is that a leftist thing to just live in a bubble?

WHO is callin on colleges for "black safe spaces" or " days of absence for white people"? is that not calling for segregation...funny thing is,that equality was achieved a long time the left is pushing for SUPREMACY and that includes of course racism and sexism.

troubling that you don't see the problem with that...but than again...look at the looney left....sad for humans to sink that low
The left has always been kkk
No, the Ku Klux Klan Has Never, Ever Been a 'Leftist' Organization
Throughout its history, the Klan has been a conservative, not revolutionary, organization. As a vigilante, it has sought to uphold "law and order," white dominance, and traditional morality. To do this it has threatened, flogged, mutilated, and on occasion, murdered. The main purpose of the Klansmen, Kligrapps, Kludds, and Night Hawks, Cyclopses, Titans, Dragons, and Wizards assembled in their Dens, Klaverns, and Klonvokations, rallying in rented cow pastures, and marching in solemn procession through city streets, has been to defend and restore what they conceived as traditional social values. The Klan has basically been a revitalization movement when the members of the Klan were Democrats, as in the 1920s, as well as in the '40s when they called themselves "Dixiecrats," they were conservative Democrats. And ever after the Southern Strategy-fueled party switch of the 1960s and '70s, those conservatives have now become uniformly Republican..
-- the current KKK -- features a mostly diffuse Klan organization, comprised of 30 or so individual groups that favor their own versions of Klan ideology. While the levels of violence emanating from these groups is relatively low-level (the groups are mostly content to hold annual barbecues in which they inevitably complain about minorities and liberals, and then wrap it all up by lighting a cross, these groups attract and harbor violent personalities who frequently act out their beliefs violently, sometimes as "lone wolves."
You should go learn you some history
You should go learn you some English composition.

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