ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Believed to Have Been Killed, According to Report

"Hey Barry, You led a coalition to defeat ISIS ... While making ISIS oil facilities that funded 50% of ISIS terrorist attacks - like the attack on France, the worst since WWII - 'OFF LIMITS' TO MILITARY STRIKES...

After winning the Nobel Peace Prize you pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda to help them take over in Libya...

After using the Intel mechanism created by Bush to find UBL and refusing to allow raids to take him down 3 times you finally gave the 'green Light'. After brave Special forces members conducted the mission AND after promising not to 'spike the political football', you bragged about how YOU got UBL.

You sent US military troops into the middle of an on-going civil war in Syria in which no less than 6 different military groups / entities were fighting, invading a sovereign country protected by Russia without permission or request from its govt or leader...

You claimed to have defeated ISIS while leaving US military members behind in Syria as 'Human Shields' to indefinitely defend the hated Kurds who have no home of their own...

YOU defeated ISIS? To kill the 'snake', you have to cut the head off of the 'snake'.

US Special Forces working under me, the Commander and Chief, just cut the head off of the snake - we just took out

Abu Baghdadi!

I just finished the job you started, and I'm bringing our troops home!

So much for your 'Legacy'..."
This is the headline that liberal news outlets would really like to run but don't dare run. We're talking about the raid that killed ISIS leader Baghdadi. He blew up himself and in the process killed his two wives and three of his children.

Al-Baghdadi takedown catches Dems flat-footed, blunts criticism of Trump's Syria pullback
Amazingly Americans are proud of this. I am sickened by it.
You are sickened by the removal of evil from our world?
I’m sickened by the deaths of innocent women and children. Aren’t you? I’m sickened by Americans who think is great.
I'm sickened that the evil POS that was killed took the lives of his own children in his cowardice. I am NOT sickened that he is dead, nor his wives who clearly would have used their vests against Americans.

So, we don't really have any innocent women dead, I do feel for the children. Of course, you ignore the 11 children we saved from a life of indoctrination into evil.
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?
Only one person was responsible. Al-Baghdadi for putting them in harms way.
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?
There are un-embedded journalists covering civilian casualties in our War on Terror, but they seldom show up on corporate media platforms:

Their task is complicated by the subjective nature of our "enemy"

"Jason Burke, a journalist who writes about radical Islamic activity, describes the terms "terrorism' and 'war against terrorism' in this manner:

"There are multiple ways of defining terrorism and all are subjective.

"Most define terrorism as 'the use or threat of serious violence' to advance some kind of 'cause'.

"Some state clearly the kinds of group ('sub-national', 'non-state') or cause (political, ideological, religious) to which they refer.

"Others merely rely on the instinct of most people when confronted with an act that involves innocent civilians being killed or maimed by men armed with explosives, firearms or other weapons.

"None is satisfactory and grave problems with the use of the term persist. Terrorism is after all, a tactic.

"The term 'war on terrorism' is thus effectively nonsensical.

"As there is no space here to explore this involved and difficult debate, my preference is, on the whole, for the less loaded term 'militancy'. This is not an attempt to condone such actions, merely to analyze them in a clearer way."

Criticism of the War on Terror - Wikipedia

The current USA enemy is any entity that doesn't kiss Trump's anus.
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?

So you're sad this murderous terrorist thug is dead.

There's no evidence Baghdadi was killed other than the utterances of disreputable liar Donald Trump, the bodies of women and children, and a flattened building.

Trump invited only his stooges into the room where the incident was being monitored.

This escapade was clearly manufactured to distract from the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Russians disavowed knowledge of action which reflects badly on Donald Trump who claims that Russians were informed.
As much proof we had when bin Laden was killed.

There were military personnel boasting about the Osama Bin Laden kill.
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?
Who whimpered louder you in 2016 or the Isis leader yesterday ? Lol
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?

So you're sad this murderous terrorist thug is dead.

There's no evidence Baghdadi was killed other than the utterances of disreputable liar Donald Trump, the bodies of women and children, and a flattened building.

Trump invited only his stooges into the room where the incident was being monitored.

