Isis About To Capture Kobane

The Germans are coming

Senior Member
Sep 30, 2014
Currently in Northern Austria
If ISIS capture this city they will have defeated the Syrian Kurds and will be standing at the Turkish border. Apparently ISIS mobilised two brigades from nearbye towns and are puting heavy fire on the town. Several female Kurdish fighters that were captured have been decapitated and the Turks are growing increasingly anxious as pressure is mounting.

IS Islamischer Staat Kurden in Kobane leisten Widerstand - SPIEGEL ONLINE
"A fierce gun battle is taking place around the besieged Syrian town of Kobane, near the border with Turkey.

"Kurdish fighters backed by US-led air strikes are trying to hold back intensified attacks by Islamic State militants.

"Thousands of Syrian Kurds have fled the town in recent weeks.

"Islamic State is trying to seize the predominantly Kurdish border town and has ramped up its offensive in recent days despite being targeted by US-led coalition air strikes aimed at halting its progress."

Islamic State Kurdish fighters battle IS militants around besieged town of Kobane Syria ABC Radio Australia
And then they will be in the face of the Turks.............

Don't blink.
Maybe not, unless IS attacks Turkey first?
"Turkey vows to defend borders, however, resists intervention
On Saturday, Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan vowed to act if Turkish soldiers were targeted by Islamic State in Syria but dampened speculation of intervening at Kobane, likening Kurds defending the town to the radical Islamist insurgents.

"Western and Turkish officials also cite concerns about the Syrian Kurds' ambiguous relationship with President Bashar al-Assad, who has mostly left the Kurds to their own devices while focusing firepower on insurgents fighting to unseat him.

"The Syrian Kurds have denied cooperating with Assad."

Islamic State Kurdish fighters battle IS militants around besieged town of Kobane Syria ABC Radio Australia
And then they will be in the face of the Turks.............

Don't blink.
Maybe not, unless IS attacks Turkey first?
"Turkey vows to defend borders, however, resists intervention
On Saturday, Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan vowed to act if Turkish soldiers were targeted by Islamic State in Syria but dampened speculation of intervening at Kobane, likening Kurds defending the town to the radical Islamist insurgents.

"Western and Turkish officials also cite concerns about the Syrian Kurds' ambiguous relationship with President Bashar al-Assad, who has mostly left the Kurds to their own devices while focusing firepower on insurgents fighting to unseat him.

"The Syrian Kurds have denied cooperating with Assad."

Islamic State Kurdish fighters battle IS militants around besieged town of Kobane Syria ABC Radio Australia
Turkey doesn't like the Kurds..........They will not engage unless they can take out the Kurds as well.

But if ISIS screws up and hits them................Katie Bar the Door.
And then they will be in the face of the Turks.............

Don't blink.
Maybe not, unless IS attacks Turkey first?
"Turkey vows to defend borders, however, resists intervention
On Saturday, Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan vowed to act if Turkish soldiers were targeted by Islamic State in Syria but dampened speculation of intervening at Kobane, likening Kurds defending the town to the radical Islamist insurgents.

"Western and Turkish officials also cite concerns about the Syrian Kurds' ambiguous relationship with President Bashar al-Assad, who has mostly left the Kurds to their own devices while focusing firepower on insurgents fighting to unseat him.

"The Syrian Kurds have denied cooperating with Assad."

Islamic State Kurdish fighters battle IS militants around besieged town of Kobane Syria ABC Radio Australia
Turkey doesn't like the Kurds..........They will not engage unless they can take out the Kurds as well.

But if ISIS screws up and hits them................Katie Bar the Door.
Turkey and the Kurds of northern Iraq now have O-I-L in common; I don't think they care as much about old scores to settle.
"ERBIL, Iraq—Shortly before midnight, an oil tanker set sail from Turkey's Ceyhan port one day in late May with a historic, $100 million cargo.

"The tanker, United Leadership, ferried the first major consignment of Kurdish crude into the Mediterranean that night, a million-barrel payload with the potential to shift oil markets and transform the geopolitics of the Middle East.

