Is Trump a racist?


Just read Lincoln and Straights posts.

They’re not bothered one bit being singled out as MAGASHIT racist.

No sir.

Not one bit.



we're not bothered to be called a racist by a racist clown like, just fuck off cause you're hollow and empty and the only thing living in you is the burning hate for your own country

You truly are a disgusting person...
lincoln some of you are fine people
the R word means nothing now
we laugh when you people use it

No you don’t. It’s sticking in your craw as I type this. Y’all cannot stand being exposed as racist.

Ask me why.


I can say it also--RACIST

Trying to punch above your weight is getting you nowhere.

Stick to blah blah blah maga meathead.
not racist--sorry
That's what these left loons don't (want to) understand: we are for equality and fairness, while they push supremacy and special privileges...they just really lay off the drugs and join us in reality

Just read Lincoln and Straights posts.

They’re not bothered one bit being singled out as MAGASHIT racist.

No sir.

Not one bit.



we're not bothered to be called a racist by a racist clown like, just fuck off cause you're hollow and empty and the only thing living in you is the burning hate for your own country

You truly are a disgusting person...
lincoln some of you are fine people
I'll tell you something: I used to be a left to be precise...when the left actually made sense.
It's the right now, which is the only side who holds sanity and further, I am in the front seat of what leftist policies are capable of doing to a country/continent.

Sorry, whoever doesn't resist the lefts insanity sells out his country,people,kids and future
Super Predators !!!!!!!!!!!!lolol
Bosnia sniper fire
Lied to the FBI st least 8 times
Destroyed lap tops and cell phones with a hammer after they were subpoenaed
Toldf the FBI 39 times on interview that the world's smartest woman didn't remember
Bimbo eruption lies
Private email server
Pay for Play Cunton Crime Family Foundational
Russian uranium deal
Need more?
I might need more. After watching those other rich elitist schmucks like say, Biden lecturing at Asians like its 1963 and nobody ever heard of civil rights before? I bring that up because the democrats are using race like bad investor uses a hedge fund. How much mileage can you get out of race before people realize that itself IS racist? Those pedantic condescending ideologues don't care about anything, just getting elected for the next term.
we are for equality and fairness,


that's what stupid people do, when they don't understand things...boy, you are really into meth and that kinda stuff, aren't ya

Lincoln Let me try to explain All or almost all Democrats are for LEGAL immigration All or almost all are for putting an end to China cheating us ,,,The devil is in the details You can't have a lying bully with no plans for the future lead the way That's why we must rid ourselves of this con man you but in charge
Actually, we are goanna need more. Trump never referred to any specific racial group in a directly pejorative manor. No instead, it's by inference. Not proven. Nice try.
I'll tell you something......

Lincoln.... your postings told me all I need to know about you.


tell me: since you hate America so much, why don't you just leave?
we are for equality and fairness,


that's what stupid people do, when they don't understand things...boy, you are really into meth and that kinda stuff, aren't ya

Lincoln Let me try to explain All or almost all Democrats are for LEGAL immigration All or almost all are for putting an end to China cheating us ,,,The devil is in the details You can't have a lying bully with no plans for the future lead the way That's why we must rid ourselves of this con man you but in charge

That is unfortunately not true now, is it?
you have maybe not the vast majority but a very large part of leftist calling and supporting open mand democrat candidates lifted their hands to give healthcare to illegals?

further: there was NO push by ANY democrat to go after China...more the opposite.President Trump has exactly done,what needed to be done and he needs to be supported, cause it is the right thing to do...bullying? seriously? what do you think, global politics look like? how come China bullies whoever it sees it can? getting stronger every year with all those US$ they took in from the US...
Europe...the place where I live btw is a perfect example of a failed leftist wonderland...that's why we have more and more populists come into power, cause the only alternative to them is OBLIVION...THAT is what leftist policies look like...they are in bed with globalist elitists ...look at Macron, little Jupiter....he sells his own people out..Merkel is just the same

wake up and realize that you have a great president...he might has some flaws, but he certainly does what is absolute necessary to safe your country and be very thankful for that!
I'll tell you something......

Lincoln.... your postings told me all I need to know about you.


tell me: since you hate America so much, why don't you just leave?
we have no hate for america ,,,,just for the ah who is leading us down the dead end street ,,,and those too blind to see the chaos he causes
you HATE America !!!!!!!! don't bullshit us
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
I'll tell you something......

Lincoln.... your postings told me all I need to know about you.


tell me: since you hate America so much, why don't you just leave?
we have no hate for america ,,,,just for the ah who is leading us down the dead end street ,,,and those too blind to see the chaos he causes
but you said Trump is bad for being a hater--yet you hate ............???!!!!!

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