Is Trump announcing the launch of a third party tomorrow? The Patriot Party?

Goddammit, you guys will never admit to the fact that Trump is only looking out for himself. The only thing that he ever wants is what can get him more money, power (which is money ),or keep his name in the news. He willkeep scamming til the day he dies. There are two reasons he keeps teasing a presidential run. Number one is to scam more money and number two is he thinks it will keep him from being indicted. It's the classic con game that can never stop because then the whole house of cards comes crashing down.
Yep he is so much looking out for himself thst is why both both corrupt parties hate him and why he is the first potus sense carter to keep us out of wars and brought back more jobs than any administration in sixty years and did not take a salary giving it to t veterans cause he is looking out fir is a napkin to wipe the shit off your face in embarrassment. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl:
They don't have to be great. They just need to be better than the dogshit candidates that Trump backed.

He bears some responsibility for the outcome of the midterms, as the GOP could have done better in their candidate selection if not for Trump's priority of loyalty and fealty over eligibility or competence.

I bet they would have a comfortable lead in the house and would have taken the senate. That is not 'some' responsibility, he takes a lions share of it in all honesty. And I am not even considering the fact he drained, at a bare minimum, 100 million from reelection efforts. It is really quite funny.
There will be no announcement by Trump regarding a third party. Trump will run in the GOP primary in 2024.

Should Trump not be the GOP nominee, there is a chance he would run as an independent.
Who was murdered during the Floyd riots, other than some protesters killed by the police? Name them.

How come you don't shed any tears for the dead Floyd protesters like you do for the terrorist Ashil Babbitt?

I guess the Right is "so enamored of themselves they forget their own hypocrisy."

