Is "Water" a Human Right?

You're saying when a poor person's house catches fire, they should have to depend on a bucket brigade because the fire department shouldn't put out poor people's fires?

You are mentally retarded.

You are saying that Taxpayers should feed, clothe, insure, quench the thirst, ad nauseam of all those who ask.

When the fuck do they get to work to support themselves?

You are criminally insane.


Okay now that we've established that you think a taxpayer funded fire department is criminally insane,

I think my work here is finished.

Okay now that we've established that you think enslaving taxpayers is copacetic

This lady that the governor appointed for the Detroit Bankruptcy is insane...imo, and btw.

Let me get this straight, paying your bill 2 months late is equivalent to not paying your bill and getting "free stuff"?

And you all are worried that YOUR tax dollars are going to have to be used to pay for this "free stuff" these Black people get, even though this is CLEARLY the city of Detroit's Municipal taxes along with recipients bills paying for THEIR water system and it does not involve YOU at all?

And know that 78% I believe I read, of the citizens in Detroit ARE African American/Black, and it's their tax dollars that would go towards this, IF ANY CITY TAX DOLLARS AT ALL actually ever goes to pay for the water bills AT ALL!

....running 2 months behind on their bills, MEANS JUST THAT....they are running behind on paying them, BUT THEY ARE PAYING THEM,

NOT the city of DETROIT

THESE PEOPLE ARE PAYING their OWN water bills, PLUS HUGE PENALTIES for them paying late that MORE than recoup's the city's loss on not getting paid on time.

What the city has chosen to do, because of the governor's appointee is a DISGRACE, and IS ONLY BEING DONE, because they want to sell their water responsibilities off to one lucky and friendly to them, Private Company/Corporation.

The General Welfare Clause is not a specific enumerated power. It is not a blank check and was never meant to be.

Reference The Federalist 41:

The Federalist #41

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ONLY they have been paying them on an average of 2 months LATE.

On these LATE PAYMENTS, they have been charged HUGE PENALTIES, which they also have been PAYING.

But nooooooooooo, you all have to bring in the FREE STUFF, you have to hit the PANIC BUTTON, that blacks may get some of your money to pay for this....

AND ARE WILLING TO SAY, the government has the RIGHT and POWER, to turn off the spigots of water, the giver of LIFE ITSELF all because of MONEY?


May I add that this move to shut off all of these homes of getting fresh water, JUST BECAUSE they are running 2 months behind on paying their water bills, is going to cost them MORE......can you imagine what it is costing them in employee pay, to go and shut off the water in all of these family homes??? UNION WAGES, we're talking here....GOT THAT?

this is the stupidest decision I have ever come across...

These people were already paying their bills, ONLY LATE, being charged high penalty fees, making it harder to pay the following month's bill....

AND NOW, the city will charge them with disconnection and connection fees, MAKING IT EVEN HARDER for them to be able to pay their bill and the City will DEMAND that they pay both months at once that they are behind all at once, plus those reconnection fees..........??????

At what point does thinking things through and common sense come in to the picture?

You can not serve good(God) and money....

you all chose mammon, over chose money OVER HUMAN LIFE....

yes, yes you did.

Bravo :clap:

The world is turning out just the way evil (the Devil) wanted.....

sheesh guys, what in the world has become of you
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If they made payment arrangements with the water dept then shame on the dept for turning them off. Hard times happen. However if they're just paying as they see fit and not when the bill is due or when a late payment arrangement has been made then it's their own damn fault.
When someone provides a service prompt payment is usually part of the deal.
you all chose mammon, over chose money OVER HUMAN LIFE....


Yo bro'

Tell your people to stay away from welfare state politicians and those who promise them a free lunch - its all bullshit'

You elect socialist motherfuckers who threaten investments then you pay the consequences. Make Detroit a FREE MARKET MECCA, legalized recreational marihuana and get ready to cash in and say good bye to your financial problems.

Say NO to fascism and socialism.


Are you all willing to set precedence, and let our government turn off WATER, the giver of life for human beings... Is this really the precedent you want...why not just let the government come in and shoot them all, and take their family homes now instead of dragging this out???

you are saying the government has the right, the power, to shut off water to human beings, all because of money past due that is owed?

Again, seriously?

Are you all willing to set precedence, and let our government turn off WATER, the giver of life for human beings... Is this really the precedent you want...why not just let the government come in and shoot them all, and take their family homes now instead of dragging this out???

you are saying the government has the right, the power, to shut off water to human beings, all because of money past due that is owed?

