Is Vladimir Putin evil?

At least Putin says flat out what he is going to do.......and then follows thru.

Our pathetic Fund-Raiser-in-Chief lies to us......and then does the opposite. . :doubt:


The reason why libtards get so pissed of at conservatives is because Obama is such a weak leader that he makes a scumbag like Putin look magnificent because when the two get together Obama cowers like a pathetic little beaten puppy or puppet as the case may be. He's not a strong leader. Obama is a pussy.

Ok you anti-American, we get that you hate President Obama. You commie-lover you! :lol:

Any real American does hate Obama.
Every human is capable of that which you people perceive to be "good" and "evil". There is no such thing as a "good" human or an "evil" human.

I don't believe that, the world is sprinkled with monstrous psychopaths that need to just go away or die. Putin is among them.

Psychopaths are not "evil" humans. Without a conscience to feel "wrong" about the actions that other humans consider to be "evil"... subjectively there is no "evil" being practiced at all.

Besides. Many psychopaths are extremely intelligent, likeable, charming, confident, alert, and by many standards... incredibly impressive. Psychopaths seem to have in abundance the very traits most desired by "normal" Mundane humans.

To call for the death of such human beings, is that not something you Mundanes consider to be "evil"? Or is it somehow subjectively justified as a "good" thing?

Because objectively... there is no "good", and there is no "evil".
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Every human is capable of that which you people perceive to be "good" and "evil". There is no such thing as a "good" human or an "evil" human.

One possible exception to your rule might be...DICK Cheney!

But then I've only heard that mentioned casually and never attributed any truth or lack thereof in that assertion.
No he's not evil. obama is evil. Putin just does what needs to be done.

Obama will only be president a couple of more years and then he will go play golf and speak for money, Putin will rule Russia with an iron fist until he dies. That alone should make anyone who really likes liberty to react with horror, not admiration.
No he's not evil. obama is evil. Putin just does what needs to be done.

Obama will only be president a couple of more years and then he will go play golf and speak for money, Putin will rule Russia with an iron fist until he dies. That alone should make anyone who really likes liberty to react with horror, not admiration.

So are claiming that the communist Putin does not live in a country where people are allowed to vote?

My the far left is reaching these days..
The reason why libtards get so pissed of at conservatives is because Obama is such a weak leader that he makes a scumbag like Putin look magnificent because when the two get together Obama cowers like a pathetic little beaten puppy or puppet as the case may be. He's not a strong leader. Obama is a pussy.

Ok you anti-American, we get that you hate President Obama. You commie-lover you! :lol:

Any real American does hate Obama.


Obama is as American as apple pie.
No he's not evil. obama is evil. Putin just does what needs to be done.

Obama will only be president a couple of more years and then he will go play golf and speak for money, Putin will rule Russia with an iron fist until he dies. That alone should make anyone who really likes liberty to react with horror, not admiration.

So are claiming that the communist Putin does not live in a country where people are allowed to vote?

My the far left is reaching these days..

You must be unaware of Putin's path to power. Right now that man is every bit as constitutionally elected as either of the Castro brothers.
Fair enough question.

Opinion: Vladimir Putin, just evil enough -

(CNN) -- Vice President Joe Biden recently confided a sensational bit of news to the New Yorker magazine: In a 2011 meeting with Vladimir Putin, he had actually told Russia's then-prime minister that he had no "soul." Even more remarkable was Putin's response. "And he looked back at me, and he smiled, and he said, 'We understand one another.' "

Many people -- in Ukraine, Europe, America and even Russia -- probably share Biden and Putin's estimation of the Russian president's spiritual condition. In saying Putin has no soul, it means he seems to lack both the capacity to feel emotions and to show empathy.

Russia's leader certainly has a long record of inhumanity. He was an agent of the Soviet secret police, a criminal institution with a record that goes back to the purges of Stalin, a record more bloody than that of the Nazi SS.
That, and let's not forget his despicable and outrageous stance on the human and civil rights of GLBT people in Russia and elsewhere. He has shown himself to be heartless and without mercy for his own citizens and who they are and whom they love. So, is he evil? I believe he well answers that question himself by his actions.

Russian Neo-Nazis Using Social Media To Find And Torture LGBT Teens | Truth Wins Out

Moldava U.N. rights office rejects anti-gay laws of Russia, Moldova | 76 CRIMES

JURIST - UN urges Russia to repeal law banning 'homosexual propaganda'

Opinion: Russia, scrap your anti-gay laws -

No Olympics in Anti-Gay Countries, Reads IOC?s Principle 6 :: EDGE on the Net
I'm amazed at how much like stupid sheep so many posters are.
Yes, Putin is very probably less than lovely, but so are a lot of political leaders.
The difference here is, you've been told to hate him.

I think you lot need to turn your brains on and look at what's going on in the world; not just spout when you've been told to believe.
I'm amazed at how much like stupid sheep so many posters are.
Yes, Putin is very probably less than lovely, but so are a lot of political leaders.
The difference here is, you've been told to hate him.

I think you lot need to turn your brains on and look at what's going on in the world; not just spout when you've been told to believe.

Sorry---Obama sheep can't think. You should have noticed that by now.:lol:

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