Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

Is Putin a war criminal?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't want to publicly acknowledge the answer is 'yes'.

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Putin isn't a war criminal, since he won't admit to his people that it's even war.

Putin is a "special military operations" criminal.

Is Bought and Paid for Biden also a "special military operations" criminal?

{The US military on Friday admitted that it killed 10 civilians — including seven children and aid worker Zemari Ahmadi in a drone strike near Kabul’s airport last month — and not Islamic State bomb plotters, as it originally claimed.}
No i dont.
Putin killing innocent people with his invasion isnt propaganda.
Do you think Putin is a war criminal?
Biden, Clinton and Obama have killed far more than Putin. Perspective and facts can only determine what you ask, and you have neither. All you have is propaganda.

I believe neither side, and instead look at historical facts, and actions, not words.

When you finance terrorism, finance COUPS in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Ukraine, while financing a terrorist state like Iran, and give them American Tax Dollars, flying them to Iran illegally in the dead of night then hand that over to The Ayatollah, and have to convert Dollars to Euros because it is illegal to do wire transfers with Iran and is illegal to pay Iran with a single American Dollar, and you give those pallets of Cash in American Dollars, Convert them to Euros and hand them over to a known terrorist state (Iran) to buy Russian Weapons, Build ICBMs, and Nuclear Weapons, Buy Uranium, Centrifuges, Missile Guidance Systems, GPS systems, all against THE LAW, then no one can deny Obama-Clinton-Biden are all war criminals. All Globalists are War Criminals.

Prior to Obama-Clinton-Biden's involvement and interference in Ukraine, Egypt, Syria, Libya all of them were at peace and Iran was decades away from developing Nuclear Weapons and was unable to project their power beyond their own borders.

But you go ahead and live in your fantasy world thinking WWIII isn't being planned right now, and has not been planned for the past few decades.

Wars do not happen by accident, and World Wars are manufactured through careful planning, and the weapons to wage them are stockpiled and financed by The Elites decades before Hell is unleashed on Earth.

It's almost like Obama and Biden intentionally set out to finance Armageddon, don't you think?

All one has to do is look at their actions and ignore their words to realize that.

So I ignore your words like I ignored Obama and Biden's Words because their actions, their skullduggery speak far louder than their FALSE WORDS!
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Putin is bad.
Trump did not say bad things about Putin.
Therefore Trump is bad.

THAT SUMMARIZES THE LEFT’S obsession with Putin.

Obama said Putin was not a threat. He made fun of Romney for saying as much.

Russia has always been the "evil empire". Especially when they elected a cold war KGB chief to run the place again.

Maybe you heard that Putin is doing a Stalin-esque PURGE of disloyal generals and Russians. If you aren't with Putin, you're against him.
Biden, Clinton and Obama have killed far more than Putin.
When you finance terrorism, finance COUPS in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Ukraine, while financing a terrorist state like Iran, and give them American Tax Dollars to buy Russian Weapons, Build ICBMs, and Nuclear Weapons, then no one can deny Obama-Clinton-Biden are all war criminals. All Globalists are War Criminals.

Prior to Obama-Clinton-Biden's involvement Ukraine, Egypt, Syria, Libya was at peace and Iran was decades away from developing Nuclear Weapons and being able to project their power beyond their own borders.

But you go ahead and live in your fantasy world thinking WWIII isn't being planned right now, and has been planned for decades.

Wars do not happen by accident, and World Wars are manufactured and the weapons to wage them are stockpiled and financed by The Elites decades before Hell is unleashed on Earth.

It's almost like Obama and Biden intentionally set out to finance Armageddon, don't you think?

All one has to do is look at their actions and ignore their words to realize that.
Do you think Putin is a war criminal?
Is Bought and Paid for Biden also a "special military operations" criminal?

{The US military on Friday admitted that it killed 10 civilians — including seven children and aid worker Zemari Ahmadi in a drone strike near Kabul’s airport last month — and not Islamic State bomb plotters, as it originally claimed.}
On the dB scale, Biden is a 1, Pol-pot was a 6

Do the math.
On the dB scale, Biden is a 1, Pol-pot was a 6

Do the math.

