Is Trump announcing the launch of a third party tomorrow? The Patriot Party?

Biden has done more to improve this country the past two years then all the Republicans presidents in the past 40 years.
Biden destroyed our energy independence while reopening the Nordstream pipeline so Germany can get Russian oil in an attempt to please "our European allies" but this gave Putin leverage over Germany & Europe and emboldened him to start a war. Biden's senile incompetence as a puppet for radical environmentalists is the catalyst to worldwide inflation, recession and war.
Biden destroyed our energy independence while reopening the Nordstream pipeline so Germany can get Russian oil in an attempt to please "our European allies" but this gave Putin leverage over Germany & Europe and emboldened him to start a war. Biden's senile incompetence as a puppet for radical environmentalists is the catalyst to worldwide inflation, recession and war.
Dumb Joe has done a lot of dumb things, but none of the things you list.
Hey, maybe he will announce he will run as a dem.

The MSM would promptly proclaim him the greatest POTUS of all time. :laughing0301:
THAT would be a bombshell. :eek:

And the odds are 1000 to 1 against it; he's running.

If he doesn't run IMO he never announces that. He will continue to say he is going to make a big announcement soon to keep his name in the media.
That's right... laugh it up... you idiots go right ahead and split the Republican Party... and you'll never hold power again... fools.
I guess you missed the part where Trump destroyed all the other candidates in under 1 hour.
Would it surprise anyone if he did? Given the level of corruption within the duopoly would this set-up perfectly for fence-sitting independents and the like?
We need a name for Trump 3rd party . Better name it quickly . Losers don’t last long in politics
Yes. This crazy adherence to the duopoly is one of the reasons the nation is so fucked up. Yet they continue unknowingly digging their own grave.

Imagine where China will be in twenty years verses us.
Where we will be is another third world shit hole with uneducated morons wanting free stuff while being forced to work and live on government wages…


China nukes us first…
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It would guarantee the Democrats stay in power!

So enjoy Cortez as Speaker of the House in 2024 and Harris as President!
That may happen but it will not be a good thing. The Western Hemisphere is being prepped for something the rest of the world has seen.
Where we will be is another third world shit hole with uneducated morons wanting free stuff while being forced to work and live on government wages…


China nukes is first…
We already have a huge segment of our population who are illiterate and semi-literate. Plus millions living in poverty and homelessness. Some areas of this country look like the third world.

China’s amazing advancement over the past 20 years is truly amazing. The idiots in the imperial capitol on the Potomac greatly fear China, as it surpasses us in every way. It’s more likely they provoke China to war, as they desperately cling to their beloved unipolar hegemony.
We already have a huge segment of our population who are illiterate and semi-literate. Plus millions living in poverty and homelessness. Some areas of this country look like the third world.

China’s amazing advancement over the past 20 years is truly amazing. The idiots in the imperial capitol on the Potomac greatly fear China, as it surpasses us in every way. It’s more likely they provoke China to war, as they desperately cling to their beloved unipolar hegemony.
China is a cruel Totalitarian nation.

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