Isis Makes 1 Million A Day Like Stalin Robbed Banks?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I know only one thing for sure, and that is that I do not know anything for certain. But it is written in history books and told by experts that Joseph Stalin used to rob banks to fund his communist revolution. I do not believe that - it is obvious to me now that Stalin and Lenin were actually backed by international bankers, like Kiev junta was this past spring - their communist revolution happened less than 4 years after Federal reserve was enacted in America, less than a year after which WW1 started. So I am very suspicious about any other ways ISIS is getting its' money. Your thoughts?

Of course I am not interested in mass media opinions:
How ISIS makes its millions -
Well we all know it couldn't be any of the 1 billion "peaceful" Muslims sending money to those savages, right?
Why should they? are they also the ones who backed FSA? who invited Saudi Arabian king to the white house? who sent death row inmates to fight Syrian people? Who invaded Ira
Well we all know it couldn't be any of the 1 billion "peaceful" Muslims sending money to those savages, right?
No, only Muslims funded FSA, bombed Iraq and Afghanistan. It's a Muslim thing, says right in Koran - Thou shall Bomb and Fund terrorists.
Get rich or die trying. That's the American way, no? ISIS is just tryin to get theirs. They're no different than nations like America, that plunder the world for wealth.
Well we all know it couldn't be any of the 1 billion "peaceful" Muslims sending money to those savages, right?
Right. ISIS is funded primarily from oil revenues.

Another Government/Corporate Media fairy tale. ISIS was funded primarily by the West and several Sunni nations in the region who wanted to 'Regime Change' Assad.
Well we all know it couldn't be any of the 1 billion "peaceful" Muslims sending money to those savages, right?
Right. ISIS is funded primarily from oil revenues.

Extortion and "voluntary" involuntary taxes is a major financial vehicle for them. They basically extract money directly and indirectly from the population and businesses in the areas they control. They are, in every way, financed like a sovereign nation is.
Well we all know it couldn't be any of the 1 billion "peaceful" Muslims sending money to those savages, right?
Right. ISIS is funded primarily from oil revenues.

Extortion and "voluntary" involuntary taxes is a major financial vehicle for them. They basically extract money directly and indirectly from the population and businesses in the areas they control. They are, in every way, financed like a sovereign nation is.

They're just another brutal gang. They're just like Governments. They gain their wealth by intimidation & force. The exact same way Governments do it. Governments are just gangs in the end.

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