Is Wind Power on par with Fossil Fuels?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Well, in Australia were about to find out. With so much hype about wind being even and compatibly the same as fossil fuels they no longer need subsidies to survive and can stand on their own. Tony Abbot has withdrawn all subsidies to wind farms effective immediately. 1.7 billion dollars worth of handouts just got cut.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald;
Tony Abbott has dramatically escalated his war on wind power, creating a new cabinet split and provoking a warning he is putting international investment at risk.

Fairfax Media can reveal the government has ordered the $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation not to make any new investments in wind power projects.

Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann have issued the so-called green bank with a directive to change its investment mandate, prohibiting new wind funding. It’s understood the directive was issued without the approval or knowledge of Environment Minister Greg Hunt, angering the minister.

The decision is another blow for the multibillion-dollar wind industry, which has just started to recover from the uncertainty created by the government’s Renewable Energy Target review. Analysts say $8.7 billion is expected to be invested in wind power in the next five years, while the corporation has invested about $300 million in wind projects to date.

I guess were going to find out if Wind is as stable as they have been touting... and real fast to boot...

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Abbott just took the huge monkey sucking off the coal fired power plants backs, off of them. The hidden socialist tax just went away.. poof... Were about to see if they will now sink or swim...
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Suppose someone came up with a way to make fusion power work, but the startup costs were larger than private industry could afford. Should the government help?
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Suppose someone came up with a way to make fusion power work, but the startup costs were larger tan private industry could afford. Should the government help?

I'm sure some Democrat will come up with zero-interest loans that can be paid back in just a few years - on The Solyndra Plan.
Suppose someone came up with a way to make fusion power work, but the startup costs were larger tan private industry could afford. Should the government help?
With loans maybe....But no...
Wind and solar here in the US have been subsidized by taking the profits of the evil power companies (which cause them to raise their rates - so we the consumer ultimately pay for the lie) and then tell us that our rates should "necessarily skyrocket" for our own good. Ethanol is the same way.

Something a sane person would not do because of costs and damage to industries along with the economy in general. Yet this foolishness is forced on us, for our own good. Command and control socialism..

Its just refreshing to see sanity come back to areas of regional governments
None of you put any value on wind power because you think there's no need for it and it takes money from the wallets of your buddies in the fossil fuel industry. We see value because it uses no fuel and produces no carbon emission. We see an active effort to REPLACE fossil fuel with non-carbon producing altenatives - an effort we feel worth capital expenditures. You don't. Under the direction of your fossil fuel overlords, you insist that these alternative energy technologies must compete on a level playing field. But competition was never the point. The point is to replace fossil fuels because they are ruining the planet and for the sake of our children it's time to move on. Abbot, like the rest of you, will come to be known as dangerous fools; pawns of the fossil fuel industry who uses you to maintain its wealth at the expense of the health of the planet.

And Straight Pride? Proud of what?
None of you put any value on wind power because you think there's no need for it and it takes money from the wallets of your buddies in the fossil fuel industry. We see value because it uses no fuel and produces no carbon emission. We see an active effort to REPLACE fossil fuel with non-carbon producing altenatives - an effort we feel worth capital expenditures. You don't. Under the direction of your fossil fuel overlords, you insist that these alternative energy technologies must compete on a level playing field. But competition was never the point. The point is to replace fossil fuels because they are ruining the planet and for the sake of our children it's time to move on. Abbot, like the rest of you, will come to be known as dangerous fools; pawns of the fossil fuel industry who uses you to maintain its wealth at the expense of the health of the planet.

And Straight Pride? Proud of what?

Wind is crap, expensive, and damages the ecosystems where they are placed killing wildlife. The low frequency hum causes psychotic episodes in animals and humans. It is not carbon neutral with neodine magnets, high tensile strength steel, the lubrication and other maintenance costs which just one coal fired plant could be run on the cost of two wind mills per year.

Carbon neutral my ass. they are expensive piles of unreliable junk which must have Coal fired plants on line to back up (consuming the same amounts of fuel as they would under the load) so that you can say that wind is doing its job. Dump the dam turbines and use the power plants. Save yourself a whole lot of money and create less damage to our environment.
China's motorcycle helmet industry is drooling for America to go all wind powered.

