Is Trump announcing the launch of a third party tomorrow? The Patriot Party?

I believe trump is all washed up. We still have some civilian followers but the Republican leadership is ready to kick him to the curb [ after they take all the political donations he's raised ( hopefully he hasn't erroneously spent that money already ) ].
If he's kicked to the curb, he'll run 3rd party & assure the Democrats of victory.

Everyone in both parties knows this, so the Democrats are praying for the curb, and Republicans are already (privately) walking back their attacks on him & kissing his ring.
The key word there would be VIABLE.

We want a viable third party. More actually but we can start with a third.
Sounds like another pipe dream or scheme of trump that's going to go up and smoke. Another failure, no big deal. Exactly what you can expect from trump as he gleans more money from the fools that follow him.
If he's kicked to the curb, he'll run 3rd party & assure the Democrats of victory.

Everyone in both parties knows this, so the Democrats are praying for the curb, and Republicans are already (privately) walking back their attacks on him & kissing his ring.
This is all stupid speculation, let's just wait and see what the circus clown comes up with again. As long as people keep showering money on him he doesn't really care. The two things she loves is the spotlight and money, nothing else matters as we've learned from past experience.
Trump's family doesn't want him to run again.
He will probably announce that he will not run again tonight.
Anything is a possibility. Also came ending up in prison. I'm sure he's broken campaign finance laws already with all that money he collected from voters. Remember when he stole from his own charity fund. This is no different he thinks of that money is his. Half of it's probably gone already.
I'd be surprised if he did so this early in the process of Republicans fecklessly backstabbing/blaming him for their less than spectacular results last week.

But no matter what, the road to the White House is controlled by Trump.

It may be controlled by Rump but only for himself. Chances are there are going to be at least 160 million voters that may disagree with him.
Would it surprise anyone if he did? Given the level of corruption within the duopoly would this set-up perfectly for fence-sitting independents and the like?
It would guarantee the Democrats stay in power!

So enjoy Cortez as Speaker of the House in 2024 and Harris as President!
A Trump 3rd party run absolutely assures a Democrat victory even were it a fraud-free election.

Trump knows this, so I can't believe he'd pull the trigger at this point.
He would prove me correct when I stated he is a Trojan Horse for the Democratic Party and is hell bent destroying the GOP!
It would guarantee the Democrats stay in power!

So enjoy Cortez as Speaker of the House in 2024 and Harris as President!
Unlike the Republicans, the names of the democratic leaders don't matter. As long as the country moves forward towards more freedoms, the world begins to heal itself through our efforts and equality and justice exist for everyone then they are happy. It's not about the power or the people it's about the improvement in everything.
Unlike the Republicans, the names of the democratic leaders don't matter. As long as the country moves forward towards more freedoms, the world begins to heal itself through our efforts and equality and justice exist for everyone then they are happy. It's not about the power or the people it's about the improvement in everything.
Yet the Democrats haven’t done that either since the 1990’s with Clinton, so neither party is worthy to be voted in.

Trump would put the final nail in the coffin if he does run third party and the damage done will be far worse than Ross Perot…
He would prove me correct when I stated he is a Trojan Horse for the Democratic Party and is hell bent destroying the GOP!
The Democratic party doesn't care about the GOP one way or the other. They are destroying themselves by being anti this and anti-that and it's always against people. Who wants to join a party that's against half of the people in the country. Nobody in their right mind, that's another reason half the people that call themselves Republicans are crazy. I can't even be objective anymore try to discuss anything and all they do is call your names and say you're you can't think like that. What kind of winning game is that. It's not.
Yet the Democrats haven’t done that either since the 1990’s with Clinton, so neither party is worthy to be voted in.

Trump would put the final nail in the coffin if he does run third party and the damage done will be far worse than Ross Perot…
Biden has done more to improve this country the past two years then all the Republicans presidents in the past 40 years.
Biden has done more to improve this country the past two years then all the Republicans presidents in the past 40 years.
No he hasn’t and that is a fact.

Biden is as pathetic as Trump and the infrastructure of this country is rotting to it core and we as a Nation have fallen so far down that we are looking as China run past us.

Take the blinders off and live in reality and learn Biden hasn’t done anything at all!
Unlike the Republicans, the names of the democratic leaders don't matter. As long as the country moves forward towards more freedoms, the world begins to heal itself through our efforts and equality and justice exist for everyone then they are happy. It's not about the power or the people it's about the improvement in everything.
Lol. Damn you’ve got that partisan mental disease in a big way.

