Is "Water" a Human Right?

Is "Water" a Human Right? The Constitution protects the "General Welfare". I've heard 101 thing's that don't apply to that "General Welfare of People" ruling that we can't ask our ancestors about...........but NOTHING is more "General Welfare" than water. I can live without everything else longer.

Discuss perspectives.

'Water Is a Human Right': Advocates Call for End to Detroit Water Shutoffs

Guns are a freedom. But water isn't, because no one in their right mind ever thought it would be necessary....

You ware slowly inching into the reactionary statement that Detroit should be gin=ving water to all of the homeowners who didn't pay their bills. So, are they going to pay for their food, which is necessary for life as well, or are you going to say, they already get that?

Each one of those people had the opportunity to make payment arrangements with the water company long ago. But what do you bet, some are still buying smokes, beer, and finding their way to buy lottery tickets.

Maybe even selling some of their techie gadgets could get them some cah to pay the arrearages. Responsibilities hurts.
Stereo type much? sheesh... get informed, these are homeowners, not the projects, or renters...

and they are asking no one to pay their bills, they have been paying their own water bills, only on average they are running 2 months behind....they are PAYING THEM....this is about the stupid idiotic mistress in the night dingbat that the governor hired who wants to sell off the water works of Detroit to some private company (friend no doubt), and she wants to make the water works LOOK better to their private getting the bills all up to date...

so her bright idea was to send thousands of high paid union workers out there to shut off 30000 homes from having water, while letting the handful of businesses that owed over 50% of the money past due, get away with not being shut off at all....

and on top of it, besides the high late fees and penalties these HOMEOWNERS are paying on their bills each month for paying them late, (which recoups any loss the State/City had due to late payments) these people with have to come up with both months past due, and RECONNECTION FEES...and the penalties and they will ever be able to come up with that kind of money if they were already struggling to pay their bills on time and were running late....


This is not about those on public assistance, those on welfare qualify for water bill financial aid....this is about the WORKING POOR, home owners, not about fly by nighters that move from one place to another to avoid bills....
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Seems like a simple answer. Humans need water to survive, therefore,

Human necessity=human right
Thats at least how I see it.
Is "Water" a Human Right?
You have a right to however much water you can legally obtain.
You do not have a right to have someone else pay for the water you use.

"You don't deserve a life if you can't pay for it" seems to be the argument here.
No. The argument is that you have no right to have others pay for goods and services you receive.

To force people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation is involuntary servitude.
Seems like a simple answer. Humans need water to survive, therefore,

Human necessity=human right
Thats at least how I see it.

Humans need food to survive.
Free food.

Humans need shelter and clothing to survive.
You'll, of course, take in homeless people to live with you, give them water, clothing, food and shelter at your house. Right?
Detroit just needs another few decades of Democrat leadership....they is special and they is
You have the right to every drop of water that you legally buy.
^another one..
"If you can't afford water, you die" attitude...So pathetic.
How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?
Water isn't a commodity in Detroit, it is a Municipality Run Public Service and only in recent years.... the trying to be privatized and turned in to a commodity is taking NEVER WAS a commodity....and should never be a commodity imo, and it is a huge huge huge mistake, except for the wealthiest, to make it one....again, imo.
^another one..
"If you can't afford water, you die" attitude...So pathetic.
How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?
Water isn't a commodity in Detroit, it is a Municipality Run Public Service and only in recent years.... the trying to be privatized and turned in to a commodity is taking NEVER WAS a commodity....and should never be a commodity imo, and it is a huge huge huge mistake, except for the wealthiest, to make it one....again, imo.

Stop trying to play word games. Water in detroit was never free no matter what you call it.
Here's how the real world works;
You receive a service, you pay for it.

Go to a restaurant and order some food and when you're done eating tell them you aren't paying because food should be a "human right".See what happens.

Tell the bank you aren't paying your mortgage anymore because shelter should be a "human right". See what happens.

Stop paying your water bill because you think water should be a "human right". See what happens.
How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?
Water isn't a commodity in Detroit, it is a Municipality Run Public Service and only in recent years.... the trying to be privatized and turned in to a commodity is taking NEVER WAS a commodity....and should never be a commodity imo, and it is a huge huge huge mistake, except for the wealthiest, to make it one....again, imo.

