Isis Is Only A Threat To The Middle East Right?

Obabble is the biggest threat to the middle east. An American, Christian community organizer pledging air support so Muslims can more effectively kill he can claim he destroyed an enemy that threatens his country. Can anyone say "doomed to failure"?
They gonna be coming across the border any day now!!!

Time to break out my bumper sticker from 2003 that shows I have a permit to hunt terrorist!

Aren't Republicans are saying Isis is coming to America through Mexico? Who was it who said they left behind Arab clothes and a Koran?

No one loves to be terrified more than Republicans.
Australian Police Raids Thwarted Beheading Plot - ABC News

They're only killing each other right?

Wake up people

Oh I'm awake and yes they are butchering each other and I hope they butcher themselves right out of existance.

As for America? We might very well be attacked because of the morons in DC who refuse to close our Mexican border. Those dirtbags have been coming across the border for years.

We aren't under attack yet but if we are attacked we need to level Iraq and anywhere else ISIS is holed up.

If the rest of the world doesn't like it, tough fucking shit.
9/11 happened because of student visas. But you're right the number of cases of terrorist coming across the mexican border is troubling.

The total number of cases is zero.
Putting 100,000 troops back into the Middle East won't prevent someone in Australia from losing their head.
Theatrics designed for mass Sheeple consumption. Expect similar shows here in the U.S.
Yeah they are only a threat to the Middle East as long as they confine themselves to that region anyone really think they will?
Chaffetz Four men with Middle East terrorist ties caught at Texas border on Sept 10 - BizPac Review
Aren't Republicans are saying Isis is coming to America through Mexico? Who was it who said they left behind Arab clothes and a Koran?

No one loves to be terrified more than Republicans.

From your link:

“I’ve heard reports to that effect, but I don’t know the accuracy of the reports or how much credence to give them,” Johnson said nonchalantly, while scratching his nose.[/quote]

Oh yeah thats proof right there! Nope

Chaffetz was a guest Wednesday on “The Kelly File,” and after noting that Johnson did not confirm or deny the report, host Megyn Kelly explained that Chaffetz had earlier asked Johnson if any suspected or known terrorist have ever been apprehended on the southern border.

“Sitting here right now, no specific case comes to mind,” Johnson answered, according to Kelly. “That doesn’t mean there is none, perhaps FBI director [James] Comey can think of one.”

So she asked the guy if there were any cases of that actually happening. He says he (the guy in charge of knowing that sort of thing) says none come to mind

Is there something here ambiguious about that?
9/11 happened because of student visas. But you're right the number of cases of terrorist coming across the mexican border is troubling.

The total number of cases is zero.

When it comes to republicans, zero can be asset. They had bush for eight years remember.

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