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Islam and Mental Illness

If you can't come up with any other "free speech" exercise designed to offend or inflame a particular group, then you lose credibility points. Really?? You need these pointed out to you?

???WTF are you going on about?

Jewish anarchists never participated in 43 different terrorists group designed to put the world under despotic rule and a perverted version of their religion,. NEVER HAD the juice to hit targets in Belgium, The US, and Turkey in the same month AND still have some left to kill Muslims in 4 other states. Neither did the Italian mafia or the Irish..

When Jewish anarchists were a threat (or the Mafia) - the world in terms of weaponry, sophistication, instantaneous communication and media was a completely different place. They didn't because it didn't exist, not because they didn't have the desire.

These 43 groups are NOT just ISIS and Al Queda. MANY of them are proxy armies for Arab states. Bought and paid for. In some cases -- to export the very kind of warped and tortured Islam that is fueling all of this..

You started this thread with a premise. And ALTHOUGH TRUE -- you neglected to see how it amplifies what I've said about these being "mentally ill" societies that these people come from..

Because it HAS LITTLE BEARING on it. Mental illness is an organic brain disease. Unless you can show me that there is a higher degree of mental illness in those societies then you have no point.

The reason "WESTERN" mental health doesn't take hold with recent immigrants from these cultures is because it is CONTRARY to everything concept of "mental health" that they've ever experienced. Go out and read a bit about the CULTURAL challenge of bringing "western mental health" to the Arab world. In THEIR WORLD, "mental issues" are handled by religious healers largely. Ones that rely heavily on family and religion for their prescriptions. And besides the OCCASIONAL true case of schizophrenia or OCD that MIGHT get diagnosed and treated in the western way -- there is VIRTUALLY NO framework for diagnosing "dangerous or unstable persons" in those countries and cultures. That's because OUR DEFINITIONS of "dangerous and unstable" would apply to MOST EVERY AUTHORITY FIGURE that was in their lives in their home country. They LIVE in asylums.

Agree - and that is exactly what was being said in the OP before the whole thread got dragged down into extremism. But your last sentence is BULL because not all Islamic cultures fit your model.

So rather than that being a excusatory explanation for their proclivities to convert to violence, it actually amplifies the cultural baggage that they arrive with. SOME will attempt to adjust. OTHERS will just fester and explode.

Which pretty much could apply to ANYONE.

We should be doing a MUCH better job of evaluating their ability and enthusiasm for assimilating into Western culture BEFORE opening the gates like we are doing now.

Exactly how do you propose to do that and how do you account for the fact that the vast majority immigrate here with no problems?

Am I heartless??????? Hell no.. The West should have LED the charge 4 or 5 years ago now -- to create and protect safe areas THROUGHOUT the conflict zones. To stem the tide of MASS Migration encouraged by the EU and to some extent our government. It is THEIR FAILURE to do this -- that has forced this backlash.. And it is INEXCUSABLE to not point this out as one of the greatest humanitarian failures in decades...
Islam is a mental illness. Duh.....

Many are now calling religion a mental illness.

I'd agree mostly..but.....

The only "religion" that is actually KILLING innocent people is Islam.

At this point, ya....give it time, and it will be some other and the another....

I doubt it. Most religions actually preach peace and love ......Islam.............not so much. It's all about hate, bigotry, misogyny, and retribution.

Wake the fuck up!
WTF am I going on about???

You said ----
the KKK can march in Selma and the Westboro Baptists can conduct their freakfest at funerals - this is a right and, I fully suppport it that right even if I'm offended by it's expression. Despite the fact that the intent of the contest was to offend a particular group (and, I can't recall any other sort of exhibition designed to offend a religious group) -

Taxpayer funded displays of "Piss Christ" or the Virgin Mary in ELEPHANT DUNG aren't PUBLIC? They were paid for BY US... WORSE than a small private group making a counterpoint to the TRAGEDIES at Charlie Hebdo and elsewhere. AND their objective was probably to get a couple terrorist wannabees to commit to shooting the place up.. Which ---- if you remember -- HAPPENED at a 2nd event in Texas.