This escapade was clearly manufactured to distract from the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Russians disavowed knowledge of action which reflects badly on Donald Trump who claims that Russians were informed.
As much proof we had when bin Laden was killed.
Trump could be considered great, if he declared the war on terror won, removed all our imperial forces from the ME, and removed all the CIA assholes too.

What chance does Donald Trump have? He can't even defeat an old lady in Congress.
Trumpybear should release the video of El'bagdaddi whimpering and crying moments before he blows himself up! Let the Muslim terrorists see how the Rolex wearing commander died like a whimpering puppy.
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?

So you're sad this murderous terrorist thug is dead.

There's no evidence Baghdadi was killed other than the utterances of disreputable liar Donald Trump, the bodies of women and children, and a flattened building.

Trump invited only his stooges into the room where the incident was being monitored.

This escapade was clearly manufactured to distract from the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Russians disavowed knowledge of action which reflects badly on Donald Trump who claims that Russians were informed.
As much proof we had when bin Laden was killed.

There were military personnel boasting about the Osama Bin Laden kill.
So if they boast about killing the leader if issis you will believe it?
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?

So you're sad this murderous terrorist thug is dead.

There's no evidence Baghdadi was killed other than the utterances of disreputable liar Donald Trump, the bodies of women and children, and a flattened building.

Trump invited only his stooges into the room where the incident was being monitored.

This escapade was clearly manufactured to distract from the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Russians disavowed knowledge of action which reflects badly on Donald Trump who claims that Russians were informed.
As much proof we had when bin Laden was killed.

There were military personnel boasting about the Osama Bin Laden kill.

So if they boast about killing the leader if issis you will believe it?

It's too late. Trump has already claimed credit.
For the record----the person who declared OSAMA BIN LADEN----an evil guy was Oliver North 1987
This was after Reagan funded, armed & trained BIn Laden.

Reagan did not fund, arm and train Bin Laden. Bin Laden was an ethnic Yemeni---(sorta) whose paternal relatives
had moved to Saudi Arabia and his father
was an immensely wealthy Saudi citizen who made his sons, including his little Osama---
immensely wealthy. He also had the financial support of fellow islamists. Osama did some college as an engineer and them developed his JIHADIST CAREER. He did not serve in any branch of the US military of obtain training from the USA military. You are
engaging in LIBEL
evil always hides behind children and the weak. always. It's why the poor are always the recipients of a demofk program.
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?
then why did the dude wear the vest and detonate it? the military used no weapon.
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?
then why did the dude wear the vest and detonate it? the military used no weapon.

You have only Donald Trump's word for that.
This is the headline that liberal news outlets would really like to run but don't dare run. We're talking about the raid that killed ISIS leader Baghdadi. He blew up himself and in the process killed his two wives and three of his children.

Al-Baghdadi takedown catches Dems flat-footed, blunts criticism of Trump's Syria pullback
Amazingly Americans are proud of this. I am sickened by it.

I am fascinated? you are sickened by the death of THE CALIPH?
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?

So you're sad this murderous terrorist thug is dead.

There's no evidence Baghdadi was killed other than the utterances of disreputable liar Donald Trump, the bodies of women and children, and a flattened building.

Trump invited only his stooges into the room where the incident was being monitored.

This escapade was clearly manufactured to distract from the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Russians disavowed knowledge of action which reflects badly on Donald Trump who claims that Russians were informed.
As much proof we had when bin Laden was killed.
Trump could be considered great, if he declared the war on terror won, removed all our imperial forces from the ME, and removed all the CIA assholes too.

What chance does Donald Trump have? He can't even defeat an old lady in Congress.
The old lady in congress? Backed by 95% of everything we see in the media/entertainment/extremist judges she has a lot of wind at her back. She is like so many people in politics today. She won't eave until she is near death or dead. Self importance to the max. And suffering for the people .
The military love civilians. They don't have weapons, they don't shoot back, and dead civilians can't deny claims by the military that the dead civilians are terrorists.

Why are there no witnesses to be interviewed?
then why did the dude wear the vest and detonate it? the military used no weapon.

You have only Donald Trump's word for that.

All he has to do is release the video. Trumpybear, as the all powerful president, can order it's release, right? If describing it like he did is suppose to demoralize the followers of that evil cult, wouldn't video of that fucker whimpering and crying be that much better?

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