Isis vows more attacks on France

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.
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Islamic State of Iraq and Syria


Meanwhile Saudi Arabia has offered to build 300 mosques in Germany for the Muslim refugees
moving there but continue to refuse to take in refugees. I believe all total Saudi Arabia has taken in a little over 500 Syrian refugees and the other Arab / Islamic states have taken in less than they have. This is where there is a disconnect. Why are western nations absorbing Middle East nation populations while their own nations refuse to take them in?
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The paradox that is the tinderbox...

France more active than rest of the west in tackling Syria
Saturday 14 November 2015 - France has been dogged in its approach toward Assad and Isis, with Islamist group referring in Paris attacks claim to airstrikes by French fighter jets
France’s policy towards the war in Syria has been more forward than any other western country. It was early in calling for President Bashar al-Assad to step down, still insists he must go, and recently joined airstrikes inside Syria against the Islamic State – unlike the UK, which has not taken that step. The Isis claim of responsibility for Friday’s Paris attacks referred directly to French aircraft “striking Muslims in the lands of the caliphate”.

Earlier this week, French warplanes attacked oil and gas installations in the Deir ez-Zor area, describing this as part of an effort to destroy Isis infrastructure and undermine its financial resources. President François Hollande also announced the deployment to the Gulf of France’s only aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, to support operations against Isis in Syria and Iraq. French warplanes struck their first targets in Syria in late September.

On 8 October, France attacked an Isis training camp in Raqqa, capital of the group’s self-proclaimed caliphate in north-eastern Syria. It was believed to house foreign fighters, including French nationals, but Hollande denied they were targeting a specific individual. Le Monde reported that the target was Benghalem Salim, 35, responsible for the reception of French and francophones into Isis. Hollande repeated that about 600 French nationals were currently fighting in Syria and Iraq.

In all, France has carried out about 1,300 sorties in Iraq, with 271 airstrikes destroying more than 450 terrorist targets. Only a few strikes have been carried out in Syria. It is using six Rafale multi-role fighter jets stationed in the United Arab Emirates and six Mirage 2000 fighters deployed in Jordan. France was the first country to join the US-led coalition in Iraq and has provided logistical support to anti-Assad Syrian rebels it considers moderate, including Kurdish fighters. In many ways its policy is similar to Britain’s, but France has pushed diplomatically for stronger measures, including a recent proposal for a UN resolution designed to protect civilians from the barrel bombs used by Syrian government forces.


See also:

France: the secular seat of Europe that has lost so many to radical Islam
Saturday 14 November 2015 | Anti-radicalisation campaigns have failed to prevent young and disaffected from turning to Isis in country with strong secular tradition
Months after the deadly Islamic State and al-Qaida-inspired attacks on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which left 17 people dead in Paris in January, France has fallen victim to another jihadi onslaught of even more horrifying proportions. On Saturday, the French president, François Hollande, pointed the finger of blame squarely at Isis and labelled its attacks an ‘act of war’ – plotted and organised abroad, but executed, brutally, at home. In turn, came a claim of responsibility from Isis vowing France would “continue to smell the odour of death” as long as it continued its policies in the Middle East.

The gunmen and suicide bombers have not yet been publicly identified, but Hollande admitted they had had help from inside France. If some or all turn out to be French citizens, it is likely to spotlight the government’s struggles to tackle radicalisation among its Muslim minority. According to most estimates, France has lost more people to militant Islam than any other country in Europe: a report by the French senate in April concluded that at least 1,430 of the 3,000-plus known European jihadis who had then travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight for Isis were French.

The AFP news agency reported earlier this year that French intelligence services were monitoring another 1,570 people who authorities believed had some kind of connection to Syrian networks, while up to 7,000 more were considered at riskof heading down the same path. Speaking on Friday night, Hollande said: “We know where these attacks come from,” without naming any individual group. “There are indeed good reasons to be afraid.” More than 150 French radicals are serving prison sentences in France. But more alarming for the country’s hard-pressed security services is the fact that at least 200 French jihadis who have spent time in territory held by Isis are known to have since returned to the country.

It is so funny to watch these left-wing TV "reporters" speaking in hushed tones while trying desperately to say it was just a few bad apples from the orchard of Islam.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

Rather than this all resulting in possible thousands of Western troops getting killed again in another Middle Eastern war saga. We could just finish this entire thing in one swoop.