Not to be outdone ---

If you can't come up with any other "free speech" exercise designed to offend or inflame a particular group, then you lose credibility points. Really?? You need these pointed out to you?

???WTF are you going on about?

Jewish anarchists never participated in 43 different terrorists group designed to put the world under despotic rule and a perverted version of their religion,. NEVER HAD the juice to hit targets in Belgium, The US, and Turkey in the same month AND still have some left to kill Muslims in 4 other states. Neither did the Italian mafia or the Irish..

When Jewish anarchists were a threat (or the Mafia) - the world in terms of weaponry, sophistication, instantaneous communication and media was a completely different place. They didn't because it didn't exist, not because they didn't have the desire.

These 43 groups are NOT just ISIS and Al Queda. MANY of them are proxy armies for Arab states. Bought and paid for. In some cases -- to export the very kind of warped and tortured Islam that is fueling all of this..

You started this thread with a premise. And ALTHOUGH TRUE -- you neglected to see how it amplifies what I've said about these being "mentally ill" societies that these people come from..

Because it HAS LITTLE BEARING on it. Mental illness is an organic brain disease. Unless you can show me that there is a higher degree of mental illness in those societies then you have no point.

The reason "WESTERN" mental health doesn't take hold with recent immigrants from these cultures is because it is CONTRARY to everything concept of "mental health" that they've ever experienced. Go out and read a bit about the CULTURAL challenge of bringing "western mental health" to the Arab world. In THEIR WORLD, "mental issues" are handled by religious healers largely. Ones that rely heavily on family and religion for their prescriptions. And besides the OCCASIONAL true case of schizophrenia or OCD that MIGHT get diagnosed and treated in the western way -- there is VIRTUALLY NO framework for diagnosing "dangerous or unstable persons" in those countries and cultures. That's because OUR DEFINITIONS of "dangerous and unstable" would apply to MOST EVERY AUTHORITY FIGURE that was in their lives in their home country. They LIVE in asylums.

Agree - and that is exactly what was being said in the OP before the whole thread got dragged down into extremism. But your last sentence is BULL because not all Islamic cultures fit your model.

So rather than that being a excusatory explanation for their proclivities to convert to violence, it actually amplifies the cultural baggage that they arrive with. SOME will attempt to adjust. OTHERS will just fester and explode.

Which pretty much could apply to ANYONE.

We should be doing a MUCH better job of evaluating their ability and enthusiasm for assimilating into Western culture BEFORE opening the gates like we are doing now.

Exactly how do you propose to do that and how do you account for the fact that the vast majority immigrate here with no problems?

Am I heartless??????? Hell no.. The West should have LED the charge 4 or 5 years ago now -- to create and protect safe areas THROUGHOUT the conflict zones. To stem the tide of MASS Migration encouraged by the EU and to some extent our government. It is THEIR FAILURE to do this -- that has forced this backlash.. And it is INEXCUSABLE to not point this out as one of the greatest humanitarian failures in decades...

On continuing to claim that mental illness is "organic brain disease" ----
You keep repeating stuff that is not true. MOST mental illness occurs in COMPLETELY functional brains. NOTHING "organic" about it.. If it all WERE organic -- the Psych community wouldn't still be using ink blots and interviews as their primary tools.

As for "jew anarchists didn't have the weapons" -----
Old terrorists didn't access to weapons of war? Tell that Thomas Jefferson who fought the Barbary pirates and ended up invading Tripoli.. Blowing up stuff has ALWAYS been an option also...

Agree - and that is exactly what was being said in the OP before the whole thread got dragged down into extremism. But your last sentence is BULL because not all Islamic cultures fit your model.

The ones that matter right now do.. The mass migration is largely coming from the exact states that our PISS POOR foreign policy helped to wreck. Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, And Afghan. Right now --- "my model" works pretty well for ALL their leadership. And wannabee leadership. And leadership on the battlefields that those nations have become..