Police violence incidents during the George Floyd protests

of squad cars was filmed indiscriminately spraying a chemical agent out the window onto bicyclists and people in a crosswalk.[15]
May 28, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaA reporter from the Des Moines Register was pepper sprayed by police.[16]
May 29, 2020Atlanta, GeorgiaAn officer was filmed using his bicycle to shove a black woman who was protesting.[17]
May 29, 2020Atlanta, GeorgiaAn officer was filmed body-slamming a woman near Lenox Square Mall. The woman later sued the city of Atlanta.[18]
May 29, 2020Columbus, OhioPolice fired a non-lethal projectile at a man, striking and shattering his knee.[19]
May 29, 2020Columbus, OhioA woman was hit by a police horse. The city of Columbus later agreed to pay $5.75 million to injured protesters.[20]
May 29, 2020Columbus, OhioPolice pepper-sprayed and shoved a reverend.[20]
May 29, 2020Columbus, OhioPolice fired a wooden bullet at a woman near a protest, striking her in the chin.[20]
May 29, 2020Dallas, TexasA CBS news crew was caught in tear gas.[21]
May 29, 2020Denver, ColoradoKMGH-TV news crew reported police targeting them with paintballs and tear gas. Their photographer was shot four times and their camera was destroyed.[22]
May 29, 2020Denver, ColoradoPolice fired a sponge-tipped projectile at a protester, hitting her eye.[23]
May 29, 2020Denver, ColoradoPolice shot tear gas at a couple in a vehicle waiting at a traffic stop in Denver. When the man came out of the vehicle to confront the officers because his pregnant wife was in the vehicle, the officers ordered him to move along. He refused and the officers opened fire on him and the vehicle with pepper balls.[24]
May 29, 2020Las Vegas, Nevada80 people were arrested as police clashed with protesters on the Vegas strip, including two journalists. Charges against the two journalists were later dropped.[25][26]
May 29, 2020Las Vegas, NevadaOfficers were filmed rushing and tackling a protester. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said the man was an agitator.[27]
May 29, 2020Louisville, KentuckyA Louisville Metro Police Department officer was filmed firing pepper balls directly at a WAVE 3 News crew, hitting correspondent Kaitlin Rust and photojournalist James Dobson.[28][22]
May 29, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaCNN journalist Omar Jimenez and his three-person news crew were arrested by a group of Minnesota state police officers while reporting live on protests in response to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[29] According to Jimenez, he was arrested for failing to move back from the position where they were reporting after being ordered to, despite their media credentials being visible and valid, and their agreeing to move where directed.[30][31]
May 29, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaSwedish Expressen correspondent Nina Svanberg was shot with a rubber bullet and VG photojournalist Thomas Nilsson had a red laser sight trained on him.[32][33]
May 29, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaJournalist and author Linda Tirado was permanently blinded in one eye after police shot her with a non-lethal projectile.[34]
May 29, 2020New York City, New YorkNew York City Police Department officer Vincent D'Andraia shoved a woman, Dounya Zayer, to the ground at a protest in Brooklyn.[35] The officer was recorded throwing down the protester with both hands while allegedly calling her a "stupid fucking bitch"; the protester was hospitalized after the assault and said she suffered a seizure.[36] On June 9, the officer was charged with assault, criminal mischief, harassment and menacing.[37]
May 29, 2020New York City, New YorkAs police cars drove past protesters, an officer opened his passenger door, causing it to hit a protester. The suspected perpetrator received modified duty.[38]
May 29, 2020New York City, New YorkOutside Barclays Center, police were filmed repeatedly striking protesters with clubs after they had fallen on the concrete.[39]
May 29, 2020Omaha, NebraskaA man was shot in the eye with a pepper ball. A different person was shot by pepper balls in the groin, although it is not known exactly what date this occurred.[40][41]
May 29, 2020Omaha, NebraskaPolice fired tear gas at a line of protesters sitting in the street.[42]
May 29, 2020Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaAn officer threw a pepper spray container at a man.[43]
May 29, 2020San Jose, CaliforniaSan Jose Police Department officer Jared Yuen drew national attention on social media due to videos of his behaviour. Yuen was videoed holding a projectile launcher, telling a protester "Shut up, bitch", then within seconds he leaned around another officer to fire a projectile at close range, which caused a fight. In other videos, Yuen is filmed saying: "Let's get this motherfucker", or seen "smirking, licking his lips and rocking back and forth, looking a little too excited to be facing off with protesters", reported San Jose Inside. The videos were viewed over 10 million times, and thousands called for Yuen's firing. SJPD chief Eddie Garcia reacted that Yuen "let his emotions get the best of him, and it's not right", but he also called Yuen a "kid" and "good cop", "who has put his life on the line for the city multiple times." As a result, Yuen was removed from protest duties.[44][45][46]
