ISIS second-in-command killed, U.S. believes( why now ?)

who believes a word from this administration? we never hear about them KILLING anyone since they supposedly killed Bin ladan. Not even a daily head count of our men and women killed under Obambam from the media like they did with Bush . and now, WALLA right after a terrorist attack they got their man and his cousin too. pfeeesh usual.

ISIL death toll at 20,000, but 'stalemate' continues
7:05 p.m. EDT October 12, 2015
WASHINGTON — The U.S.-led bombing campaign has killed an estimated 20,000 Islamic State fighters, an increase from the 15,000 the Pentagon reported in July, according to a senior military officer.

Airstrikes from the American-led campaign, which began in August 2014, have rattled the militants from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, said the official and another Pentagon official familiar with intelligence. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The second official said intercepted communications show ISIL militants to be fearful of the allied air attacks, which have forced them to change their tactics.

But despite the higher number of casualties and the airstrikes' erosion of morale among ISIL fighters, the militant group continues to draw new fighters to Iraq andSyria. The overall force, the first official said, remains about where it was when the bombing started: 20,000 to 30,000 fighters.

ISIL death toll at 20,000, but 'stalemate' continues

This is not hard to comprehend. The 20,000 killed are Active fighters, the 30,000 are Ready Reserves. The other 30,000 are Inactive Reserves. Then you have Homeland Defense Forces, Coast Watchers, etc. Finally there is the Religous Reserve of several millions supported by the Children's Reserve and non child bearing Women's Reserve. This could take a while and an entire sack full of bombs.
ISIS second-in-command killed, U.S. believes -
ISIS second-in-command killed, U.S. believes

i have question. media confirmed two american dead by brussel attack 4 hour ago

and this news now .
is it revenge ?
usa can kill isis leaders. but they wait !!!!!!!!!?

It's all about "posturing" with this Administration! They "contain" ISIS. At this moment the "containment" seems to have spread to Europe.
who believes a word from this administration? we never hear about them KILLING anyone since they supposedly killed Bin ladan. Not even a daily head count of our men and women killed under Obambam from the media like they did with Bush . and now, WALLA right after a terrorist attack they got their man and his cousin too. pfeeesh usual.

ISIL death toll at 20,000, but 'stalemate' continues
7:05 p.m. EDT October 12, 2015
WASHINGTON — The U.S.-led bombing campaign has killed an estimated 20,000 Islamic State fighters, an increase from the 15,000 the Pentagon reported in July, according to a senior military officer.

Airstrikes from the American-led campaign, which began in August 2014, have rattled the militants from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, said the official and another Pentagon official familiar with intelligence. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The second official said intercepted communications show ISIL militants to be fearful of the allied air attacks, which have forced them to change their tactics.

But despite the higher number of casualties and the airstrikes' erosion of morale among ISIL fighters, the militant group continues to draw new fighters to Iraq andSyria. The overall force, the first official said, remains about where it was when the bombing started: 20,000 to 30,000 fighters.

ISIL death toll at 20,000, but 'stalemate' continues

This is not hard to comprehend. The 20,000 killed are Active fighters, the 30,000 are Ready Reserves. The other 30,000 are Inactive Reserves. Then you have Homeland Defense Forces, Coast Watchers, etc. Finally there is the Religous Reserve of several millions supported by the Children's Reserve and non child bearing Women's Reserve. This could take a while and an entire sack full of bombs.

Link? I like information that is corroborated and vetted.

I wonder why the righties are avoiding this thread. I guess they just can't stand the thought that Obama can go to a baseball game and kill a top ISIS member at the same time. Too used to Bush, who could barely focus on anything for very long.
The ISIS guy might have been killed a month or a freaking year ago. The tango king needs some propaganda so they release it to the media.
The dead guy, Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, has been with ISIS as far back as the Bush Administration when it was known as Al Qaeda in Iraq.

I can think of quite a few other times it would have been better timing to kill him for publicity purposes, so this "Why now?" crap is stupid conspiracy bullshit.
Anyone who thinks Barack Obama has a handle on ISIS probably thinks he has had a plan to fix the economy and create jobs as well! Ah, to be THAT naive!
RW's want ISIS dead until Obama kills one of their leaders, then dead isn't good enough.

dumbshit RW's.
I'm of the belief that the rise of ISIS was in large part because they were allowed to be seen as "winning" in a war against the West! Foreign recruits flocked to ISIS because of their early successes and now many of those same recruits have returned home to bring terror with them. It should never have been allowed to come to this.
I'm of the belief that the rise of ISIS was in large part because they were allowed to be seen as "winning" in a war against the West! Foreign recruits flocked to ISIS because of their early successes and now many of those same recruits have returned home to bring terror with them. It should never have been allowed to come to this.
Most of them are stupid kids living in poverty with no frame of reference. Suckers who will line up to do the bidding of the older power hungry con men sending them to their deaths in exchange for a few months of all the Twix bars they can eat.
ISIS second-in-command killed, U.S. believes -
ISIS second-in-command killed, U.S. believes

i have question. media confirmed two american dead by brussel attack 4 hour ago

and this news now .
is it revenge ?
usa can kill isis leaders. but they wait !!!!!!!!!?

that's it... it's all a plot to confuse rightwingnuts.

Who else but the RWnuts on USMB would bitch about an important successful attack on ISIS?

Ain't that the sad, sad truth. Kill a terrorist leader and because Obama is president, no credit given. Some fucked up people posting here. Ya'll know who I'm talking about.
Just heard it on the news.

Special Forces are in Syria and they took that scumbag out. Good for them and the West.

Hope they get a chance to take out number one.
ISIS second-in-command killed, U.S. believes -
ISIS second-in-command killed, U.S. believes

i have question. media confirmed two american dead by brussel attack 4 hour ago

and this news now .
is it revenge ?
usa can kill isis leaders. but they wait !!!!!!!!!?

that's it... it's all a plot to confuse rightwingnuts.

Who else but the RWnuts on USMB would bitch about an important successful attack on ISIS?

Ain't that the sad, sad truth. Kill a terrorist leader and because Obama is president, no credit given. Some fucked up people posting here. Ya'll know who I'm talking about.

Yeah, it's so abhorrent to these people that President Obama would have successes that they are willing to make complete fools of themselves denying it or impugning it with some nonsense.
Obama doesn't like killing too many Muslims because he feels it makes them madder....
But after looking real and I mean real bad on this road trip Obama or maybe Valerie Jarrett put the word out
that Obama needs to take credit for something pretty big to make him look good.

So someone needed to be ended...

It really is that simple.

That's an interesting defense of ISIS.

they hare this country. they only care about what they can pretend hurts the president.

so much hate and lunacy. :cuckoo:
obama had to do something he was getting hammered over his kiss ass in Cuba. He invents a second in command.
i cant understand.when two american died.after 2 hours...
#2 isis died. are you f kidding me
obama can kill terrorist after tragedy ?
You realize we've been bombing ISIS targets forever !!!! ISIS dudes get whacked all the time .

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