ISIS.....U.S. number one target


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018

Still yet....far too many are in see them on here saying stuff like.....'oh i live down the street from a mosque....they never give me any trouble etc.etc.'

ISIS cells plotting ’enemy strikes' after Sri Lanka attack: US ‘Number 1’ target

ISIS cells plotting ’enemy strikes' after Sri Lanka attack: US ‘Number 1’ target

We are going to get hit and we are going to get hit hard and there any solution to the problem of Islamic Terrorism?

I will not say there is a solution but there are definitely things we can do to fight this evil....first thing we need to do is address the problem of 'denial' which works against us in so many ways....especially since so many are afflicted with it.

'Evil denotes an absence of good. It is that which is depraved and immoral. Theodicy, coined by philosopher Gottfried Leibinz, is a theological construct which attempts to answer the question of why a good God permits the manifestation of evil. Questions arise in theodicy as to levels of will, why evil exists and whether there is a demonic force responsible for radical evil. All of these questions address the chaotic universal force of evil.'

Denying Islam's Role in Terror: Explaining the Denial

The Collective Denial of Evil and its Impact on Psychiatric Treatment

The problem - What is wrong with the Islamic world?

Europe’s denial of Islamic terrorism threat perplexes security specialists – Morning Thread | Sparta Report

JIHADI sleeper cells are preparing to strike the US after the Sri Lanka bombings, a terror expert has told Daily Star Online.
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With democrats fighting for open borders isis will find it very easy to conduct operations.

The border situation must be dealt with or we will pay a terrible price for the stupidity of trying to be the solution for all these poor folks that cannot be blamed for trying to improve their lives.

Here it is all these years after 9/11 and so many are still refusing to recognize that we must have control of our borders....just another example of 'denial'.....I mean you still hear people saying we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Since the border with Mexico is the biggest problem in regards to people slipping in here...I think the approach should be two-fold....improve the pysical security of the border as much as is humanly possibly aka......barriers, a wall, increased air surveilance, troops stationed on the border, more border patrol agents and there is definitely a need to organize volunteers to patrol the border, do surveillance etc.

Secondly, we need to work with Mexico...make it appealing to them to help us stop the illegal immigrants...we neglected Mexico far too long...we must convince them that if they help us we are willing to help them aka a partnership to go after the cartels, help them with land enable the peasants to have some land so they can feed their families, guest workers passes for farm labor....many things could be done and if the lives of the poor down there improve if they can see some hope coming...then they would not be so desperate to immigrate up here.

On the other hand if those in power...the ones we must deal with if we are to improve the border situation are not willing to work with us...we may have to use military force to remove the corrupt scary as that sounds to some no doubt.

We cannot allow them to condone the status quo...they are invading us, sending drugs into America by the tons...etc. We have plenty of reasons to use our miltary to improve all I do not think another Mexican War would be required....just some muscle to get rid of the corrupt leaders of which they have many.

In a nutshell to improve our security situation we must help them improve living conditions for their poor.

With democrats fighting for open borders isis will find it very easy to conduct operations.
ISIS already has its Muslim Brotherhood representatives in the Democratic Party.

No doubt.....a national emergency definitely needs to be declared......make it for the border out of control coupled with the threat of terrorism. The people must be aroused and motivated to take action.

Unfortunately before anything much will be done we will suffer a lot more from the terrorists than we already have...we can only hope enough folks wake up before it is too late.

If the people want to put another Democrat in has been said ...people get the kind of government they deserve...if they want to committ national suicide....what can be said or what can be done?
Just send a list of the addresses of pro-abortion and pro-homo voters to everyone —legal or not — when they arrive at the border.
That should take care of most of America’s problems via highspanics at the ballot box and muslim terrorism.
Impossible. Trump told us that ISIS is defeated.

Defeated in a territorial sense in that their push for a caliphate was defeated but they are re-organizing as a terrorist wide.

With the Western World's failure to restrict muslim immigration they understand that will allow them to accomplish via terrorism what they were unable to accomplish in open warfare.

Their goal.....chaos and then the collapse of Western Nations.

