Is Trump announcing the launch of a third party tomorrow? The Patriot Party?

Why are you BROKE?
I reside in Mexifornia and Mexicrats run Mexifornia….they like us broke and dependent. That makes us controllable and compliant…haven’t you seen us wearing face diapers while alone outdoors or in our cars?
I actually do polling, and everything relevant I've seen places it as a hard first after the economy.

But polling women on abortion is tricky; they're not super-candid about it.

If the Republicans had articulated an economic plan beyond "Biden is awful!" (which of course he is), that might have edged abortion out however.

But they failed on both fronts, and now they're scapegoating Trump.

Bigly stupid, as he holds their only key to the White House.
Just because he kept a back door key doesn’t mean the American people are ever going to give him the keys to the front again. Even people who agree with his politics are tired of his antics.
Would it surprise anyone if he did? Given the level of corruption within the duopoly would this set-up perfectly for fence-sitting independents and the like?
" Ship of Fools " would be a better name for a party that he starts.
" Ship of Fools " would be a better name for a party that he starts.
Don’t “FOOLS” vote for $5 fuel, for 8% inflation, for millions of beaners to fuck us over, for almost dead presidents and for 1/2 vegetables in Pennsylvania?
I'd be surprised if he did so this early in the process of Republicans fecklessly backstabbing/blaming him for their less than spectacular results last week.

But no matter what, the road to the White House is controlled by Trump.
The road to the Whitehouse is still controlled by Trump, agree!

But that is just the road.....the Whitehouse itself, will never, ever, be open to him again! (from my mouth to God's ears...amen!)
Would it surprise anyone if he did? Given the level of corruption within the duopoly would this set-up perfectly for fence-sitting independents and the like?

Nah, no need for a new third party after how warmly the Tea Party was received years ago. I think the GOP just needs a little tweak, and if I read tomorrow that six or so big brutes in black leather in dark sunglasses suddenly showed up in DC to work Mitch over with brass knuckles and steel-cored baseball bats, it would not be the absolute worst news I've heard this week! :smoke:
Doing so would hand the Democrats the White House and both chambers of congress in a nice little package.

He’d only draw voters away from Republican voters. And as closely divided as the country is, even taking only 10% of the Republican base would be fatal for the GOP.
You actually don't?

Trump has a big ol' tollbooth on the only road to the White House for the Republicans - that's a fact.
I believe trump is all washed up. We still have some civilian followers but the Republican leadership is ready to kick him to the curb [ after they take all the political donations he's raised ( hopefully he hasn't erroneously spent that money already ) ].
You actually believe that ?
Of course he does.

He could step aside and support the most likely candidate to win in 2024 and the republicans would be in an extremely strong position considering Biden's approval numbers look worse than Trumps. Or he can do what we all know he is going to do and throw a temper tantrum at being rejected yet again obliterating the republican party in 2024 likely handing democrats the largest majorities in memory.

At least he could control the path tot he presidency if he could control himself.
The road to the Whitehouse is still controlled by Trump, agree!

But that is just the road.....the Whitehouse itself, will never, ever, be open to him again! (from my mouth to God's ears...amen!)
You could be right on that last point; certainly if MObama runs it's decided the day she announces.

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