Stop trying to play word games. Water in detroit was never free no matter what you call it.
Here's how the real world works;
You receive a service, you pay for it.

Go to a restaurant and order some food and when you're done eating tell them you aren't paying because food should be a "human right".See what happens.

Tell the bank you aren't paying your mortgage anymore because shelter should be a "human right". See what happens.

Stop paying your water bill because you think water should be a "human right". See what happens.
I saw you were in pink shortly after you posted the other day...and I see you are back now raring to go...

NO ONE, absolutely no one, including these homeowners, are not and never have and never will, get their water for free.

they are paying their own water bills...

YOU aren't paying their water bills, the other citizens in Detroit are not paying their water bills, the government is not paying their water bills, the state of Michigan is not paying their water bills..

Can that be any CLEARER to you and the others?

the only one paying these home owner's water bills, are the home owners themselves...only, they are running 2 months behind on average...and on these late bills THEY PAY, they also pay penalties and late fees that cover's the city getting paid a couple of months late....

No one has come in and granted them some sort of amnesty on paying their water bills....

So, get your panties out of the wad that they are in, and calm are not having to pay a thing towards these water bills of black and hispanic people.
Water may, or may not be a right, but is the delivery system a "right" ? I don't think so, I think this is just your typical urban Americans that have been trained by liberals that the government is the provider.
If you don't make people pay for water in their homes, then some of them will waste tons of water because they are idiots, crazy or evil.
Water may, or may not be a right, but is the delivery system a "right" ? I don't think so, I think this is just your typical urban Americans that have been trained by liberals that the government is the provider.
It's not free, nothing is ever free....

some are suggesting that with their state income taxes or with their state sales taxes or with their property taxes, or with their Municiple taxes, that water, including the purification of and transportation, should be provided and no one should get a bill other than their tax bills...
How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?
Water isn't a commodity in Detroit...
Water is a commodity, everywhere. No way to soundly argue otherwise.
So, the question remains: How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?
No it isn't, look up what a commodity is M14....

it's in the process of turning in to one with many governments selling off their public water works to private companies...but as long as the City or municipalities or towns etc operate and own the water facilities, water is NOT A COMMODITY.
Detroit is the prime example of the liberal zoo where the animals are used to being taken care of until the zookeepers in political office blow all the money to keep the food and water coming....
Water isn't a commodity in Detroit, it is a Municipality Run Public Service and only in recent years.... the trying to be privatized and turned in to a commodity is taking NEVER WAS a commodity....and should never be a commodity imo, and it is a huge huge huge mistake, except for the wealthiest, to make it one....again, imo.

Stop trying to play word games. Water in detroit was never free no matter what you call it.
Here's how the real world works;
You receive a service, you pay for it.

Go to a restaurant and order some food and when you're done eating tell them you aren't paying because food should be a "human right".See what happens.

Tell the bank you aren't paying your mortgage anymore because shelter should be a "human right". See what happens.

Stop paying your water bill because you think water should be a "human right". See what happens.
I saw you were in pink shortly after you posted the other day...and I see you are back now raring to go...


NO ONE, absolutely no one, including these homeowners, are not and never have and never will, get their water for free.

they are paying their own water bills...

YOU aren't paying their water bills, the other citizens in Detroit are not paying their water bills, the government is not paying their water bills, the state of Michigan is not paying their water bills..

Can that be any CLEARER to you and the others?

The bills aren't being paid. That is the crux of it.

the only one paying these home owner's water bills, are the home owners themselves...only, they are running 2 months behind on average...and on these late bills THEY PAY, they also pay penalties and late fees that cover's the city getting paid a couple of months late....

The article says :DWSD has targeted properties that have bills that are at least two months delinquent and owe at least $150.

These aren't all "homeowners" keep trying to drag red herrings into this to deflect.....

care4all said:
Terry Schiavo comes to mind...

She had a right to that water that they took away from her so that she would die....and I don't care what liberals or conservatives disagreeing with me, have to say about it.

You try to equivocate and drag poor Terry Schiavos name through this as if it were relevant...that's pretty low, really..but I get it that you're desperate now.,

Then you say this;
care4whatever said:
Second, there are programs for the poorest among us to get help paying their water bills,

Then you move to this inaccurate claim;
FYI-only 39% of the late bills comes from blacks, and only about 20% of the money past due.

