Is Trump announcing the launch of a third party tomorrow? The Patriot Party?

It's just a matter of time before the Republican Party openly advocates for Universal Health Care. And all the "conservatives" tards will do an Orwell and claim they were always for UHC.

If Trump does form a third party, don't be surprised if UHC is one of the planks of his platform. He's always been for UHC. That's probably why he lied about repealing and replacing Obamacare.

It won't be long before the submissive parroting cucks will be mimicking the far left New York limousine liberal.

"In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat." - Donald J. Trump

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland." - Donald J. Trump, 2015.

Donald Trump in his book The America We Deserve:

We must have universal healthcare...I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses...

Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork..

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

Donald Trump on Larry King the first time he ran for President:

I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare.
To survive, the GOP must articulate a viable form of M4A, yes.
Ross Perot gave us Bill Clinton.

If domestic terrorist Donald Trump forms a third party, he will be giving us the next person nominated by the Democratic party.

The Dems could nominate a three-legged dog and win.

Go Donald!
And still, the Democrats are the vastly more dangerous fascists/authoritarians.

Most of the 'authoritarianism' your ilk are accusing Democrats of is private citizens simply not wanting to associate with Republicans or buy from them. Freedom of association is as American as it gets....which conservatives twist into 'authoritarianism' if it results in consequences between individuals.

What Republicans are openly advocating is the STATE stripping people of rights. Even business are in the cross hairs.

Take what republicans did to Disney in Florida. Disney openly disagreed with republicans on one of their laws regulating speech about homosexuality. So republicans stripped Disney of its self governing status of Disney World as punishment by the State.....for free speech the State didn't like.

Hawley took it a step further, trying to strip Disney of their property as punishment, trying to change copyright laws to strip Disney of their ownership of many of their best known punishment for free speech the State didn't like.

With republicans trying to use the power of the State to FORCE conservative speech onto people and businesses that don't want it. With Tech Businesses being prohibited from setting their own moderation rules, with the State moderating for them. Whether they like it or not.

For all of your talk about 'free speech', you love using the State to punish free speech.

Take a long hard look at Italy's history. Their call for Making Italy Great Again in the 1930s. They're use of the State to punish the exact group your ilk are targeting now: Gays, Lesbians, Educators, "Leftists", "Socialists", foreigners. The rising anti-semitism among your ilk, the surging white christian nationalism.

Fascism isn't the only form of authoritarianism. But its the path you've chosen for yours.
Nope. I called rioters rioters and peaceful protesters peaceful protesters.

You call rioters patriots.
There was no riot on Jan 6th, dufus. You are just regurgitating Democrat talking points. The real riots were the BLM riots. Did you not see the cities afire, cars destroyed, people killed, police precinct being taken over, parts of a city being taken over, etc. It's a wonder how you can lie like that really.
Ross Perot gave us Bill Clinton.

If domestic terrorist Donald Trump forms a third party, he will be giving us the next person nominated by the Democratic party.

The Dems could nominate a three-legged dog and win.

Go Donald!
And.....MORE leftist/Democrat talking points.....:puke3:
@Indeependenthet did you get that pm from me on that doctor who wrote that book on trump.
I would add too, that Trump endorsed picks faired badly in battleground states which overwhelmingly rejected election deniers and that was one of the reasons Trump endorsed many of them, partly AG’s.
I think this is an overstated and incorrect perception.

Trump's impact was likely zero at worst & probably pushed the GOP numbers much higher in many cases.

But the long knives are out for him; he's GOP scapegoat #1.

Big mistake if they don't start kissing his ass ASAP.
Fauci murdered no one, Trump asseater.

Next you'll claim he tried to kill The Orange Blob.
Fauci's false declarations about Covid certainly did. Trump followed Fauci's advice and was instrumental in getting a vaccine in record time that itself is killing some folks. I don't blame Trump though, I blame the supposed 'expert' Fauci for that.
There was no riot on Jan 6th, dufus. You are just regurgitating Democrat talking points. The real riots were the BLM riots. Did you not see the cities afire, cars destroyed, people killed, police precinct being taken over, parts of a city being taken over, etc. It's a wonder how you can lie like that really.
:thankusmile: As is always the case everyday she gets her ass handed to her on a platter.some have no conscience about lying,hey can you send me a pm of a book on trump thst I guarantee yo pu will blow your mind,I have sent you pms before in the past but never heard back from you is why I ask,it is a must see book I guarantee will blow your mind.
Fauci's false declarations about Covid certainly did. Trump followed Fauci's advice and was instrumental in getting a vaccine in record time that itself is killing some folks. I don't blame Trump though, I blame the supposed 'expert' Fauci for that.
When trump started talking about how hydroxyquiqiune needed to be distributed worldwide,fauci git so angry he charged trump and knocked him from the podium overlapping him sense he did not want the truth being told we did not need vaccines.these Biden loving trolls can’t own up to it we did not need the vaccines,or lockdowns or masks thst ivermectim and hydroxychroquine were cures.
Most of the 'authoritarianism' your ilk are accusing Democrats of is private citizens simply not wanting to associate with Republicans or buy from them. Freedom of association is as American as it gets....which conservatives twist into 'authoritarianism' if it results in consequences between individuals.

What Republicans are openly advocating is the STATE stripping people of rights. Even business are in the cross hairs.

Take what republicans did to Disney in Florida. Disney openly disagreed with republicans on one of their laws regulating speech about homosexuality. So republicans stripped Disney of its self governing status of Disney World as punishment by the State.....for free speech the State didn't like.

Hawley took it a step further, trying to strip Disney of their property as punishment, trying to change copyright laws to strip Disney of their ownership of many of their best known punishment for free speech the State didn't like.

With republicans trying to use the power of the State to FORCE conservative speech onto people and businesses that don't want it. With Tech Businesses being prohibited from setting their own moderation rules, with the State moderating for them. Whether they like it or not.

For all of your talk about 'free speech', you love using the State to punish free speech.

Take a long hard look at Italy's history. Their call for Making Italy Great Again in the 1930s. They're use of the State to punish the exact group your ilk are targeting now: Gays, Lesbians, Educators, "Leftists", "Socialists", foreigners. The rising anti-semitism among your ilk, the surging white christian nationalism.

Fascism isn't the only form of authoritarianism. But its the path you've chosen for yours.
I'm not a Republican, conservative or Trump supporter.

But Democrats ARE incredibly dangerous fascists/authoritarians.

You are all that you claim to hate and fear.

Go figure.
I'm not a Republican, conservative or Trump supporter.

But Democrats ARE incredibly dangerous fascists/authoritarians.

You are all that you claim to hate and fear.

Go figure.

Again, what republicans call 'authoritarianism' is private citizens choosing not to associate with conservatives, not to buy from them, not to host their perspectives.

Freedom of association is as American as it gets.

While republicans are trying to use to use the power of the State to punish those that disagree with them.

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