Every household will need several to protect against flying blade-bits.

"Believers", however, will continue to put their faith in aluminum foil hats. I can't see how that might be a bad thing over time. So long as they're killed outright and not tie up precious hospital beds unnecessarily.
None of you put any value on wind power because you think there's no need for it and it takes money from the wallets of your buddies in the fossil fuel industry. We see value because it uses no fuel and produces no carbon emission. We see an active effort to REPLACE fossil fuel with non-carbon producing altenatives - an effort we feel worth capital expenditures. You don't. Under the direction of your fossil fuel overlords, you insist that these alternative energy technologies must compete on a level playing field. But competition was never the point. The point is to replace fossil fuels because they are ruining the planet and for the sake of our children it's time to move on. Abbot, like the rest of you, will come to be known as dangerous fools; pawns of the fossil fuel industry who uses you to maintain its wealth at the expense of the health of the planet.

And Straight Pride? Proud of what?

Wind is crap, expensive, and damages the ecosystems where they are placed killing wildlife. The low frequency hum causes psychotic episodes in animals and humans. It is not carbon neutral with neodine magnets, high tensile strength steel, the lubrication and other maintenance costs which just one coal fired plant could be run on the cost of two wind mills per year.

Carbon neutral my ass. they are expensive piles of unreliable junk which must have Coal fired plants on line to back up (consuming the same amounts of fuel as they would under the load) so that you can say that wind is doing its job. Dump the dam turbines and use the power plants. Save yourself a whole lot of money and create less damage to our environment.
Links, Mr. Billy Bob, or stand a liar. Credible links.
Suppose someone came up with a way to make fusion power work, but the startup costs were larger than private industry could afford. Should the government help?

If someone came up with a way to make fusion work and could demonstrate it and the results were repeatable by anyone who had the skills to try......start up costs would be the least of their worries... You lefties don't know jack about the real world.
Wind is crap, expensive, and damages the ecosystems where they are placed killing wildlife. The low frequency hum causes psychotic episodes in animals and humans. It is not carbon neutral with neodine magnets, high tensile strength steel, the lubrication and other maintenance costs which just one coal fired plant could be run on the cost of two wind mills per year.

They don't seem to get that we dropped wind hundreds of years ago for a reason. Wind has its place but it is a very small and limited place. I have a windmill on my camper and it charges a few batteries so I can run my lights at night. That is about all wind can be reliably expected to do....and I only use it because at times down in the keys, you just can't get a camper hookup with electric and you have to stay in the overflow....and I will have to stay in overflow for a very long time before the savings even approach what the system cost...frankly, I doubt that the windmill lasts that long.

Cost effective my ass...
None of you put any value on wind power because you think there's no need for it and it takes money from the wallets of your buddies in the fossil fuel industry. We see value because it uses no fuel and produces no carbon emission. We see an active effort to REPLACE fossil fuel with non-carbon producing altenatives - an effort we feel worth capital expenditures. You don't. Under the direction of your fossil fuel overlords, you insist that these alternative energy technologies must compete on a level playing field. But competition was never the point. The point is to replace fossil fuels because they are ruining the planet and for the sake of our children it's time to move on. Abbot, like the rest of you, will come to be known as dangerous fools; pawns of the fossil fuel industry who uses you to maintain its wealth at the expense of the health of the planet.

And Straight Pride? Proud of what?

Wind is crap, expensive, and damages the ecosystems where they are placed killing wildlife. The low frequency hum causes psychotic episodes in animals and humans. It is not carbon neutral with neodine magnets, high tensile strength steel, the lubrication and other maintenance costs which just one coal fired plant could be run on the cost of two wind mills per year.

Carbon neutral my ass. they are expensive piles of unreliable junk which must have Coal fired plants on line to back up (consuming the same amounts of fuel as they would under the load) so that you can say that wind is doing its job. Dump the dam turbines and use the power plants. Save yourself a whole lot of money and create less damage to our environment.
Links, Mr. Billy Bob, or stand a liar. Credible links.
Hey old rocks, you are big on grid scale battery, was reading this article today and can't figure out how hydro power stores wind power energy to use latter.