You can toss Libya, and a couple African nations in there as well. Oh --- and Palestine.
When a person does something crazy, even violent and crazy - we usually accept that they are mentally ill. ....Take for example:
Amina Ali Ahra, who ou...
Nicholas Salvadore, who went on a bloody rampage, .....
If they were not Muslim,
Your post contains anecdotal EXCEPTIONS NOT fair logical argument.
pt 1.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth


The Religion of Peace recently distinguished itself by hacking
a Buddhist leader to death, shooting a Christian priest in the
head, murdering a Hindu temple worker, and slaughtering
a 13-year-old Jewish girl... all in less than 24 hours!
Still think all religions are the same?​
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jihad Report
June, 2016

Attacks 232
Killed 2028
Injured 2003
Suicide Blasts 43
Countries 32


Yes the perps were mostly "Mentally ill"?
Coyote Apologetics GARBAGE.​
Last edited:
WTF am I going on about???

You said ----
the KKK can march in Selma and the Westboro Baptists can conduct their freakfest at funerals - this is a right and, I fully suppport it that right even if I'm offended by it's expression. Despite the fact that the intent of the contest was to offend a particular group (and, I can't recall any other sort of exhibition designed to offend a religious group) -

Taxpayer funded displays of "Piss Christ" or the Virgin Mary in ELEPHANT DUNG aren't PUBLIC? They were paid for BY US... WORSE than a small private group making a counterpoint to the TRAGEDIES at Charlie Hebdo and elsewhere. AND their objective was probably to get a couple terrorist wannabees to commit to shooting the place up.. Which ---- if you remember -- HAPPENED at a 2nd event in Texas.

Hold on a second. Are you seriously saying that a TWO pieces of art that insulted a religion (though, if you READ what the artist actually had to say about Piss Christ you would REALIZE it was not intended to insult religion) - is WORSE than an entire exhibit specifically designed around insulting a particular religion? SERIOUSLY?

Please, show me where there has ever been an exhibition designed solely for the purpose of insulting Christianity or Judaism in this country?

Not to be outdone ---


We are talking about US. Not Iran. Let's stick to comparing apples with apples.

Oh, yes...and the reaction to Piss Christ, they weren't too happy about it.
Islam is a mental illness. Duh.....

Many are now calling religion a mental illness.

I'd agree mostly..but.....

The only "religion" that is actually KILLING innocent people is Islam.

At this point, ya....give it time, and it will be some other and the another....

I doubt it. Most religions actually preach peace and love ......Islam.............not so much. It's all about hate, bigotry, misogyny, and retribution.

Wake the fuck up!

Sorry, but history puts lie to that claim.
This little bit bothers me a bit also...

ME ---

So rather than that being a excusatory explanation for their proclivities to convert to violence, it actually amplifies the cultural baggage that they arrive with. SOME will attempt to adjust. OTHERS will just fester and explode.

YOU ---
Which pretty much could apply to ANYONE.

There are hardly any cultures I can think of designed to stifle tolerance and freedom and impose theocratic dictatorships on people -- like the Arab countries we are discussing. Before we WRECKED the area. EVERY ONE of those countries was lead by psychotic or sociopathic jackasses. Whose internal law was "violent and extremely brutal". And was JUSTIFIED by Sharia law. Or at least THEIR interpretation of it..

So what did you mean by ---- "....... apply to anybody"? Anybody OUTSIDE western influence? Anybody like Saudis? Anybody like Ukranians? or Bosnians?
Mental illness is a serious issue. The OP is not stating that all or even most terrorists are mentally ill and neither am I - but mental illness clearly is a factor in some cases. Yet, there is a severe disconnect here on multiple levels.

There is a close association between mental illness and religiousity. Not so much that religion causes mental illness, but mentally ill people tend to be drawn to religion.

When a person like Deanna Laney kills her children by stoning because "God told her to" - there is little doubt in our minds that she is severely disturbed. Yet, when Palmira Silva was decapitated by a Muslim convert in London - most here insisted it was his religion that was at fault and refused to consider mental illness despite the fact he was seen talking to himself nonsensically and trying to decapitate invisible cats. If it's a Muslim, it's his or her religion. Same with the Somali woman that grabbed a flag to attack a Texas woman.