May 29, 2020San Jose, CaliforniaA bias trainer was shot in the groin by riot guns.[47]
May 29, 2020San Jose, CaliforniaA former San Jose Planning Commissioner was pushed to the ground and repeatedly shot with impact munitions by police.[48]
May 30, 2020Albany, New YorkPolice used tear gas after a protest turned violent. Tear gas spread into a nearby home, causing a resident who inhaled some of it to suffer lingering health effects.[49]
May 30, 2020Atlanta, GeorgiaOfficers from the Atlanta Police Department pulled two black students from their car, broke a car window, and used tasers to shock them. This came after officers arrested a classmate of theirs whom they wanted to pick up; an officer ordered the students to continue driving, which they complied with. One officer claimed that one of the students possessed a gun, but no gun was found. One of the students stated that he was punched over 10 times in the back after being arrested. Within days, six officers were charged as a result of the incident; two were fired and four were put on administrative leave. The Fulton County District Attorney, Paul Howard, stated that the two college students were "innocent almost to the point of being naive".[50][51][52]
May 30, 2020Austin, Texas16-year-old Levi Ayala suffered brain damage after being shot in the head with a less-lethal round by Austin police officer Nicholas Gebhart.[53][54][55] Gebhart and several other officers were later indicted for shooting protesters with non-lethal projectiles.[56]
May 30, 2020Austin, TexasA deaf man was hit by less-lethal projectiles in the ear and crotch.[57]
May 30, 2020Chicago, IllinoisJournalist Jonathan Ballew was broadcasting the protest when he was allegedly assaulted with a chemical agent.[58]
May 30, 2020Chicago, IllinoisPolice attacked actor John Cusack, who was filming the protest.[59]
May 30, 2020Cincinnati, OhioAn officer shoved a man from behind with a shield.[60]
May 30, 2020Cincinnati, OhioA singular protester standing with his hands raised was tear gassed.[60]
May 30, 2020Cincinnati, OhioPolice fired pepper balls at a group of 20 people without warning.[60]
May 30, 2020Cleveland, OhioA man lost sight in one eye after being hit with a beanbag round.[61]
May 30, 2020Cleveland, OhioA sheriff's deputy fired beanbag round at a man passing out water, hitting him in the back of the head. The same deputy fired a beanbag that blinded a different man on the same date. The man hit with the beanbag round later filed a lawsuit.[62]
May 30, 2020Columbus, OhioColumbus Police were filmed pepper spraying Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Commissioner Kevin Boyce, and Council President Shannon Hardin during a demonstration near the Ohio Statehouse.[63][64]
May 30, 2020Columbus, Ohio22-year-old Sarah Grossman was pepper-sprayed at a demonstration and later died in the hospital from what was determined to be natural causes.[65] An autopsy determined that Sarah Grossman died of coronary artery dissection due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.[66]
May 30, 2020Dallas, TexasJournalist Kevin Krause photographed a woman who said she had been walking home with groceries when she was struck in the forehead by a police projectile.[67]
May 30, 2020Dallas, TexasBrandon Saenz, a 26-year-old black man, was at a protest outside City Hall when he was shot in the face with a non-lethal projectile by police. The projectile shattered the victim's left eye.[68] In 2022 two of the officers who fired projectiles were indicted on multiple counts.[69]
May 30, 2020Dayton, OhioPolice fired tear gas and beanbags at protesters. Protesters stated police fired at them without warning, while Dayton's police chief said projectiles were fired in response to water bottles and rocks being thrown.[70]
May 30, 2020Denver, ColoradoPolice shot a protester with a pepperball round, allegedly without provocation, as he filmed them.[71]
May 30, 2020Denver, ColoradoA non-protester was blinded in one eye after being struck by a police projectile. The victim was walking to his car when he was reportedly shot in the eye, drive-by style, by police.[72]
May 30, 2020Detroit, MichiganAs a crowd walked away from police, one individual was assaulted by police, physically and verbally. The protester was tackled by a second officer and sprayed by a third.[73]
May 30, 2020Detroit, MichiganPolice pepper sprayed several reporters.[74]
May 30, 2020Erie, PennsylvaniaA seated 21-year old protester was filmed being kicked to the ground by an officer.[75]
May 30, 2020Fort Wayne, IndianaA protester was shot in one eye and blinded by police.[76]
May 30, 2020Fort Wayne, IndianaA three-year-old girl was reported to have been intentionally gassed by police. According to the mother, who was not a protester, the officer "dead-looked at my daughter and threw the canister in front of her and it exploded up into her face."[77]