All these years after 9/11, and we continue to feed into the term “War on Terror,” allowing ourselves to be brainwashed into thinking we are only at war with bombs and bombers. For fear of “offending” a world religion, our media, our politicians and our pseudo-intellectuals avoid using the term “Islam” in any negative context, and thus direct our attentions toward the “tactic” as being the enemy, not the people who use the tactic. That is a recipe for defeat.
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Still yet....far too many are in see them on here saying stuff like.....'oh i live down the street from a mosque....they never give me any trouble etc.etc.'

ISIS cells plotting ’enemy strikes' after Sri Lanka attack: US ‘Number 1’ target

ISIS cells plotting ’enemy strikes' after Sri Lanka attack: US ‘Number 1’ target

We are going to get hit and we are going to get hit hard and there any solution to the problem of Islamic Terrorism?

I will not say there is a solution but there are definitely things we can do to fight this evil....first thing we need to do is address the problem of 'denial' which works against us in so many ways....especially since so many are afflicted with it.

'Evil denotes an absence of good. It is that which is depraved and immoral. Theodicy, coined by philosopher Gottfried Leibinz, is a theological construct which attempts to answer the question of why a good God permits the manifestation of evil. Questions arise in theodicy as to levels of will, why evil exists and whether there is a demonic force responsible for radical evil. All of these questions address the chaotic universal force of evil.'

Denying Islam's Role in Terror: Explaining the Denial

The Collective Denial of Evil and its Impact on Psychiatric Treatment

The problem - What is wrong with the Islamic world?

Europe’s denial of Islamic terrorism threat perplexes security specialists – Morning Thread | Sparta Report

JIHADI sleeper cells are preparing to strike the US after the Sri Lanka bombings, a terror expert has told Daily Star Online.
ISIS is defeated, so who cares what they say

We beat them over there so they can't attack us over here -- or was that bullshit?

Still yet....far too many are in see them on here saying stuff like.....'oh i live down the street from a mosque....they never give me any trouble etc.etc.'

ISIS cells plotting ’enemy strikes' after Sri Lanka attack: US ‘Number 1’ target

ISIS cells plotting ’enemy strikes' after Sri Lanka attack: US ‘Number 1’ target

We are going to get hit and we are going to get hit hard and there any solution to the problem of Islamic Terrorism?

I will not say there is a solution but there are definitely things we can do to fight this evil....first thing we need to do is address the problem of 'denial' which works against us in so many ways....especially since so many are afflicted with it.

'Evil denotes an absence of good. It is that which is depraved and immoral. Theodicy, coined by philosopher Gottfried Leibinz, is a theological construct which attempts to answer the question of why a good God permits the manifestation of evil. Questions arise in theodicy as to levels of will, why evil exists and whether there is a demonic force responsible for radical evil. All of these questions address the chaotic universal force of evil.'

Denying Islam's Role in Terror: Explaining the Denial

The Collective Denial of Evil and its Impact on Psychiatric Treatment

The problem - What is wrong with the Islamic world?

Europe’s denial of Islamic terrorism threat perplexes security specialists – Morning Thread | Sparta Report

JIHADI sleeper cells are preparing to strike the US after the Sri Lanka bombings, a terror expert has told Daily Star Online.
ISIS is defeated, so who cares what they say

We beat them over there so they can't attack us over here -- or was that bullshit?

The war against fanatical Islamists must be sophisticated enough to defeat them on whatever level or field they choose to fight was good to prevent them from acquiring a caliphate but it is also just as important to defeat their efforts at terrorism aka becoming a Al-Quaida
like organization.

Anyhow....that slogan you are complaining about was a old WWII slogan that was rehashed to use in our fight against ISIS...applicable to a certain extent and perhaps somewhat useful in galvanizing public opinion to support our military in the Middle East...but as we have seen in recent days....ISIS was defeated on the field of battle in open warfare but they are re-tooling so to speak...they already had operatives world wide...but now they will increase their efforts and devote their time and resources to subversive warfare...aka terrorism.

They are not known for making idle boasts.

When we get hit again in a big way...perhaps what is up will become more recognized.

Time is on their side....they have the resources to mount a significant attack against us as we speak....and no doubt they will also increase their funding of developing more sophisticated weaponry of a wmd nature...weapon of mass destruction....aka nuclear,chemical or biological.

It is vitally important to understand we are not winning this war with islamic fundamentalism....we are especially losing in the propaganda field....they have been very successful in convincing so many in the west that they are a peaceful religion, that they pose no risk as immigrants that right wingers are the Western Nations real enemy etc.
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