Is "Water" a Human Right?

Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

That city is run by a junta appointed by the teabagger governor. In these teabagger "Chilean Miracle" scenarios, EVERYTHING is a commodity.
Everyone will notice I never stated, "Water should be free" but we saw many extremeists attack me for asking such a daring question as the OP. We saw many people point me out as a Liberal for asking such questions.

What we see today is people willing to make the poor steal water from water sources and boil it themselves. Just read back, everyone thinks these water sources are free and NO ONE owns them.

We also see people that don't understand the "General Welfare" part of the Constitution. I'm pretty sure if you asked someone if they could only have 1 of 2 things enough, water would be the top answer.

Then we get into the City Gov. ran by Corporations all looking to manipulate Government to make $$. A basic strategy people in politics don't want to accept.....If the people paid their bill turn the water's that simple. It's crazy how over complicated and politically over driven this idiocracy can get. They can still get DRINKING water one way or another, and that is a fact and means their General Welfare was never in jeopardy.

So we saw people stating that we should have city water under taxation and some that think it shouldn't be through taxation.........

I've seen a MILLION things that should not be happening with taxation. My top 3 are Americas Army the video game, robotic squirrels and public housing for drunks that supply beer at the lobby to the formerly homeless residents........

Everything deserves a -->SMART<-- debate and water as a taxable right seems pretty prehistoric to me. I think if YOU, YES YOU, lose your job and family and hit hard times, YOU should have shelter, food and yes even water.

The point is people need to stop this notion that everyone on welfare is lazy. But at the same time, others need to learn that not everyone on welfare needs to be on welfare and some are abusing the system.

I know it's a lot to read and people in political forums don't generally read, they just say, "you are stupid". So, I typed it, hope someone reads it.

I knew exactly what you were doing.
Everyone will notice I never stated, "Water should be free" but we saw many extremeists attack me for asking such a daring question as the OP. We saw many people point me out as a Liberal for asking such questions.

What we see today is people willing to make the poor steal water from water sources and boil it themselves. Just read back, everyone thinks these water sources are free and NO ONE owns them.

We also see people that don't understand the "General Welfare" part of the Constitution. I'm pretty sure if you asked someone if they could only have 1 of 2 things enough, water would be the top answer.

Then we get into the City Gov. ran by Corporations all looking to manipulate Government to make $$. A basic strategy people in politics don't want to accept.....If the people paid their bill turn the water's that simple. It's crazy how over complicated and politically over driven this idiocracy can get. They can still get DRINKING water one way or another, and that is a fact and means their General Welfare was never in jeopardy.

So we saw people stating that we should have city water under taxation and some that think it shouldn't be through taxation.........

I've seen a MILLION things that should not be happening with taxation. My top 3 are Americas Army the video game, robotic squirrels and public housing for drunks that supply beer at the lobby to the formerly homeless residents........

Everything deserves a -->SMART<-- debate and water as a taxable right seems pretty prehistoric to me. I think if YOU, YES YOU, lose your job and family and hit hard times, YOU should have shelter, food and yes even water.

The point is people need to stop this notion that everyone on welfare is lazy. But at the same time, others need to learn that not everyone on welfare needs to be on welfare and some are abusing the system.

I know it's a lot to read and people in political forums don't generally read, they just say, "you are stupid". So, I typed it, hope someone reads it.
in a very simplistic and non-realistic way, maybe you are right that they can just go and get their water from the river... Is there even an area that can be walked to or driven to by these 30,000 people to get this water? Will they need permits to get water out of a gvt regulated river? the gvt already made it illegal for them to drill their own wells on their own properties...

Is there a parking lot big enough to hold the cars that they have to drive there with to get the water? Will the city put policemen there to protect the citizens from any brawls or theft or criminality that may take place?

you all claim these people are trying to get their water for FREE....

And that is simply spin, and lies that this board has regurgitated over and over again.

All that was said is that the average water bill is paid 2 months late.


PAID, PAID, PAID, PAID, PAID, PAID 2 months late on average, with astronomical late fees and penalties, that are PAID by these people that are PAYING LATE.

NOT FREE, never was free, and never would be free.

Instead, this gvt bitch, yes BITCH has decided sending thousands of government water works UNIONIZED PAID workers to go and shut off tens of thousands of home's water is going to save them money????lol, and then CHARGE these people who are ALREADY having a hard time catching up on their water bills, EVEN MORE AND HIGHER FEES to reconnect their home to send out this unionized paid worker to reconnect....

Idiots, all of you supporting this....
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Water is free. All you have to do is get some buckets, jugs and barrels and go fetch it out of the lake or river. If you want me to dig a long ditch from the source to your house, lay down pipe in the ditch, and pump the water through the pipe so it reaches your house at some predetermined amount of pressure and volume, you are going to have to pay me for that.

Going from point A to point B is free too, but we don't therefore expect each individual to build their own road to get back and forth.

We tax the people and build the road collectively. We tax the people to keep the roads maintained.

That is how water, a more basic universal need than roads, etc., should be treated.
Water is free. All you have to do is get some buckets, jugs and barrels and go fetch it out of the lake or river. If you want me to dig a long ditch from the source to your house, lay down pipe in the ditch, and pump the water through the pipe so it reaches your house at some predetermined amount of pressure and volume, you are going to have to pay me for that.

Going from point A to point B is free too, but we don't therefore expect each individual to build their own road to get back and forth.

And who is "we"

Harris County Toll Road Authority

Is "Water" a Human Right?
You have a right to however much water you can legally obtain.
You do not have a right to have someone else pay for the water you use.

"You don't deserve a life if you can't pay for it" seems to be the argument here.

Blind people have it tough in America. Who are you to think you can get a freebee life just because you are blind. You think you can get free water? MOOCH........(R)ight?

Luckily We The People decided long ago that we will help the truly needy, not to be confused with Fox New's perspective of who is needy...

We the people support the truly needy.
Is "Water" a Human Right?
You have a right to however much water you can legally obtain.
You do not have a right to have someone else pay for the water you use.
who's paying for it other than these homeowners themselves, only running 2 months average on paying late....but being charged high penalties and late fees to cover these late payments?



They are and have been, paying THEIR OWN water bills, for decades it's just that they are PAYING them late...on average 2 months late.

AND these are not welfare recipients for the most part....these are not people renting homes...

these are HOMEOWNERS, not fly by nighters, they are not going to skip town on their bills, these are the ''working class'' that are homeowners....
Water is free. All you have to do is get some buckets, jugs and barrels and go fetch it out of the lake or river. If you want me to dig a long ditch from the source to your house, lay down pipe in the ditch, and pump the water through the pipe so it reaches your house at some predetermined amount of pressure and volume, you are going to have to pay me for that.

Going from point A to point B is free too, but we don't therefore expect each individual to build their own road to get back and forth.

And who is "we"

Harris County Toll Road Authority


"HCTRA came into existence in September 1983 when Harris County voters approved a referendum by a 7-3 margin to release up to $900 million in bonds to create two toll roads - "
Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

You ware slowly inching into the reactionary statement that Detroit should be gin=ving water to all of the homeowners who didn't pay their bills. So, are they going to pay for their food, which is necessary for life as well, or are you going to say, they already get that?

Each one of those people had the opportunity to make payment arrangements with the water company long ago. But what do you bet, some are still buying smokes, beer, and finding their way to buy lottery tickets.

Maybe even selling some of their techie gadgets could get them some cah to pay the arrearages. Responsibilities hurts.

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