"The oil, pumped to Turkey through a newly built pipeline, is part of a gambit by northern Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government, or KRG, to carve out a nation for Iraq's 6.5 million Kurds, even as Iraq defends its north against the Jihadist Sunni militant group, the Islamic State.

"Iraq, with U.S. backing, is treating the oil as stolen goods and an attack on its sovereignty. Iraqi authorities have accused the Kurds of treason..."
And then they will be in the face of the Turks.............

Don't blink.
Maybe not, unless IS attacks Turkey first?
"Turkey vows to defend borders, however, resists intervention
On Saturday, Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan vowed to act if Turkish soldiers were targeted by Islamic State in Syria but dampened speculation of intervening at Kobane, likening Kurds defending the town to the radical Islamist insurgents.

"Western and Turkish officials also cite concerns about the Syrian Kurds' ambiguous relationship with President Bashar al-Assad, who has mostly left the Kurds to their own devices while focusing firepower on insurgents fighting to unseat him.

"The Syrian Kurds have denied cooperating with Assad."

Islamic State Kurdish fighters battle IS militants around besieged town of Kobane Syria ABC Radio Australia
Turkey doesn't like the Kurds..........They will not engage unless they can take out the Kurds as well.

But if ISIS screws up and hits them................Katie Bar the Door.
Turkey and the Kurds of northern Iraq now have O-I-L in common; I don't think they care as much about old scores to settle.
"ERBIL, Iraq—Shortly before midnight, an oil tanker set sail from Turkey's Ceyhan port one day in late May with a historic, $100 million cargo.

"The tanker, United Leadership, ferried the first major consignment of Kurdish crude into the Mediterranean that night, a million-barrel payload with the potential to shift oil markets and transform the geopolitics of the Middle East.

"The oil, pumped to Turkey through a newly built pipeline, is part of a gambit by northern Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government, or KRG, to carve out a nation for Iraq's 6.5 million Kurds, even as Iraq defends its north against the Jihadist Sunni militant group, the Islamic State.

"Iraq, with U.S. backing, is treating the oil as stolen goods and an attack on its sovereignty. Iraqi authorities have accused the Kurds of treason..."

What's that got to do with the Syrian Turkish border?
And then they will be in the face of the Turks.............

Don't blink.
Maybe not, unless IS attacks Turkey first?
"Turkey vows to defend borders, however, resists intervention
On Saturday, Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan vowed to act if Turkish soldiers were targeted by Islamic State in Syria but dampened speculation of intervening at Kobane, likening Kurds defending the town to the radical Islamist insurgents.

"Western and Turkish officials also cite concerns about the Syrian Kurds' ambiguous relationship with President Bashar al-Assad, who has mostly left the Kurds to their own devices while focusing firepower on insurgents fighting to unseat him.

"The Syrian Kurds have denied cooperating with Assad."

Islamic State Kurdish fighters battle IS militants around besieged town of Kobane Syria ABC Radio Australia
Turkey doesn't like the Kurds..........They will not engage unless they can take out the Kurds as well.

But if ISIS screws up and hits them................Katie Bar the Door.
Turkey and the Kurds of northern Iraq now have O-I-L in common; I don't think they care as much about old scores to settle.
"ERBIL, Iraq—Shortly before midnight, an oil tanker set sail from Turkey's Ceyhan port one day in late May with a historic, $100 million cargo.

"The tanker, United Leadership, ferried the first major consignment of Kurdish crude into the Mediterranean that night, a million-barrel payload with the potential to shift oil markets and transform the geopolitics of the Middle East.

"The oil, pumped to Turkey through a newly built pipeline, is part of a gambit by northern Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government, or KRG, to carve out a nation for Iraq's 6.5 million Kurds, even as Iraq defends its north against the Jihadist Sunni militant group, the Islamic State.

"Iraq, with U.S. backing, is treating the oil as stolen goods and an attack on its sovereignty. Iraqi authorities have accused the Kurds of treason..."

What's that got to do with the Syrian Turkish border?
A "Free Kurdistan, stretching from Iran to Syria, is a centerpiece of the New Middle East. As a NATO member, Turkey will be required to adapt.

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