Is Trump a racist?

dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all

Oh blow it out your ass.

Y’all magadipshits just don’t want us to keep exposing Trump and his base the racist they are to the American people... not that they need our help.

Kind of hard to stop pointing out Trumps and his base racism with all the MAGA KLAN rallies on Youtube.
there's a problem: it hasn't been proved Trump is a racist

It’s not a problem for us..... it’s a problem for you.
No problem here. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.
that fucking little pussy blocked me! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...typical leftist snowflake....just tell him the truth..he can't handle that and will block you as well....than he can sit in mummy's basement and cuddle with his blanky!
dems need to look in the mirror to see racism

This was about economics and security and pride as a nation

stop trying to make everything about race and hate, shame on you all
You have to consider who you're talking about.
You really want to get into our economy ?? How many are going broke thanks to tariffs ,price wars that NOBODY wins? How many more billions will trump throw away for our farmers who these tariffs hurt badly?
Oh dear,a leftist tries to comment on something he doesn't understand...laughable

So,how come prices have not gone up? how come China has manipulated (as usual) it's currency in order to offset the cost of the tariffs.
Hmm...according to you, it's better if your jobs get shipped to China, a communist dictatorship, so you can buy cheap shit at Walmart...interesting...sounds like a winning plan right there..oh wait! it is not and has brought the US economic decline just as it has to Europe...oh,as the leftist that you are, you just like desperate people in bread lines, eh?

What's disgusting is the smell of recession all around you and you're holding your nose
We been hearing that for almost 3 years now. Quit proving yourself an idiot.
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?


Liberals, the biggest hate group.
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?


It is fairly obvious that liberals don't care for the USA. They may say they are non-racists, but in reality, they exhibit quite a bit of hatred for white Americans.

It’s fairly obvious to who?

I’m white.

That we’re marching and exposing you “white Americans” racism is whats putting a bug up y’alls ass.


what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

View attachment 273946
Liberals, the biggest hate group.

It’s not liberals expressing their hatred of your racist president that bothers you.

It’s liberals EXPOSING your racist president and his maga racist meatheads thats got you pissing and whining like a little maga bitch.

Ask me why. :)
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?


It is fairly obvious that liberals don't care for the USA. They may say they are non-racists, but in reality, they exhibit quite a bit of hatred for white Americans.

It’s fairly obvious to who?

I’m white.

That we’re marching and exposing you “white Americans” racism is whats putting a bug up y’alls ass.


you are just a little cuck...just like the gays here in Britain, proclaiming their support for the muslim community...until they get thrown of roof tops...

The problem with you little shisters is, that you are so gullible and stupid...just like the Hitler youth, you follow the bsatrds into the respect at all for people like you.

And sorry if I am not shocked or something: low IQ retards like you run around here a dime a dozend...the UK is cuckistan central, so I am used to your ilk
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?


It is fairly obvious that liberals don't care for the USA. They may say they are non-racists, but in reality, they exhibit quite a bit of hatred for white Americans.

It’s fairly obvious to who?

I’m white.

That we’re marching and exposing you “white Americans” racism is whats putting a bug up y’alls ass.


Oh I get it you're a black racist, and you think that's okay. Lol
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?

View attachment 273946
Liberals, the biggest hate group.

It’s not liberals expressing their hatred of your racist president that bothers you.

It’s liberals EXPOSING your racist president and his maga racist meatheads thats got you pissing and whining like a little maga bitch.

Ask me why. :)
That's all you got, the racism card. Well some of the MAGA people voted for a black presiden. Please educate yourself, you proving you're an idiot. Without a doubt.

Just read Lincoln and Straights posts.

They’re not bothered one bit being singled out as MAGASHIT racist.

No sir.

Not one bit.


what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?


It is fairly obvious that liberals don't care for the USA. They may say they are non-racists, but in reality, they exhibit quite a bit of hatred for white Americans.

What's to hate?

Trump is knee deep in this shit...

About this website


Unsealed documents detail alleged Epstein victim’s recruitment at Mar-a-Lago

Just read Lincoln and Straights posts.

They’re not bothered one bit being singled out as MAGASHIT racist.

No sir.

Not one bit.



we're not bothered to be called a racist by a racist clown like, just fuck off cause you're hollow and empty and the only thing living in you is the burning hate for your own country

You truly are a disgusting person...
what's disgusting is the racism and hate for America displayed by the left...

Racism and hate.....for America?

Got video’s?


It is fairly obvious that liberals don't care for the USA. They may say they are non-racists, but in reality, they exhibit quite a bit of hatred for white Americans.

What's to hate?

Trump is knee deep in this shit...

About this website


Unsealed documents detail alleged Epstein victim’s recruitment at Mar-a-Lago
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....politico? the left loon fake news? sure..very "credible" how come wild Bill Clinton, the mass rapist, went on Epstein's flights to rape island 26 times?

you leftists are the bottom of the barrel..simple as and all you can is to lie and even than, you're not winning...the mouth foaming rabid left has run it's course...go, move to Venezuela

Just read Lincoln and Straights posts.

They’re not bothered one bit being singled out as MAGASHIT racist.

No sir.

Not one bit.



we're not bothered to be called a racist by a racist clown like, just fuck off cause you're hollow and empty and the only thing living in you is the burning hate for your own country

You truly are a disgusting person...

Sure. Not bothered not one tiny bit.

the R word means nothing now
we laugh when you people use it

No you don’t. It’s sticking in your craw as I type this. Y’all cannot stand being exposed as racist.

Ask me why.


I can say it also--RACIST

Trying to punch above your weight is getting you nowhere.

Stick to blah blah blah maga meathead.
not racist--sorry
Trump a white supremacist You sit at his table you get all of the greatest con mans buffet
As a senator recently said "years from now when trump is just a painful memory the republican scum will say they never liked him
/——/ As a Senator said???? Like we’re supposed to be impressed? US Senator, State Senator?? No name ??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

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