ISIS HQ in US Embassy in Turkey?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
It's hard to reconcile the power of the internet to inform with how to accurately assess the accuracy of that cyberspace of information

The following comes from a source I had never heard of before today, and I've included some history of its author at the end of this post.

If the following is true, it should give all points on the US political spectrum a lot of common ground to explore before next November:

"The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter..."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international

About the author of this article:

"Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997.

"Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination.

"In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as 'The Embargo on Truth' by founding and running an independent webmedia:"

The 4th Media - Christof Lehmann
Aye carumba!

I don't think anything is impossible any more. We know Obama and Cameron at the very LEAST turned a blind eye to ISIS's growing power and strength in Syria because they wanted Assad gone.

Why not a two for one? Iraq / Maliki Syria/Assad. Obama gets what he wants. Ditto Cameron. Ditto Saudi Arabia. And of course Qatar.

Then you have the 5 top echelon Taliban on the loose in Qatar and Karzai will get taken out giving Obama a 3 for 1.

ETA: There is no doubt that Obama loves his Sunni shit disturbers.
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"A 'trusted source' close to the Saudi – Lebanese multi-billionaire and former Lebanese P.M. Saad Hariri told on condition of anonymity, that the final green light for the war on Iraq with ISIS or ISIL brigades was given behind closed doors, at the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 22 – 23, 2013..."

On Monday, April, 22, 2013, twenty-seven of twenty-eight EU foreign ministers voted to lift the ban on the import of Syrian oil from opposition-held territories to allow ISIS to finance part of its campaign to balkanize Syria and Iraq.

"ISIS that was supposed to control [the region around] Deir Ez-Zor. [Turkish Energy Minister Taner] Yildiz and [Kurdish] Energy Minister Ashti] Hawrami were to make sure the oil could flow via the Kirkuk – Ceyhan [pipeline];…"

Do you remember when the British backed out of bombing Syria last August?

"The Hariri insider added that the oil fields should have been under ISIS control by August 2013, but that the plan failed for two reasons.

"The UK withdrew its support for the bombing of Syria.

"That in turn enabled the Syrian army to dislodge both ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusrah from Deir Ez-Zor in August.

“'The situation was a disaster because in June Hariri, Yidiz, Hawrami, Scowcroft, and everybody was ready to talk about how to share the oil between the U.S., Turkey and E.U.. The Summit in November should have dealt with a fait accompli'..."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international
It's not surprising. obama has been arming ISIS and giving them financial aid. He released their top commander in 2009 and just gave that commander 5 of his best commanders.
Aye carumba!

I don't think anything is impossible any more. We know Obama and Cameron at the very LEAST turned a blind eye to ISIS's growing power and strength in Syria because they wanted Assad gone.

Why not a two for one? Iraq / Maliki Syria/Assad. Obama gets what he wants. Ditto Cameron. Ditto Saudi Arabia. And of course Qatar.

Then you have the 5 top echelon Taliban on the loose in Qatar and Karzai will get taken out giving Obama a 3 for 1.

ETA: There is no doubt that Obama loves his Sunni shit disturbers.
I'm thinking there is probably a Ukraine connection here, as well.
I don't know how much faith to invest in this author, but if his bio is accurate, some pretty impressive people have valued his advice and judgement.
There seems no doubt Obama and whoever occupies the Oval Office next will have no choice about continuing the Long War in the Middle East and Central Asia.
It's hard to reconcile the power of the internet to inform with how to accurately assess the accuracy of that cyberspace of information

The following comes from a source I had never heard of before today, and I've included some history of its author at the end of this post.

If the following is true, it should give all points on the US political spectrum a lot of common ground to explore before next November:

"The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter..."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international

About the author of this article:

"Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997.

"Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination.

"In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as 'The Embargo on Truth' by founding and running an independent webmedia:"

The 4th Media - Christof Lehmann
There was no doubt in my mind that ISIS is sponsored by international bankers since they started fighting in Syria. And Turkey is a puppet of international bankers, it was bought by America under Bush administration
It's not surprising. obama has been arming ISIS and giving them financial aid. He released their top commander in 2009 and just gave that commander 5 of his best commanders.
This has been going on long before Obama, and it will continue long after he leaves the White House:

"We have unveiled ISIS, and ISIS Unveiled turned out to be a two-headed monster. Its body consists of volunteers, mercenaries and Saudi, Turkish and U.S. intelligence operatives and special forces.

"Its two heads are the royal family of Saudi Arabia and the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, U.S.A.

Any appraisal of any foreign, political or military intervention in Iraq without considering these facts would lead to the wrong conclusion. It is precisely therefore, that one will not find any of this information in other than fragmented form in any of the western or Gulf-Arab media."

ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq | nsnbc international
It's hard to reconcile the power of the internet to inform with how to accurately assess the accuracy of that cyberspace of information

The following comes from a source I had never heard of before today, and I've included some history of its author at the end of this post.

