ISIS end game: Stir up a war so big that it will lead to an Apocalyze

What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
The difference is that Christians do not believe that they can cause or rush the rapture (and I have never heard of one praying for it anyway).

Radical Islamic militants actually think they can cause 'Armageddon' to happen sooner.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
I pray that your boy has enough courage tomorrow to stand up and call this terrorism
But no, he'll jump thru hoops to call it everything but. And you'll be right there supporting obozo.

How do you know for a fact that it was terrorism? It may have been a pissed off employee - an American citizen with a Muslim name.
CAIR is up there apolozing for this terrorist act. That pretty much seals the deal that the guy was a died in the wool Muslim, or CAIR wouldn't be up there.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
The pre trib rapture isn't biblical. So you just failed again.


The rapture is the teaching that at or before the return of Christ (Matthew 24:30, Acts 1:11) the Christians who are alive on the earth will be transformed into the resurrected bodies and literally be caught up into the clouds to meet Jesus.

Is the Rapture Biblical?
I ain't talking the general resurrection, I'm talking pre-trib rapture. If you can prove to me that Christians won't go thru the tribulation, I'll join your church.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
I pray that your boy has enough courage tomorrow to stand up and call this terrorism
But no, he'll jump thru hoops to call it everything but. And you'll be right there supporting obozo.

How do you know for a fact that it was terrorism? It may have been a pissed off employee - an American citizen with a Muslim name.
I bet CAIR is on the phone with obama right now, just begging him to redefine this as something other than terrorism.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
I pray that your boy has enough courage tomorrow to stand up and call this terrorism
But no, he'll jump thru hoops to call it everything but. And you'll be right there supporting obozo.

How do you know for a fact that it was terrorism? It may have been a pissed off employee - an American citizen with a Muslim name.
I bet CAIR is on the phone with obama right now, just begging him to redefine this as something other than terrorism.

Why are you so afraid of Muslims? Would you like to double the defense budget? Hungry kids won't mind.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
I pray that your boy has enough courage tomorrow to stand up and call this terrorism
But no, he'll jump thru hoops to call it everything but. And you'll be right there supporting obozo.

How do you know for a fact that it was terrorism? It may have been a pissed off employee - an American citizen with a Muslim name.
I bet CAIR is on the phone with obama right now, just begging him to redefine this as something other than terrorism.

Why are you so afraid of Muslims?


Would you like to double the defense budget? Hungry kids won't mind.

Yes. Good idea.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
I pray that your boy has enough courage tomorrow to stand up and call this terrorism
But no, he'll jump thru hoops to call it everything but. And you'll be right there supporting obozo.

How do you know for a fact that it was terrorism? It may have been a pissed off employee - an American citizen with a Muslim name.
I bet CAIR is on the phone with obama right now, just begging him to redefine this as something other than terrorism.

Why are you so afraid of Muslims? Would you like to double the defense budget? Hungry kids won't mind.
Where's the fear???? btw; When's the last time you beat your wife.? Nice try with the deflection.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
Yes, they do -
Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the "Second Coming" ... and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran Washington's Blog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
Posted on February 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
Yes, they do -
Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the "Second Coming" ... and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran Washington's Blog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
Posted on February 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:

Thank you! Yep, Christian lunatics welcome their mythical apocalypse. I just wish they weren't trying to fuck over everyone else during their biblical quest to meet their Sky Daddy.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
Yes, they do -
Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the "Second Coming" ... and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran Washington's Blog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
Posted on February 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:
A blog linking to alternet claiming that Bush started Iraq to make Armageddon occur?


Perhaps you want to tell us how he planned 9/11 and Obama was born in Kenya - those actually have more supporting evidence...
Does this guy actually know what ISIS are thinking? Really?

He's right. ISIS isn't shy about saying what they think. They publish it in a big glossy magazine.

And sadly, it takes a humor magazine (_Cracked_)to do any actual investigative reporting these days. The MSM has completely fallen down on the job.

7 Things I Learned Reading Every Issue Of ISIS's Magazine |
Every issue of Dabiq begins with the same quote: "The spark has been lit here in Iraq, and its heat will continue to intensify -- by Allah's permission -- until it burns the crusader armies in Dabiq." And here's where the magazine gets its name.

Dabiq is an area in Northern Syria where, according to prophecy, Allah will do the whole "pillar of salt" thing on the armies of the West. For that to happen, we need to actually put our armies in Dabiq first. One thing reading 11 issues of Dabiq makes very clear is that ISIS considers a future U.S.-led invasion to be inevitable. They view the regional powers around them as destined to fall and, when that happens, in rides Uncle Sam and out pops the apocalypse.

ISIS wants the US to invade. The Republicans want to invade. What does this tell you about the right wing foreign policy?

Why do they want the US to invade? On the battlefield they'll get their asses handed to them on a plate. The reason is they want another insurgency, why? Because that helped their recruitment drive massively. Going to war there is not solving any problems, but it sure as hell meets the requirements of the right in ISIS and the right in the USA.

Just as the fighting is beneficial to the right in Israel and Palestine.

It's not hard to see all of this. But still people want to jump in anyway.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
Yes, they do -
Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the "Second Coming" ... and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran Washington's Blog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
Posted on February 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:
A blog linking to alternet claiming that Bush started Iraq to make Armageddon occur?


Perhaps you want to tell us how he planned 9/11 and Obama was born in Kenya - those actually have more supporting evidence...
We've been waiting for that evidence for years, not even Trumps billions could deliver it.
What ISIS Really Wants

ISIS wants to stir up a war that is so big it will cause the end of the world.

Christians also pray for the rapture. What's the diff?
Yes, they do -
Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the "Second Coming" ... and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran Washington's Blog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start WWIII to Speed the “Second Coming” … and Atheist Neocons are Using Religion to Rile Them Up to Justify War Against Iran
Posted on February 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
The Founding Fathers weren’t particularly anti-Islam.

But millions of Americans believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle East. Some of these folks want to start a huge fire of war and death and destruction, so that Jesus comes quickly.

According to French President Chirac, Bush told him that the Iraq war was needed to bring on the apocalypse:
A blog linking to alternet claiming that Bush started Iraq to make Armageddon occur?


Perhaps you want to tell us how he planned 9/11 and Obama was born in Kenya - those actually have more supporting evidence...
We've been waiting for that evidence for years, not even Trumps billions could deliver it.
That is is true.

So what does that say about the conjecture you just posted...

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