Drop Atomic bombs on the Middle East, wipe the Middle East off the map....that should send the message.

I think people in the West are just really tired of these MoFo's and to remove the cancer we just need to just finish this entire thing. The fact that innocent people would perish also, it's one of those tragic situations, but we have to look at the bigger picture and that bigger picture is, the West would be better off without endless military dramas and Western soldiers dying for NOTHING ala Iraq, Afghanistan.

Finish it now once and for good, drop Atomic bombs on the Middle East.
Operation Serval - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Serval (French: Opération Serval) was aFrench military operation in Mali.[18] The aim of the operation was to oust Islamic militants in the north of Mali,[19] who had begun a push into the center of Mali.[20]

Operation Serval followed the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085 of 20 December 2012 and an official request by the Malian interim government for French military assistance.[21] The operation ended on 15 July 2014 and was replaced by the Operation Barkhanelaunched on 1 August 2014 to fight Islamist fighters in the Sahel.[22] Three of the five Islamic leaders, Abdelhamid Abou Zeid, Abdel Krim and Omar Ould Hamaha were killed, while Mokhtar Belmokhtar fled to Libya and Iyad ag Ghali[23] fled to Algeria.[24]

Operation Barkhane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the main objective of Operation Barkhane is counter-terrorism:[4] "The aim is to prevent what I call the highway of all forms of traffics to become a place of permanent passage, where jihadist groups between Libya and the Atlantic Ocean can rebuild themselves, which would lead to serious consequences for our security."[7] French President, François Hollande, has said the Barkhane force will allow for a "rapid and efficient intervention in the event of a crisis" in the region.[5]
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.
France has been in active combat against Radical Islam in Chad and Northern Africa. Chad was losing the fight until France arrived........They came in and drove the Islamist back into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya..............They killed some of the Islamist commanders and retook the place.......

Currently they are stopping the supply line of the Islamist in the region, and are actively hunting Islamist in support of Nigeria...............

Quite Frankly they decided to fight in the middle ground and are hitting Radical Islam both ways right now.............Which is why ISIS is pissed at them.......They are killing their buddies.

In Timbuktu, a new airborne operation was made with air drop of French soldiers of the 17e RGP (17th Engineer Parachute Regiment), January 29, 2013.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.
France has been in active combat against Radical Islam in Chad and Northern Africa. Chad was losing the fight until France arrived........They came in and drove the Islamist back into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya..............They killed some of the Islamist commanders and retook the place.......

Currently they are stopping the supply line of the Islamist in the region, and are actively hunting Islamist in support of Nigeria...............

Quite Frankly they decided to fight in the middle ground and are hitting Radical Islam both ways right now.............Which is why ISIS is pissed at them.......They are killing their buddies.

With the Socialists running France, of course everything is bound to go horribly wrong.

In a year and a half, President Marine Le Pen will take control of the whole situation. The Front National will return France to the French and hopefully deport all of the scum back to where they belong and that's NOT in France.
This story is breaking right now. Islamic State has sent a message that France remains a top target. What is France going to do? Will NATO get involved? I do not understand their anger at France. France has been more welcoming to refugees than most nations. Don't they have the largest Muslim population in Europe now? How has France led the way in the Syria conflict? What policies are they speaking of?

Islamic State says France remains top target

CAIRO (Reuters) - Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

"To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.
France has been in active combat against Radical Islam in Chad and Northern Africa. Chad was losing the fight until France arrived........They came in and drove the Islamist back into the mountains of Northern Chad and Southern Libya..............They killed some of the Islamist commanders and retook the place.......

Currently they are stopping the supply line of the Islamist in the region, and are actively hunting Islamist in support of Nigeria...............

Quite Frankly they decided to fight in the middle ground and are hitting Radical Islam both ways right now.............Which is why ISIS is pissed at them.......They are killing their buddies.

With the Socialists running France, of course everything is bound to go horribly wrong.

In a year and a half, President Marine Le Pen will take control of the whole situation. The Front National will return France to the French and hopefully deport all of the scum back to where they belong and that's NOT in France.
They should have never taken them in to begin with.................They don't know who is friend or foe...............How many more attacks like this will happen..........Unknown..............

My posts were to let Jeri know why they are pissed at France........They are actively hunting Radical Islamist in the Deserts of North Africa..............and they are killing them.

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