When that was proven untrue you jumped to;
they pay property taxes and city taxes and sales taxes on what they buy, and cigarette taxes, and alcohol taxes, and probably buy lotto that is also a form of taxes collected....even if they are paying rent, their rent money pays these taxes on the property.
Which is totally irrelevant to the point of paying your water bill.

When called on THAT, you hop to;
if they were on gvt assistance, they qualify for the gvts water program that pays for water...automatically.

So you think govt SHOULD pay for them...Do you understand where govt gets money from? They seize it from productive people...and you want them to use tax money to pay for deadbeats? What foolishness!

So when didn't work for you you tried this dodge;

Do you think these people want their tax dollars to go for paying for new football stadiums? Or new commercial developments in areas of the city that they can only reach by 3 bus route changes....??? Or tax breaks for businesses that don't even enter their communities? Or to pay some gvt worker with their taxes paid twice the normal salary rate of themselves?

No one said anything about any of those non sequiturs you desperately try to hide behind.
They owe for their water bills. They must pay or get the water turned off. It isn't isn't any of the excuses you've tried to pass off...It's personal responsibility.

No one has come in and granted them some sort of amnesty on paying their water bills....

That's right. The article says:
The department also says that the majority of customers who have their water shut off experience a disruption in service for less than a day, because most people pay their bill soon after the shutoff begins.

What is outrageous is the idea that they don't think they should have to. THAT'S what we're talking about here.

So, get your panties out of the wad that they are in, and calm down...

Great rebuttal. So eloquent and mature. :doubt: yourself the trouble of taking another stab at excuse making.

I've shot down the last half dozen misrepresentations and inaccuracies you've tried to pass off and I couldn't care less what you say at this point.
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No it isn't, look up what a commodity is M14....

In economics, a commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy wants or needs.[1] Economic commodities comprise goods and services
Commodity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any good exchanged during commerce, which includes goods traded on a commodity exchange.
Commodity Definition | Investopedia

an economic good: as
-a product of agriculture or mining
-an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment
--a mass-produced unspecialized product
2a : something useful or valued
Commodity - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1. an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service.
2. something of use, advantage, or value.
Commodity | Define Commodity at

As I said: Water is a commodity.

I ask again:
How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?

You can stop avoiding the question any time now.
No it isn't, look up what a commodity is M14....

In economics, a commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy wants or needs.[1] Economic commodities comprise goods and services
Commodity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any good exchanged during commerce, which includes goods traded on a commodity exchange.
Commodity Definition | Investopedia

an economic good: as
-a product of agriculture or mining
-an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment
--a mass-produced unspecialized product
2a : something useful or valued
Commodity - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1. an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service.
2. something of use, advantage, or value.
Commodity | Define Commodity at

As I said: Water is a commodity.

I ask again:
How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?

You can stop avoiding the question any time now.
In the City of Detroit, Water is NOT a commodity. It is not privately owned, it is not traded or sold on a market, there is no private competition...

It is a Public Good in Detroit.... so an answer to your question can not be given...we are talking about this incident in Detroit, right??? and in Detroit, water is not a commodity.

The commodification of water refers to the process of transforming water from a public good into a tradable commodity also known as an economic good.
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No it isn't, look up what a commodity is M14....

In economics, a commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy wants or needs.[1] Economic commodities comprise goods and services
Commodity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any good exchanged during commerce, which includes goods traded on a commodity exchange.
Commodity Definition | Investopedia

an economic good: as
-a product of agriculture or mining
-an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment
--a mass-produced unspecialized product
2a : something useful or valued
Commodity - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1. an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service.
2. something of use, advantage, or value.
Commodity | Define Commodity at

As I said: Water is a commodity.

I ask again:
How do you or anyone else have a right to a commodity that you do not pay for?

You can stop avoiding the question any time now.
In the City of Detroit, Water is NOT a commodity. It is not privately owned, it is not traded or sold on a market, there is no private competition...

It is a Public Good in Detroit.... so an answer to your question can not be given...we are talking about this incidence in Detroit, right??? and in Detroit, water is not a commodity.

The commodification of water refers to the process of transforming water from a public good into a tradable commodity also known as an economic good.

whatever you want to call has to be paid for or you stop receiving it.

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