Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?

Is Putin a war criminal?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't want to publicly acknowledge the answer is 'yes'.

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Probably but there's really no way to definitively say yet for a number of reasons.

1. Its the middle of the war so information is sketchy at best. Neither side is likely being completely honest and our media has proven itself to be generally untrustworthy. So until the war is over and the narrative chasing has died down we likely wont get a full accounting of what actually happened on the ground. And even then we might not.

2. It would be much clearer if it were only the Ukrainian uniformed service was fighting. Once the civilians got involved (and more power to them) it changed the dynamic a bit. You cant pick up a rifle and start shooting and then claim protected civilian status. So in my mind that clouds the issue to a degree.

Why does it matter at this point in the game anyway? Lets say he definitively is. Then what? He's not going to surrender himself to the Hague. Honestly, if he wins this conflict likely nothing will happen to him. And if he loses Im guessing he's dead anyway.

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