That is the first disconnect. Such an intense hatred, not just for Muslim extremists, but any Muslims, so that a person can't see beyond the religion or see that that the cause is something other than than religion.

The second disconnect is within the Muslim community itself - enough of a disconnect that Imam's are openly speaking of it and that is the inability of the community to come to grips with mental illness amongst it's members. That means children don't get treatment, are ostracized or hidden, adults are isolated and it's not recognized as a disease that can and should be treated. The Christian community has done better than the Muslim community in that regard.

Of course, that's attempting to look at the issue rationally.
When a person does something crazy, even violent and crazy - we usually accept that they are mentally ill. Our culture still has a long ways to go in regards to erasing the stigma of mental illness, and recognizing it as something that needs treatment - but it's come a long ways.

But, when that person is Muslim, there seems to be a double stigma attached to it. One: they are Muslim, and any crazy or violent behavior is blamed on their religion. Two: they are crazy, and mental illness still retains a huge stigma in the Muslim Community.

Take for example:

Amina Ali Ahra, who out of the blue grabbed a flag, and started attacking a nearby woman. She'd been reported as hanging around the area but did not live there, chased another woman into her house and when arrested was unable to give police coherent information. This sparked threads, claims of outrage directed at Muslim extremists and Muslims in general and immigrants in general, and in the end it was determined she had mental issues.

Nicholas Salvadore, who went on a bloody rampage, decapitating an elderly woman and two cats. Much was made of it as a religious terrorist attack because he was a Muslim. But, he was also mentally ill, and a paranoid schitzophrenic.

If they were not Muslim, it would quickly have been yesterday's news, no demands for "why isn't this in the news" etc. If they were not Muslim, people would have considered mental illness as a causative factor because the "religion thing" would not have been occupying so much headspace. It's also possible that if they hadn't been Muslim, their families and friends may have recognized signs and sought treatment in childhood before it erupted in to a tragedy.

‘Muslims must fight this taboo’ Islamic leaders want stigma around mental illness to end

Praising the Sunday Express for its Crusade for better mental health Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra, assistant Secretary-General for the Muslim Council of Britain, said feelings of shame, cultural and religious ignorance and a general lack of physical fitness meant that the rate of mental illness within Muslim communities far exceeded the three per cent national average.

In some quarters the situation was so bad that parents have banned schools from referring to their children as having special educational needs in awards ceremonies because of the perceived stigma involved, or feelings of personal guilt.

“Mental Illness still remains a taboo subject in Muslim communities and people are not seeking the help that is available. This is causing unnecessary distress to themselves and loved ones,” he said.

“Many parents try to keep mental illness with children hidden and under the radar. They don't want anyone to know. Sometimes they feel it's their fault, that as parents they are responsible for their children’s’ conditions. And others might agree.”

Their women are treated like cattle, of course they are going to be messed up in the head.

The men are even worse. Probably the majority of Muslim men in ME countries engage in homosexual acts with young Muslim boys. Sexually abused and repressed people are very prone to mental issues, that's why the Islamic world is so fucked up everywhere around the world.

There is no indication that they have higher rates of mental illness than non-Muslims. But they still place a heavy stigma on it, and it's largely kept hidden and untreated.

very good----SEE? if you keep it short-----you can manage to post an accurate statement. I will add an
important point-------the Islamic belief regarding MENTAL
ILLNESS is ------amongst people who adhere METICULOUSLY to Islamic law, custom and ritual---THERE IS NO "MENTAL ILLNESS" ---that which kaffirin
call "mental illness" is a direct result of KUFR. This
approach to "mental illness" seems to be accepted so
much in Islamic teachings that muslim doctors believe it---
mostly those attended a medical school in a muslim country. The only approach to rid the muslim population of the VERY PREVALENT custom of HIDING the mentally ill would to get Imams to reject the "KUFR CAUSES MENTAL ILLNESS" teaching. Don't hold your breath
WTF am I going on about???

