ISIS kills 250 kids in dough kneader, burns adults alive. The oldest child was 4.

ISIS does some pretty nasty shit

That is why the entire world is opposed to them. Does the OP believe anyone is actually supporting what ISIS is doing?


How about ignore, rationalize, trivialize, obfuscate, misdirect, and defend through false equivalencies? THAT is what literally dozens and dozens of leftist posters here do any time the discussion involves atrocities committed in the name of Islam.

Islam is the p.c. protected totalitarian ideology.

What ISIS is doing is not Islam. Stating that is not trying to " ignore, rationalize, trivialize, obfuscate, misdirect, and defend through false equivalencies" - it's pointing out the truth. ISIS attracts criminals and thugs, engage in brutality that disgusts people the world wide - Muslims included. ISIS' main victims are Muslims. Muslims far outnumber any other group murdered by ISIS. The brutality that is ISIS is ISIS and trying to smear an entire world wide religion, who's majority actively rejects ISIS - is itself engaging in misdirection rather than addressing the actual problem - ISIS.
Good thing coalition forces are destroying ISIS

ISIS' brutality is going to get worse I'm sure, as they are further pushed out. The suffering and horror is beyond comprehension :( I truly think ISIS is the closest modern equivalent to the Nazi's.
why would anyone find this hard to believe.

Maybe this isn't true, this time, but there are plenty of videos on liveleak of them executing people by the hundreds, drowning them in cages, burning them alive and so forth, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I saw one where they had a line of dozens, if not hundreds, of people walking to the edge of a pier where they were shooting them in the head one after the next and just tossing the bodies in the water.

they've done shit like this all along. nothing but fucking animals.
But we now know that Hillary knew years ago that ISIS was being supplied and funded by her donors and she did NOTHING to stop it.

She is from a class of people that are simply monstrous and incomprehensible to most decent Americans.
why would anyone find this hard to believe.

Maybe this isn't true, this time, but there are plenty of videos on liveleak of them executing people by the hundreds, drowning them in cages, burning them alive and so forth, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I saw one where they had a line of dozens, if not hundreds, of people walking to the edge of a pier where they were shooting them in the head one after the next and just tossing the bodies in the water.

they've done shit like this all along. nothing but fucking animals.
Well, obviously, it cannot be true if it hurts Hillary Clinton from becoming the first vagina as POTUS.
What ISIS is doing is not Islam. .

Ah, yes -- and that is why they always cry out "For secular Humanism!" instead of Allahu Akhbar" when in action.
The point is that these Salafi Jihadist radicals are not typical of Islam.

And no your list of attrocities of other Salafi extremists does not prove that the other 95% of Sunnis are guilty either.
why would anyone find this hard to believe.

Maybe this isn't true, this time, but there are plenty of videos on liveleak of them executing people by the hundreds, drowning them in cages, burning them alive and so forth, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I saw one where they had a line of dozens, if not hundreds, of people walking to the edge of a pier where they were shooting them in the head one after the next and just tossing the bodies in the water.

they've done shit like this all along. nothing but fucking animals.

Those leftists who absolutely despise the liberal values inherent in Western Civilization have to find SOME way to earn their cred.

Whether it is simply stating that it didn't happen, laughing about by calling it creative or denying it has anything to do with Islam, these archly illiberal individuals are simply expressing a fundamentalist mid set every bit as rigid as that of the Islamists, themselves. They are the true believers of the left, and their idiocy has nothing to do with examination or understanding, and everything to do with a herd instinct. They all say what they say simply because they all say it.
Good thing coalition forces are destroying ISIS

ISIS' brutality is going to get worse I'm sure, as they are further pushed out. The suffering and horror is beyond comprehension :( I truly think ISIS is the closest modern equivalent to the Nazi's.

Al Qaeda, ISIS, and most other Sunni Muslim Terrorist Orgs are US/Saudi creations. ISIS was created to kill Assad in Syria. But now it's outlived its usefulness. Its masters are now turning on it. Just more horrific bloody US intervention madness. When will it end?
That's one big dough kneader...why would they kill kids that young? Smells fishy to me.

Hey, great job, comrade!

"Don't show any concern for the victims, whatsoever" is right there on page two of the manual.

I do hope you have advanced to page three so you enlighten us with the "But Christians are just the same!!!" bit of utter wisdom.
I don't believe there were any victims in this case. I could be wrong, I'll admit.
Sort of like burning people alive in cages was false? Not. You worry more about us staying away than about them spreading their evil even further. Do you hear yourself?
Be very wary of these kinds of reports. They're often propaganda lies used to stir the sheep up and keep them supporting Endless War. This event may not have happened at all. We'll never know for sure.
what is the point of this thread?

To scare and outrage dumb Americans into supporting Endless War. This likely never happened. Just more propaganda. More of this stuff...

Did you take a wrong tun on your way to the conspiracy theory section and ended up here by mistake?

The room you are looking for is down the hall on your left.

Ah, just another 'Incubator/WMD' propaganda lie. Gotta stir the sheep up. Gotta make sure they continue supporting Endless War. This event likely never happened. Just more lies.
why would anyone find this hard to believe.

Maybe this isn't true, this time, but there are plenty of videos on liveleak of them executing people by the hundreds, drowning them in cages, burning them alive and so forth, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I saw one where they had a line of dozens, if not hundreds, of people walking to the edge of a pier where they were shooting them in the head one after the next and just tossing the bodies in the water.

they've done shit like this all along. nothing but fucking animals.

Those leftists who absolutely despise the liberal values inherent in Western Civilization have to find SOME way to earn their cred.

Whether it is simply stating that it didn't happen, laughing about by calling it creative or denying it has anything to do with Islam, these archly illiberal individuals are simply expressing a fundamentalist mid set every bit as rigid as that of the Islamists, themselves. They are the true believers of the left, and their idiocy has nothing to do with examination or understanding, and everything to do with a herd instinct. They all say what they say simply because they all say it.

I think people have a tendency to project our sense of normalcy, or whatever you want to call it, onto situations. people should watch the videos of these people doing what they do.

Never again would they say 'naaa, they'd never do that'

and I'll agree that the left would rather not acknowledge this stuff for primarily political reasons. The JV team perpetrated some amazingly horrible shit while the folks in DC dithered.

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