Is Trump announcing the launch of a third party tomorrow? The Patriot Party?

Again, what republicans call 'authoritarianism' is private citizens choosing not to associate with conservatives, not to buy from them, not to host their perspectives.

Freedom of association is as American as it gets.

While republicans are trying to use to use the power of the State to punish those that disagree with them.
You're describing the Democrats.
Again, what republicans call 'authoritarianism' is private citizens choosing not to associate with conservatives, not to buy from them, not to host their perspectives.

Freedom of association is as American as it gets.

While republicans are trying to use to use the power of the State to punish those that disagree with them.
When trump started talking about how hydroxyquiqiune needed to be distributed worldwide,fauci git so angry he charged trump and knocked him from the podium overlapping him sense he did not want the truth being told we did not need vaccines.these Biden loving trolls can’t own up to it we did not need the vaccines,or lockdowns or masks thst ivermectim and hydroxychroquine were cures.
Scott Atlas was the only MD on Trump’s Covid team that actually treated patients and he was recommending therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine. Birx and Fauci are nothing but bureaucrats and they pushed him out.
Goddammit, you guys will never admit to the fact that Trump is only looking out for himself. The only thing that he ever wants is what can get him more money, power (which is money ),or keep his name in the news. He willkeep scamming til the day he dies. There are two reasons he keeps teasing a presidential run. Number one is to scam more money and number two is he thinks it will keep him from being indicted. It's the classic con game that can never stop because then the whole house of cards comes crashing down.
Goddammit, you guys will never admit to the fact that Trump is only looking out for himself. The only thing that he ever wants is what can get him more money, power (which is money ),or keep his name in the news. He willkeep scamming til the day he dies. There are two reasons he keeps teasing a presidential run. Number one is to scam more money and number two is he thinks it will keep him from being indicted. It's the classic con game that can never stop because then the whole house of cards comes crashing down.
Everyone I know did great under Trump.
Face it, the letter R triggers you.
Goddammit, you guys will never admit to the fact that Trump is only looking out for himself. The only thing that he ever wants is what can get him more money, power (which is money ),or keep his name in the news. He willkeep scamming til the day he dies. There are two reasons he keeps teasing a presidential run. Number one is to scam more money and number two is he thinks it will keep him from being indicted. It's the classic con game that can never stop because then the whole house of cards comes crashing down.
And you'll never realize your a goddamn idiot
I’m have no idea what any of this means.


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