You said ----
the KKK can march in Selma and the Westboro Baptists can conduct their freakfest at funerals - this is a right and, I fully suppport it that right even if I'm offended by it's expression. Despite the fact that the intent of the contest was to offend a particular group (and, I can't recall any other sort of exhibition designed to offend a religious group) -

Taxpayer funded displays of "Piss Christ" or the Virgin Mary in ELEPHANT DUNG aren't PUBLIC? They were paid for BY US... WORSE than a small private group making a counterpoint to the TRAGEDIES at Charlie Hebdo and elsewhere. AND their objective was probably to get a couple terrorist wannabees to commit to shooting the place up.. Which ---- if you remember -- HAPPENED at a 2nd event in Texas.

Hold on a second. Are you seriously saying that a TWO pieces of art that insulted a religion (though, if you READ what the artist actually had to say about Piss Christ you would REALIZE it was not intended to insult religion) - is WORSE than an entire exhibit specifically designed around insulting a particular religion? SERIOUSLY?

Please, show me where there has ever been an exhibition designed solely for the purpose of insulting Christianity or Judaism in this country?

Not to be outdone ---


We are talking about US. Not Iran. Let's stick to comparing apples with apples.

Oh, yes...and the reaction to Piss Christ, they weren't too happy about it.[/QUOTE]

Do I really CARE about how deep one has to go to JUSTIFY a work like drowning Christ in piss. Nope. I don't. I'm sure it can all be academically justified. And I'm sure there is a redeeming message in such taxpayer funded work..

Some of those Mohammed cartoons were probably justifiable also --- ya think??
Islam is a mental illness. Duh.....

Many are now calling religion a mental illness.

I'd agree mostly..but.....

The only "religion" that is actually KILLING innocent people is Islam.

At this point, ya....give it time, and it will be some other and the another....

I doubt it. Most religions actually preach peace and love ......Islam.............not so much. It's all about hate, bigotry, misogyny, and retribution.

Wake the fuck up!

Sorry, but history puts lie to that claim.

what part of the claim?
If you can't come up with any other "free speech" exercise designed to offend or inflame a particular group, then you lose credibility points. Really?? You need these pointed out to you?

???WTF are you going on about?

Jewish anarchists never participated in 43 different terrorists group designed to put the world under despotic rule and a perverted version of their religion,. NEVER HAD the juice to hit targets in Belgium, The US, and Turkey in the same month AND still have some left to kill Muslims in 4 other states. Neither did the Italian mafia or the Irish..

When Jewish anarchists were a threat (or the Mafia) - the world in terms of weaponry, sophistication, instantaneous communication and media was a completely different place. They didn't because it didn't exist, not because they didn't have the desire.

These 43 groups are NOT just ISIS and Al Queda. MANY of them are proxy armies for Arab states. Bought and paid for. In some cases -- to export the very kind of warped and tortured Islam that is fueling all of this..

You started this thread with a premise. And ALTHOUGH TRUE -- you neglected to see how it amplifies what I've said about these being "mentally ill" societies that these people come from..

Because it HAS LITTLE BEARING on it. Mental illness is an organic brain disease. Unless you can show me that there is a higher degree of mental illness in those societies then you have no point.

The reason "WESTERN" mental health doesn't take hold with recent immigrants from these cultures is because it is CONTRARY to everything concept of "mental health" that they've ever experienced. Go out and read a bit about the CULTURAL challenge of bringing "western mental health" to the Arab world. In THEIR WORLD, "mental issues" are handled by religious healers largely. Ones that rely heavily on family and religion for their prescriptions. And besides the OCCASIONAL true case of schizophrenia or OCD that MIGHT get diagnosed and treated in the western way -- there is VIRTUALLY NO framework for diagnosing "dangerous or unstable persons" in those countries and cultures. That's because OUR DEFINITIONS of "dangerous and unstable" would apply to MOST EVERY AUTHORITY FIGURE that was in their lives in their home country. They LIVE in asylums.

Agree - and that is exactly what was being said in the OP before the whole thread got dragged down into extremism. But your last sentence is BULL because not all Islamic cultures fit your model.

So rather than that being a excusatory explanation for their proclivities to convert to violence, it actually amplifies the cultural baggage that they arrive with. SOME will attempt to adjust. OTHERS will just fester and explode.

Which pretty much could apply to ANYONE.

