Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

[ The religion which honors its members' death, in the pursuit of a piece of land ]

There is no dearth of volunteers for martyrdom a Hamas leader pointed out. Their greatest problem was the “hordes” of young men who demanded to be sent. The selection process was difficult and challenging. One “technical consideration” they weigh is whether the recruit can “pass, at least temporarily, as an Israeli Jew.” Those who were rejected were not easily deterred. They repeatedly returned “pestering us, pleading to be accepted.” [1] (Nasra Hassan, “Letter from Gaza: An Arsenal of Believers,” The New Yorker (November 11, 2001). The point was reiterated by Israeli security official: “These days they don’t have any problem to recruit suicides. For every suicide they want, they have 5, 7, 10 volunteers!” [2] (Joseph Lelyveld, The New York Times Magazine (October 28, 2001). Many organizations boasted they had more volunteers than they had explosive belts. [3] (Mohammed M. Hafez, Manufacturing Human Bombs: The Making of Palestinian Suicide Bombers (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2006), 21.

(full article online)

Millions of ”moderate Muslims” are taking to the streets to condemn Israel, but they never went out to condemn ISIS. Why?

Millions of ”moderate Muslims” are taking to the streets to ”end Zionism,” but they never went out to ”end Islamism.” Why?

It’s impressive that Muslims can mobilize in millions and stand so firmly and strongly together. But why don't they ever mobilize to condemn "the fringe extremists who misrepresent Islam?”

If the Muslim community really represents a ”religion of peace,” we should see oceans of Muslims condemning ISIS, Hamas, AlQaeda, and Boko Haram. Instead, we see oceans of millions of ”moderate Muslims” condemning Jews.

And we wonder why the West is ”Islamophobic.”

Try presenting and understanding the full Amendment, not a slice out of proportion (common tactic/flaw of many Leftists~Anti-USA, etc.)

you haven't the faintest idea - what is religion ...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

one aspect is correct, the - or - as the lesser of the two is your real distress.

give up the jewish state - for the jewish temple as the same as the vatican and gain support for the temple mount as its location and that would be something the heavens would approve.

jews are just too selfish to see the lite of day.

Why do you support the Evil of Islam?

isn't islam a desert religion, however in spite of that fact - in your own words ... "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".

* they, all three desert religions are not religions and - should be burned to the ground. they are all three evil in their own way.
Arabs come from the Arabian Peninsula.

Jews and other "Semites" come from the region of Mesopotamia.

Bit of a geographic and ethnic diversity there.

Mohammad's intent with the religion he founded started out as something for the Arabs only. Later during his ministry it was morphed into a global conversion agenda.

Care to present you idea whom may have started and adjusted this message of Allah/Gawd that Muhammad was receiving?

I think it's true that Muhammad was a messenger for the people of the Arabian peninsula.

What do you mean adjusted the message? He had a vision ....the angel Gabriel it seems, but back then everyone was having visions. 😅

Global conversion is a bullshit fear tactic.. like saying Christians have the same mission to spread the gospel world wide.

Islam as a colonial-imperialist force

Tons of blood and ink spilled,
and entire new academic fields invented,
as part of the ideological discourse between Islam and the West.

The 'post-colonial' discourse though now part of the
daily Islamic missionary gaslighting, is apparently
to evade any discussion of Arab imperialism and
colonization of several continents, with likely
history of mass-slavery far worse than
anything by 'the West' altogether.

They sell Islam as a way to go "post-colonial"
but the ultimate goal is Arab imperialism.

When backed with illiteracy as an ideal.
The proof of Quran's divine source?
"it's in the beauty of it's Arabic..."
and the result is 20% illiteracy.

That is Arab imperialism.

So what do you think of American or British imperialism?

The Arabs were not colonists nor did they ever forcibly transfer any indigenous people.
So what do you think of American or British imperialism?

The Arabs were not colonists nor did they ever forcibly transfer any indigenous people.
[When you post something like this, is when we know that you are lying]

So what do you think of American or British imperialism?

The Arabs were not colonists nor did they ever forcibly transfer any indigenous people.

That's in the past.

Slavery is still practiced

TODAY across the "Arab world":

I think it's true that Muhammad was a messenger for the people of the Arabian peninsula.

What do you mean adjusted the message? He had a vision ....the angel Gabriel it seems, but back then everyone was having visions. 😅

Global conversion is a bullshit fear tactic.. like saying Christians have the same mission to spread the gospel world wide.
Covered a few pages back in post #392.
Did you miss it?
OR - Are you once again engaging disinformation (lying)?
Did you not understand ?
Are you just being disingenuous ?

To repeat a BASIC:
Thing is the Christian version (in scripture; written word of record) of will of God/Gawd/Allah doesn't include forcing conversion of all humanity to their religion.
Koran(8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more persecution and
religion should be only for Allah"

Sahib Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah Muhammed said "I have been
commanded to fight against the people till they testify that there is no god
but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

Sahib Bukhari (8:387)- Allah's Apostle Muhammed said 11
1 have been
ordered to fight the people till they say 1 None has the right to be worshipped
but Allah'"

Ibn Khaldun (1332 -1406) was a renowned Maliki jurist, philosopher,
historian, and sociologist
11 In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the
universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert
everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force .... The other religious
groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious
duty for them, save only for purpose of defense .... Islam is under
obligation to gain power over other nations."
So I advise myself and you to fear God in secret and in public,
and read the Quran, especially the verses of fighting, like al-
Tawbah and al-Anfal. And mention the name of God and pray to God
to grant you good deeds on earth and in heaven and to protect
you from the torture of hell. O God, this is a day of your days,
so take over the hearts of the youth of Islam. We advise them to
fight for your sake, so God, strengthen their hearts and their
feet, aim their shooting, and unite their hearts. God bring your
victory to your Mujahid worshippers everywhere in Palestine,
Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir, the Philippines and Afghanistan. Lord,
our God, give us patience and strengthen our feet and grant us
victory over the infidels. "And Allah has full control over His
affairs, but most people do not know."
God, pray upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and all his
companions. And the final prayer of ours is that praise be to
God, the Lord of Universes.

There's a reason Salman Rushdie referred to the scriptures of Islam as "The Satanic Verses". :rolleyes:
Why is Israel so eager to go into the Arab countries?
Because the Muslim countries are so eager to launch rocket attacks against Israeli civilians. If Israel hadn’t spent so much Monet of shelters and defensive systems there would be hundreds of civilian casualties every week.

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