If the following is true, it should give all points on the US political spectrum a lot of common ground to explore before next November:

"The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter..."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international

About the author of this article:

"Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997.

"Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination.

"In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as 'The Embargo on Truth' by founding and running an independent webmedia:"

The 4th Media - Christof Lehmann

reported. - RationalWiki
It's hard to reconcile the power of the internet to inform with how to accurately assess the accuracy of that cyberspace of information

The following comes from a source I had never heard of before today, and I've included some history of its author at the end of this post.

If the following is true, it should give all points on the US political spectrum a lot of common ground to explore before next November:

"The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter..."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international

About the author of this article:

"Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997.

"Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination.

"In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as 'The Embargo on Truth' by founding and running an independent webmedia:"

The 4th Media - Christof Lehmann
There was no doubt in my mind that ISIS is sponsored by international bankers since they started fighting in Syria. And Turkey is a puppet of international bankers, it was bought by America under Bush administration
I'm sure bankers in New York and London have their bets down (probably hedged, or course) Oil flowing via the Kirkuk to Ceyhan pipeline seems to be what sealed Maliki's fate.

ISIS was supposed to control the fields where that oil comes from by August 2013, but the British backed out of supporting Obama's strikes on Syria. That gave Assad's forces the leverage to evict ISIS from Syrian fields that same month.

The US Turkey, and the EU were all ready to divide up that oil, and that was when DC put a (ISIS) gun to Maliki's head.

What do you think would happen if millions of Americans read this theory over their breakfast table between now and November?

ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq | nsnbc international
When it comes to the Middle never know whom is in bed with whom. .. :cool:
It's not surprising. obama has been arming ISIS and giving them financial aid. He released their top commander in 2009 and just gave that commander 5 of his best commanders.

Reminder that this story has been disproven. Baghdadi was released in 2004, under Bush.
It's hard to reconcile the power of the internet to inform with how to accurately assess the accuracy of that cyberspace of information

The following comes from a source I had never heard of before today, and I've included some history of its author at the end of this post.

If the following is true, it should give all points on the US political spectrum a lot of common ground to explore before next November:

"The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter..."

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq - Hariri Insider | nsnbc international

About the author of this article:

"Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997.

"Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination.

"In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as 'The Embargo on Truth' by founding and running an independent webmedia:"

The 4th Media - Christof Lehmann

reported. - RationalWiki
", or nsnbc ìnternational, is a lowercase alternative news site created in 2013 by a Danish man named Christoff Lehmann as a replacement for his blog.[1] The website is one of the more professional-looking crank sites.

"However, under the shiny exterior, the website supports a wide range of conspiracy theories and woo.

"nsnbc features articles supporting 9/11 conspiracy theories,[2][3] FEMA concentration camps,[2][4] Bilderberg conspiracies,[2][5] Zionist conspiracies,[6] Rothschild conspiracies,[6] Monsanto conspiracies,[7] Séralini's discredited rat study,[8] vaccine-induced autism,[9] fluoride conspiracies,[10] and cancer woo" - RationalWiki
When it comes to the Middle never know whom is in bed with whom. .. :cool:
Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan?

Israel may join defense pact with Saudi Arabia, UAE | The Times of Israel
Their common enemy is Iran.

Who they fear more than each other. .. :cool:
"Let cut to the chase: Barack Obama is blackmailing Nouri al-Maliki by withholding military support until the Iraqi Prime Minister agrees to step down. In other words, we are mid-stream in another regime change operation authored by Washington.

"What’s different about this operation, is the fact that Obama is using a small army of jihadi terrorists –who have swept to within 50 miles of Baghdad–to hold the gun to Mr. al Maliki’s head.

"Not surprisingly, al Maliki has refused to cooperate which means the increasingly-tense situation could explode into a civil war. Here’s the scoop from the Guardian in an article aptly titled 'Iraq’s Maliki: I won’t quit as condition of US strikes against Isis militants'”

"So, if the Obama people intend to roll back Iran’s influence, then they probably have something else in mind. And they DO have something else in mind. They want to partition the country consistent with an Israeli plan that was concocted more than three decades ago.

"The plan was the brainstorm of Oded Yinon who saw Iraq as a serious threat to Israel’s hegemonic aspirations, so he cooked up a plan to remedy the problem.

"Here’s a blurb from Yinon’s primary work titled, 'A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties', which is the roadmap that will be used to divide Iraq.."

The 4th Media » Splitting Up Iraq: It?s All For Israel

The more things change...
I have been telling people that Israel has been strangely silent about ISIS and the Iraq situation.

Which led me to believe that Israel and the Mossad are deeply involved.

And of course the U.S. government is funding the whole sordid project. ... :cool:
I have been telling people that Israel has been strangely silent about ISIS and the Iraq situation.

Which led me to believe that Israel and the Mossad are deeply involved.

And of course the U.S. government is funding the whole sordid project. ... :cool:
Israel has been silent about Ukraine, too.
Perhaps there's a connection obvious enough for millions of US voters to act on next November?

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