We should be doing a MUCH better job of evaluating their ability and enthusiasm for assimilating into Western culture BEFORE opening the gates like we are doing now.

Exactly how do you propose to do that and how do you account for the fact that the vast majority immigrate here with no problems?

Am I heartless??????? Hell no.. The West should have LED the charge 4 or 5 years ago now -- to create and protect safe areas THROUGHOUT the conflict zones. To stem the tide of MASS Migration encouraged by the EU and to some extent our government. It is THEIR FAILURE to do this -- that has forced this backlash.. And it is INEXCUSABLE to not point this out as one of the greatest humanitarian failures in decades...

On continuing to claim that mental illness is "organic brain disease" ----
You keep repeating stuff that is not true. MOST mental illness occurs in COMPLETELY functional brains. NOTHING "organic" about it.. If it all WERE organic -- the Psych community wouldn't still be using ink blots and interviews as their primary tools.

As for "jew anarchists didn't have the weapons" -----
Old terrorists didn't access to weapons of war? Tell that Thomas Jefferson who fought the Barbary pirates and ended up invading Tripoli.. Blowing up stuff has ALWAYS been an option also...

Since you snipped out the rest of my quote, I'll repeat it for you - they didn't have the weapons, the sophisticated communications, the ability to rapidly travel around the world, to dissiminate their message widely and instantaneiously, to recruit at an unprecedented level that terrorists do today. Sure they could blow things up - crude, effective, but geographically limited. Do you honestly think it's comparable? In their time the Anarchists were quite feared, even without the sophisticated tools we have today. You seem to think that terrorists today are unique. They aren't. Their motivations, desires, lack of any concern for who is killed for their cause is the same, the only difference is the tools they now have.

Agree - and that is exactly what was being said in the OP before the whole thread got dragged down into extremism. But your last sentence is BULL because not all Islamic cultures fit your model.

The ones that matter right now do.. The mass migration is largely coming from the exact states that our PISS POOR foreign policy helped to wreck. Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, And Afghan. Right now --- "my model" works pretty well for ALL their leadership. And wannabee leadership. And leadership on the battlefields that those nations have become..

You can toss Libya, and a couple African nations in there as well. Oh --- and Palestine.

In 2015, the largest groups of refugees/Asylees came from (in order of number):

The three largest groups of immigrants came from:

That's your "mass migration" to the US.
WTF am I going on about???

You said ----
the KKK can march in Selma and the Westboro Baptists can conduct their freakfest at funerals - this is a right and, I fully suppport it that right even if I'm offended by it's expression. Despite the fact that the intent of the contest was to offend a particular group (and, I can't recall any other sort of exhibition designed to offend a religious group) -

Taxpayer funded displays of "Piss Christ" or the Virgin Mary in ELEPHANT DUNG aren't PUBLIC? They were paid for BY US... WORSE than a small private group making a counterpoint to the TRAGEDIES at Charlie Hebdo and elsewhere. AND their objective was probably to get a couple terrorist wannabees to commit to shooting the place up.. Which ---- if you remember -- HAPPENED at a 2nd event in Texas.

Hold on a second. Are you seriously saying that a TWO pieces of art that insulted a religion (though, if you READ what the artist actually had to say about Piss Christ you would REALIZE it was not intended to insult religion) - is WORSE than an entire exhibit specifically designed around insulting a particular religion? SERIOUSLY?

Please, show me where there has ever been an exhibition designed solely for the purpose of insulting Christianity or Judaism in this country?

Not to be outdone ---

Iran Group Launches $12,000 Contest for Cartoons That Deny Holocaust - NBC News

We are talking about US. Not Iran. Let's stick to comparing apples with apples.

Oh, yes...and the reaction to Piss Christ, they weren't too happy about it.

Do I really CARE about how deep one has to go to JUSTIFY a work like drowning Christ in piss. Nope. I don't. I'm sure it can all be academically justified. And I'm sure there is a redeeming message in such taxpayer funded work..

Some of those Mohammed cartoons were probably justifiable also --- ya think??[/QUOTE]

So, can you find any exhibition in the US, devoted to insulting one religion?

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