May 30, 2020Grand Rapids, MichiganOne officer pepper sprayed a protester and seconds later another fired a tear gas canister into his upper body, hitting him in the shoulder.[78][79][80]
May 30, 2020Harrisburg, PennsylvaniaAs people tried to help a fallen protester, they were pepper-sprayed.[81]
May 30, 2020Kansas City, MissouriSeveral officers pepper sprayed a man who was yelling at them from the side of the street. Kansas City Police Chief Rick Smith defended the actions.[82]
May 30, 2020Kansas City, MissouriA man was blinded in one eye after being hit by a police projectile. He later sued the city of Kansas City.[83]
May 30, 2020Kansas City, MissouriAn officer was photographed pepper spraying a man holding a sign above his head.[84]
May 30, 2020La Mesa, CaliforniaA protestor was shot by police with a "less-lethal" bean bag round between her eyes.[85]
May 30, 2020La Mesa, CaliforniaA woman walking near a protest in front of La Mesa's police station was shot in the face by a police projectile.[86]
May 30, 2020La Mesa, CaliforniaA teenager driving his car near the La Mesa Police station was shot in the head by non-lethal projectiles.[87]
May 30, 2020Las Vegas, NevadaA videographer sued the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, alleging officers smacked his phone out of his hands and dragged him out of his car.[88]
May 30, 2020Lawrenceville, GeorgiaA Gwinnett County Police officer punched a protester lying on the ground.[89]
May 30, 2020Los Angeles, CaliforniaTwo protesters standing in a deserted street were shot by police rubber bullets.[90]
May 30, 2020Los Angeles, CaliforniaAn officer shoved a reporter from behind, causing her to trip and hit her head on a fire hydrant.[91]
May 30, 2020Los Angeles, CaliforniaPolice struck protesters with batons.[92]
May 30, 2020Los Angeles, CaliforniaA protester was struck in the face by a rubber bullet.[93]
May 30, 2020Louisville, KentuckyA protester was shot in the back of the head by non-lethal projectiles. The man later filed a lawsuit against Louisville Police and State Police.[94]
May 30, 2020Manassas, VirginiaVirginia Delegate Lee Carter was hit by flash-bangs three times, twice while walking away.[95]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaA group of 20 Minneapolis police were filmed marching down a residential street, ordering people on their front porches to go inside. After a few demands, one of the officers shouted "light 'em up!" and marker rounds were shot at them.[96]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaPolice forced a reporter to the ground and pepper-sprayed him.[97]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaVeteran news photographer Tom Aviles was shot with a rubber-bullet and arrested.[98]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaPolice targeted a CBS news crew and strike a member with non-lethal projectiles.[99]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaOn May 30 and 31, Minnesota law enforcement slashed the tires of unoccupied vehicles parked near protests. Video of the incidents showed indiscriminate slashing of every vehicle in a Kmart parking lot. Several journalists were affected by the event. The Minnesota State Patrol and the Anoka County Sheriff's Department admitted on June 8 to slashing tires. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety, which oversees the State Patrol stated that tires were slashed in "a few locations", "in order to stop behaviors such as vehicles driving dangerously". The Department further stated that some targeted vehicles contained potentially harmful items, to which Snopes commented that there appeared to be a logical "disconnect behind the idea of cutting tires when threatening objects were allegedly located inside" the vehicle.[100][101]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaPolice fired rubber bullets at a Swiss team of reporters.[102]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaPolice fired rubber bullets at a Reuters news crew.[103]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaPolice hit a journalist in the shin with a rubber bullet.[97]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaAn officer maced a photojournalist in the face.[104]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaPolice in an unmarked vehicle encountered 27-year-old Jaleel Stallings and several others guarding a gas station from looting in defiance of the curfew warning. Police fired rubber bullets at the group without warning or announcing themselves as police. Stallings returned fire with actual bullets, but surrendered when police identified themselves. Police beat Stallings for roughly 30 seconds after he surrendered. Stallings was charged with multiple charges including attempted murder but was acquitted in July 2021.[105][106]
May 30, 2020Minneapolis, MinnesotaOfficers from the Saint Paul Police Department used tear gas and less lethal projectiles to prevent a crowd of protesters from crossing the Lake Street-Marshall Bridge from Minneapolis to Saint Paul.[107]
We can start with this guy:

I bet they would have a comfortable lead in the house and would have taken the senate. That is not 'some' responsibility, he takes a lions share of it in all honesty. And I am not even considering the fact he drained, at a bare minimum, 100 million from reelection efforts. It is really quite funny.
The Republicans who oppose Trump are leftist lite anti America pieces of shit. America deserves the destruction democrats will bring on this country.
And they expect us to trust them that they won't strip gays of the right to marry, or women the right to contraception, or won't criminalize homosexuality.

We know they can....because they have. With Thomas coming out and declaring that all the rulings that established these rights should now be reevaluated. The conservative supreme court is poised for a *massive* roll backs of rights and personal liberties in favor of the power of the State.

Stripping people of their rights and turning those rights into crimes is *absolutely* the GOP agenda.

Worse, they're openly supporting a snitch state where bounties are offered to encourage people to turn in their friends and family, their teachers and co-workers.

The conservative vision for the future is quite awful.
You have proof of all of that somewhere, right? Let’s see it.
Who was murdered during the Floyd riots, other than some protesters killed by the police? Name them.

How come you don't shed any tears for the dead Floyd protesters like you do for the terrorist Ashil Babbitt?

I guess the Right is "so enamored of themselves they forget their own hypocrisy."
You jungle savages were slaughtering your own….you know no boundaries.
Would it surprise anyone if he did? Given the level of corruption within the duopoly would this set-up perfectly for fence-sitting independents and the like?
It wouldn't surprise me. And do you know why? It's because Trump's primary business over decades was as a salesman. What he primarily did was to sell HIMSELF as a winner in the eyes of the public. What makes that image so amazing is the fact that, in reality, he was constantly and consistently losing despite the fact that he inherited hundreds of millions of dollars from his father. That's like starting off on third base in a baseball game. That would make every "dying quail" looper barely hit over 2nd base into short center field a home run. It should make everyone ask how can this man keep failing over and over again with so many advantages over others.

Look at it:

Trump's Taj Mahall Casinos went bankrupt, in part because they were too big to support the available customer base. It would be like opening up a 400 seat restaurant in a small town instead of a diner. Simply put, it was poor planning combined with his massive ego.

Trump Steaks failed.
The Trump Shuttle failed.
Trump Vodka failed.
Trump University failed, was sued, and shut down for fraud.

The Trump Foundation was shut down for fraud, as well, and the family members were barred from serving on other charitable boards. What happened? Trump collected money from others, and he spent much of the money on personal purchases and legal fines.

The Trump Organization is being sued by the state of NY for financial fraud.

Trump is a man who doesn't give a damn about the law, or ethics, or morality. He thinks that's for suckers. Perhaps if he'd been held to account decades ago, he might have realized that financial crimes leave a paper trail that can come back to bite him years later and actually cost him far more than his ill-gotten gains could bring him. But if there were any voices of reason trying to get Trump to chart an honest course in order to avoid future legal problems, they were ignored.

So, Trump enters politics with no experience, a ton of hubris, and a penchant and an inclination to be divisive like no one before him, and what happened?

He lost the popular vote in 2016.
He lost the House in 2018.
He lost the WH and the Senate in 2020.
And he supported candidates in 2022 who lost the Senate when historical trends showed Republicans should have won. Even the House majority looks to be far slimmer than it otherwise would have been.

And now he's going to announce another run for president in 2024? Why? Because Trump is all about Trump. He doesn't give a tinker's damn about the GOP. Hell, he held back campaign contributions from the candidates he SAID he supported which actually could have helped them win.

And if there's one thing I would bet money on, it's that Trump doesn't give a damn about his own supporters. Do you really think he cares about poor and middleclass Whites who live in rural America? That's a laugh.

Here's what Trump has cared about all his life:

1. Very wealthy city dwellers who are sophisticated and influential.
2. Celebrities of all stripes.
3. Beautiful women and even young girls which is why he owned or co-owned three beauty pageants and took a very active role in running them: Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe.
4. Any NY Page 6 press that could spread his exaggerations about his wealth and influence.

Trump is a man who is so selfish, and so shallow, and so self-absorbed that any thinking person should understand that he would never spend any time thinking about anyone else unless it was thinking about how those other people could help him get what he wants. A good example of that is Mike Pence. Trump said Mike Pence was like someone out of central casting (a repeated refrain), and Pence helped him with Evangelicals in 2016. Finally, Trump had hoped that Pence would help him steal the 2020 election in January 2021, and when Pence refused, Trump sicced a mob on the Capitol and texted the mob an anti-Pence text during the insurrection that inflamed the mob even further, thereby endangering Pence and his family.

And you think Trump cares about you? If you do, you're a fool, and that's exactly what Trump has counted on for years. He's counted on his pliable and malleable supporters to dance to the jig he plays at his rallies. I think Trump gets a real kick out of how easy it is to manipulate his supporters to willingly accept any line of BS he puts out there.

While all of this is not funny at all, it is enlightening in a way that is so striking as to cause awe. You might ask why. It's because there are so many fables and stories in the human lexicon going back centuries that seemed so preposterous as to be patently laughable. One is the story about the Pied Piper of Hamlin. But when we can see that allegorical story playing out right in front of our TV screens daily and nightly in modern times, it's humbling in such a way that all men and women should question their deeply held assumptions about what is true and what could be true.

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