Quid Pro has been killing innocent civilians for 50 years. I'd bet his body count is pretty similar to Pooty.

Still, if murdering civilians is a war crime, Quid Pro is guilty.

Maybe he and his client who has bribed him all these years can hold hands as they hang? That would be awesome.
Do you think Putin is a war criminal?

He's obviously stating that they're all war criminals, his questions regarding what's currently transpiring to fund Russia, give Iran what they need for nuclear weapons, and allow them to launder money thru the middle east isn't stating they're the good guys. :dunno: Are you and others reading his posts and ignoring them thinking that physical harm will not come out of these deals? Iran having nukes will not hurt anyone? Funding Russia even further will not hurt anyone? They're not physically invading anyone, but what they're doing is a threat to peace everywhere, yet his posts and his questions continue to get ignored because he will not directly denounce Putin as you insist? Must be nice to take the easy way out.
Oh please regale us with the decision by the Supreme Court that said "there was nothing wrong with the election?"

Lying Nazi fuck.
When asked to review the election, it was argued

Second, Texas’s claimed injury is not fairly traceable to a violation of the Electors Clause. As discussed above, each of Texas’s allegations of violations of Pennsylvania law has been rejected by state and federal courts.
He's obviously stating that they're all war criminals, his questions regarding what's currently transpiring to fund Russia, give Iran what they need for nuclear weapons, and allow them to launder money thru the middle east isn't stating they're the good guys. :dunno: Are you and others reading his posts and ignoring them thinking that physical harm will not come out of these deals? Iran having nukes will not hurt anyone? Funding Russia even further will not hurt anyone? They're not physically invading anyone, but what they're doing is a threat to peace everywhere, yet his posts and his questions continue to get ignored because he will not directly denounce Putin as you insist? Must be nice to take the easy way out.
This thread is a simple yes or no question.
He has yet to answer it and instead brings up other people.
I understand his implication, as i have stated as such.
Thanks for being an ignorant jackass.
He's obviously stating that they're all war criminals, his questions regarding what's currently transpiring to fund Russia, give Iran what they need for nuclear weapons, and allow them to launder money thru the middle east isn't stating they're the good guys. :dunno: Are you and others reading his posts and ignoring them thinking that physical harm will not come out of these deals? Iran having nukes will not hurt anyone? Funding Russia even further will not hurt anyone? They're not physically invading anyone, but what they're doing is a threat to peace everywhere, yet his posts and his questions continue to get ignored because he will not directly denounce Putin as you insist? Must be nice to take the easy way out.
Thanks Man.
This thread is a simple yes or no question.
He has yet to answer it and instead brings up other people.
I understand his implication, as i have stated as such.
Thanks for being an ignorant jackass.

He did answer it, you just don't like how he answered it.
Is it a war crime to blow up a hospital and a maternity ward?
And is it a war crime to drone a vehicle with an aid worker and
several children inside (all dead)?

I think it's an obvious yes.
This thread is a simple yes or no question.
He has yet to answer it and instead brings up other people.
I understand his implication, as i have stated as such.
Thanks for being an ignorant jackass.
Facts and questions about them are not simple in such a complicated matter.
Neither should the answers to such questions be simple.

Only simpletons want simple answers.
Is it a war crime to blow up a hospital and a maternity ward?
And is it a war crime to drone a vehicle with an aid worker and
several children inside (all dead)?

I think it's an obvious yes.

Hey now, there's only one war criminal in the world right now, and if you try to bring any others up then you're supporting the one they're specifically targeting right now. Only one war criminal at a time please. :rolleyes:
How do you answer a yes or no question with a deflection involving other people? Lol

In my opinion, it's about capitulating to the narrative that the left wants and is controlling, why do they want this narrative? It's not for a good reason. They also ignore the questions that he is bringing up, rightly so, because they have no good answer for them.

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