Again, seriously?

Under the circumstances I described, yes.

Are you all willing to set precedence, and let our government turn off WATER, the giver of life for human beings... Is this really the precedent you want...why not just let the government come in and shoot them all, and take their family homes now instead of dragging this out???

They will do that too, ask the Davidians.

Water is free. All you have to do is get some buckets, jugs and barrels and go fetch it out of the lake or river. If you want me to dig a long ditch from the source to your house, lay down pipe in the ditch, and pump the water through the pipe so it reaches your house at some predetermined amount of pressure and volume, you are going to have to pay me for that.

So, you own a water company?
"Fully half of the water customers in Detroit don’t pay their bills. Advocates of free water for all blame the city’s 38 percent poverty rate for the high level of delinquency.

But nearly all of those with incomes below the poverty line receive public assistance. That’s money provided by their fellow citizens to help them pay for their basic needs — food, water, clothing, shelter.

And yet barely 50 percent of Detroiters pay their water bill. Meanwhile, up to two-thirds of city residents pay to keep their cable or satellite television service current. And 72 percent do the same to maintain their cellphones."

From The Detroit News:

People are spending their money on what is most important to them. More people in Detroit think a cell phone and cable TV are more important than water.

Yep. That would be Detroit.
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If they made payment arrangements with the water dept then shame on the dept for turning them off. Hard times happen. However if they're just paying as they see fit and not when the bill is due or when a late payment arrangement has been made then it's their own damn fault.
When someone provides a service prompt payment is usually part of the deal.

Are you stating that people deserve water until they forget to pay their water bill, and if they pay it late, they don't deserve water?

Like all of your posts..........:doubt:
"Fully half of the water customers in Detroit don’t pay their bills. Advocates of free water for all blame the city’s 38 percent poverty rate for the high level of delinquency.

But nearly all of those with incomes below the poverty line receive public assistance. That’s money provided by their fellow citizens to help them pay for their basic needs — food, water, clothing, shelter.

And yet barely 50 percent of Detroiters pay their water bill. Meanwhile, up to two-thirds of city residents pay to keep their cable or satellite television service current. And 72 percent do the same to maintain their cellphones."

From The Detroit News: There is no right to free water | The Detroit News.

People are spending their money on what is most important to them. More people in Detroit think a cell phone and cable TV are more important than water.

Yep. That would be Detroit.

You are destroying my bait threads that force people to think for themselves!

Guess I'll have to end this one.
Everyone will notice I never stated, "Water should be free" but we saw many extremeists attack me for asking such a daring question as the OP. We saw many people point me out as a Liberal for asking such questions.

What we see today is people willing to make the poor steal water from water sources and boil it themselves. Just read back, everyone thinks these water sources are free and NO ONE owns them.

We also see people that don't understand the "General Welfare" part of the Constitution. I'm pretty sure if you asked someone if they could only have 1 of 2 things enough, water would be the top answer.

Then we get into the City Gov. ran by Corporations all looking to manipulate Government to make $$. A basic strategy people in politics don't want to accept.....If the people paid their bill turn the water's that simple. It's crazy how over complicated and politically over driven this idiocracy can get. They can still get DRINKING water one way or another, and that is a fact and means their General Welfare was never in jeopardy.

So we saw people stating that we should have city water under taxation and some that think it shouldn't be through taxation.........

I've seen a MILLION things that should not be happening with taxation. My top 3 are Americas Army the video game, robotic squirrels and public housing for drunks that supply beer at the lobby to the formerly homeless residents........

Everything deserves a -->SMART<-- debate and water as a taxable right seems pretty prehistoric to me. I think if YOU, YES YOU, lose your job and family and hit hard times, YOU should have shelter, food and yes even water.

The point is people need to stop this notion that everyone on welfare is lazy. But at the same time, others need to learn that not everyone on welfare needs to be on welfare and some are abusing the system.

I know it's a lot to read and people in political forums don't generally read, they just say, "you are stupid". So, I typed it, hope someone reads it.
You have the right to every drop of water that you legally buy.

^another one..

"If you can't afford water, you die" attitude...So pathetic.

I don't think that's what he said. The water is there for free, Detroit is on the Detroit River which is a channel connecting two of the Great Lakes. Water is available, but a person would have to go get it, transport it home and boil it for safety. Having the water purified by someone else and transported to your home is a service and the people of Detroit are required to pay for that service. If they don't, their water shut off and it is up to them to obtain their own water from a free source...taking a bucket to the river.

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