Wind power generates 140 of Denmark s electricity demand Environment The Guardian

Interconnectors allowed 80% of the power surplus to be shared equally between Germany and Norway, which can store it in hydropower systems for use later.
Wind is crap, expensive, and damages the ecosystems where they are placed killing wildlife. The low frequency hum causes psychotic episodes in animals and humans. It is not carbon neutral with neodine magnets, high tensile strength steel, the lubrication and other maintenance costs which just one coal fired plant could be run on the cost of two wind mills per year.

They don't seem to get that we dropped wind hundreds of years ago for a reason. Wind has its place but it is a very small and limited place. I have a windmill on my camper and it charges a few batteries so I can run my lights at night. That is about all wind can be reliably expected to do....and I only use it because at times down in the keys, you just can't get a camper hookup with electric and you have to stay in the overflow....and I will have to stay in overflow for a very long time before the savings even approach what the system cost...frankly, I doubt that the windmill lasts that long.

Cost effective my ass...
Jesus dude take your camper and drive through Texas and see the huge wind mill farms for yourself. I am neutral on this subject because I know it has it's place, besides it provides good paying jobs, to manufacture and maintain.
East of the Columbia Gorge, the land is filled with windmills. They stand in the wheat fields, and wheat grows right up to the base. So in lean times, the farmer has a cushion, and in good times, sees a real profit. Win, win for everybody.
Well, in Australia were about to find out. With so much hype about wind being even and compatibly the same as fossil fuels they no longer need subsidies to survive and can stand on their own. Tony Abbot has withdrawn all subsidies to wind farms effective immediately. 1.7 billion dollars worth of handouts just got cut.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald;
Tony Abbott has dramatically escalated his war on wind power, creating a new cabinet split and provoking a warning he is putting international investment at risk.

Fairfax Media can reveal the government has ordered the $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation not to make any new investments in wind power projects.

Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann have issued the so-called green bank with a directive to change its investment mandate, prohibiting new wind funding. It’s understood the directive was issued without the approval or knowledge of Environment Minister Greg Hunt, angering the minister.

The decision is another blow for the multibillion-dollar wind industry, which has just started to recover from the uncertainty created by the government’s Renewable Energy Target review. Analysts say $8.7 billion is expected to be invested in wind power in the next five years, while the corporation has invested about $300 million in wind projects to date.

I guess were going to find out if Wind is as stable as they have been touting... and real fast to boot...

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The answer is no since wind power only averages 30% of the equipment's nominal yield
So that is why all those hyper-liberals in Texas and Oklahoma are installing windmills by the thousands.

Wind power is now being installed for less than 4 cents a kw, that is unsubsidized cost, and the price is still going down. In the meantime, the price of dirty coal, is 6.6, and going up. Solar, unsubsidized, is now cheaper than dirty coal. Civilization has moved on, in spite of the cries of agony from the 'Conservatives' of this world.
So that is why all those hyper-liberals in Texas and Oklahoma are installing windmills by the thousands.

Wind power is now being installed for less than 4 cents a kw, that is unsubsidized cost, and the price is still going down. In the meantime, the price of dirty coal, is 6.6, and going up. Solar, unsubsidized, is now cheaper than dirty coal. Civilization has moved on, in spite of the cries of agony from the 'Conservatives' of this world.

Maybe it has something to do with tax credits.

The fact is that wind only produces about 30% of its nominal rating so you may say that we installed 100 gigawatts of wind power but in actuality you'll only get 30

So now adjust the price of the install to what the output actually is rather than the nominal rating on the equipment and then see what the true cost is

Overestimating Wind Power Generation From the UK to New York State - Master Resource
East of the Columbia Gorge, the land is filled with windmills. They stand in the wheat fields, and wheat grows right up to the base. So in lean times, the farmer has a cushion, and in good times, sees a real profit. Win, win for everybody.
totally agree

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