It wouldn't surprise me. And do you know why? It's because Trump's primary business over decades was as a salesman. What he primarily did was to sell HIMSELF as a winner in the eyes of the public. What makes that image so amazing is the fact that, in reality, he was constantly and consistently losing despite the fact that he inherited hundreds of millions of dollars from his father. That's like starting off on third base in a baseball game. That would make every "dying quail" looper barely hit over 2nd base into short center field a home run. It should make everyone ask how can this man keep failing over and over again with so many advantages over others.

Look at it:

Trump's Taj Mahall Casinos went bankrupt, in part because they were too big to support the available customer base. It would be like opening up a 400 seat restaurant in a small town instead of a diner. Simply put, it was poor planning combined with his massive ego.

Trump Steaks failed.
The Trump Shuttle failed.
Trump Vodka failed.
Trump University failed, was sued, and shut down for fraud.

The Trump Foundation was shut down for fraud, as well, and the family members were barred from serving on other charitable boards. What happened? Trump collected money from others, and he spent much of the money on personal purchases and legal fines.

The Trump Organization is being sued by the state of NY for financial fraud.

Trump is a man who doesn't give a damn about the law, or ethics, or morality. He thinks that's for suckers. Perhaps if he'd been held to account decades ago, he might have realized that financial crimes leave a paper trail that can come back to bite him years later and actually cost him far more than his ill-gotten gains could bring him. But if there were any voices of reason trying to get Trump to chart an honest course in order to avoid future legal problems, they were ignored.

So, Trump enters politics with no experience, a ton of hubris, and a penchant and an inclination to be divisive like no one before him, and what happened?

He lost the popular vote in 2016.
He lost the House in 2018.
He lost the WH and the Senate in 2020.
And he supported candidates in 2022 who lost the Senate when historical trends showed Republicans should have won. Even the House majority looks to be far slimmer than it otherwise would have been.

And now he's going to announce another run for president in 2024? Why? Because Trump is all about Trump. He doesn't give a tinker's damn about the GOP. Hell, he held back campaign contributions from the candidates he SAID he supported which actually could have helped them win.

And if there's one thing I would bet money on, it's that Trump doesn't give a damn about his own supporters. Do you really think he cares about poor and middleclass Whites who live in rural America? That's a laugh.

Here's what Trump has cared about all his life:

1. Very wealthy city dwellers who are sophisticated and influential.
2. Celebrities of all stripes.
3. Beautiful women and even young girls which is why he owned or co-owned three beauty pageants and took a very active role in running them: Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe.
4. Any NY Page 6 press that could spread his exaggerations about his wealth and influence.

Trump is a man who is so selfish, and so shallow, and so self-absorbed that any thinking person should understand that he would never spend any time thinking about anyone else unless it was thinking about how those other people could help him get what he wants. A good example of that is Mike Pence. Trump said Mike Pence was like someone out of central casting (a repeated refrain), and Pence helped him with Evangelicals in 2016. Finally, Trump had hoped that Pence would help him steal the 2020 election in January 2021, and when Pence refused, Trump sicced a mob on the Capitol and texted the mob an anti-Pence text during the insurrection that inflamed the mob even further, thereby endangering Pence and his family.

And you think Trump cares about you? If you do, you're a fool, and that's exactly what Trump has counted on for years. He's counted on his pliable and malleable supporters to dance to the jig he plays at his rallies. I think Trump gets a real kick out of how easy it is to manipulate his supporters to willingly accept any line of BS he puts out there.

While all of this is not funny at all, it is enlightening in a way that is so striking as to cause awe. You might ask why. It's because there are so many fables and stories in the human lexicon going back centuries that seemed so preposterous as to be patently laughable. One is the story about the Pied Piper of Hamlin. But when we can see that allegorical story playing out right in front of our TV screens daily and nightly in modern times, it's humbling in such a way that all men and women should question their deeply held assumptions about what is true and what could be true.
Like an endless fountain of TDS, you sit there philosophically musing over a man you hate and parroting various snippets of mainstream media narrative. Can't you let go. Let's enjoy the primaries when they come. In the meantime, stop jerking yourself off to death over Trump

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