Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

[ If all of these is from the Quran, etc......Islam, as we know, has always has a problem. And it is not about being the "Religion of Peace" as followers like to make believe it is ]


Throughout history, not a single Palestinian raised a Lebanese or other flag, expressed solidarity with these Arab victims.

Palestinians expect other Arabs to show human solidarity with them, but they never reciprocate.2- Even though the numbers of Palestinian victims and displaced in 75 years of conflict with Israel is a fraction of the victims and displaced in each of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, the world has always focused on Palestinians. Hezbollah assassinated journalist Lokman Slim with a silencer. No one heard about him. Shireen AbuAkleh was killed in a battle zone between Israelis and Palestinians, her death became more famous than JFK’s murder.
rather ... neo-natzi and neo-jew are the same blend of fanaticism. is why you hide behind simple - israel - when to convey your own humble innocence.

Get back to me when you've mastered the English language and can write beyond a kindergarten level.:rolleyes:
Islam picked up where the Nazis left off and hence Islamic Jihad and it's supporters like you can be classed as Neo-Nazi!

sorry you can not understand american our language is no where found in any desert book is why many prefer that over yours.

the fact in 1948 for the united nations was a resting place for homeless immigrants - it is neo-jews as yourself that surreptitiously equated 1948 as a religious revival - those in that area correctly perceived and its historical self interest, apartheid ideology.

For instance, as early as 1905, Israel Zangwill, an organizer of Zionism in Britain and one of Zionism's top propagandists, who had coined the slogan "a land without a people for a people without a land," acknowledged in a speech in Manchester that Palestine was not a land without people.

In fact, it was filled with Arabs: "[We] must be prepared either to drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession as our forefathers did or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedan and accustomed for centuries to despise us."6

This comment came at a time when there were around 645,000 Muslims and Christians in Palestine and only 55,000 Jews, mainly non-Zionists or anti-Zionists in the Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities.7

David Ben-Gurion, the man who along with Herzl and Chaim Weizmann was one of the progenitors of Israel, explicitly acknowledged the linkage between Zionism and expulsion: "Zionism is a transfer of the Jews.

Regarding the transfer of the Arabs this is much easier than any other transfer."8 Or, as Israeli scholar Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi put it: "While the basic problem confronting Diaspora Jews was to survive as a minority, the basic problem of Zionism in Palestine was to dispossess the natives and become a majority."9

Much attention has been paid to how the early Zionists secured land in Palestine, but relatively little study has focused on the equally essential effort by Zionists to delegitimize and replace the Palestinian majority.10 Without Jewish control, the Zionists concluded they would be no better off than in Europe, where Zionism arose specifically as a way to escape antisemitism, pogroms, the ghetto and minority status.

As former defense minister Ariel Sharon, a leading spokesman of Zionism's right wing, has commented: "Our forefathers did not come here in order to build a democracy but to build a Jewish state."11 A similar view was recently expressed by Labor leader and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: "I don't believe that for 2,000 years Jews dreamed and prayed about the return to Zion to create a
Ok---you have some words by a single person-----You have set, FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR CHURCH---a silly precedent. I can to a lot more HORRIFIC coming
from the mouths of both your fellow episcopalians and your fellow islamo-nazis
IN MOSQUES--no less. Zangwell bore a family legacy of pogroms etc and was also a playright His plays on POLITICAL ISSUES were even more dramatic---he was
very much an IDEALIST. It seems to me that the term "JEWISH STATE" bothers
you -----but I also get the impression that the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF SAUDI ARABIA is A-ok
Ok---you have some words by a single person-----You have set, FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR CHURCH---a silly precedent. I can to a lot more HORRIFIC coming
from the mouths of both your fellow episcopalians and your fellow islamo-nazis
IN MOSQUES--no less. Zangwell bore a family legacy of pogroms etc and was also a playright His plays on POLITICAL ISSUES were even more dramatic---he was
very much an IDEALIST. It seems to me that the term "JEWISH STATE" bothers
-----but I also get the impression that the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF SAUDI ARABIA is A-ok

perhaps, overall than your issue - they are equating it to the u s constitution ... congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

* let the neo-jews know their state religion is not welcome in the american lexicon. period.
perhaps, overall than your issue - they are equating it to the u s constitution ... congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

* let the neo-jews know their state religion is not welcome in the american lexicon. period.
ok-----and other states so DISENFRANCHIZED in your exalted priestly OPINION?
That's not the reason. In 2002 the Saudi initiative offer to guarantee their security as well as trade and diplomatic relations.
Can you explain why your Arafat objected to E Barak giving away 90% of disputed land?

Barak Proposes Land Deal; Arafat Rejects Offer
By ABC News
January 6, 2006
Nov. 30, 2000 -- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered themost detailed description yet of his peace plan today, saying he would recognize an independent Palestinian state but would put off the explosive issue of control over Jerusalem.

In an animated speech to Israeli news editors, Barak spoke of a “phased agreement “ and said he was preparedto recognize a Palestinian state. He said theissue of sovereignty over Jerusalem and the return of Palestinian refugees should be put off for “one or two or three years.”

Arafat didn't negotiate - he just kept saying no
22 May 2002
The proposals included the establishment of a demilitarised Palestinian state on some 92% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip, with some territorial compensation for the Palestinians from pre-1967 Israeli territory..
perhaps, overall than your issue - they are equating it to the u s constitution ... congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

* let the neo-jews know their state religion is not welcome in the american lexicon. period.
Try presenting and understanding the full Amendment, not a slice out of proportion (common tactic/flaw of many Leftists~Anti-USA, etc.)

First Amendment​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Christians also strive to submit to the will of God. That's why we pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

You're making this much too complicated. Why?
Thing is the Christian version of will of God/Gawd/Allah doesn't include forcing conversion of all humanity to their religion.
Koran(8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more persecution and
religion should be only for Allah"

Sahib Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah Muhammed said "I have been
commanded to fight against the people till they testify that there is no god
but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

Sahib Bukhari (8:387)- Allah's Apostle Muhammed said 11
1 have been
ordered to fight the people till they say 1 None has the right to be worshipped
but Allah'"

Ibn Khaldun (1332 -1406) was a renowned Maliki jurist, philosopher,
historian, and sociologist
11 In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the
universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert
everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force .... The other religious
groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious
duty for them, save only for purpose of defense .... Islam is under
obligation to gain power over other nations."
So I advise myself and you to fear God in secret and in public,
and read the Quran, especially the verses of fighting, like al-
Tawbah and al-Anfal. And mention the name of God and pray to God
to grant you good deeds on earth and in heaven and to protect
you from the torture of hell. O God, this is a day of your days,
so take over the hearts of the youth of Islam. We advise them to
fight for your sake, so God, strengthen their hearts and their
feet, aim their shooting, and unite their hearts. God bring your
victory to your Mujahid worshippers everywhere in Palestine,
Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir, the Philippines and Afghanistan. Lord,
our God, give us patience and strengthen our feet and grant us
victory over the infidels. "And Allah has full control over His
affairs, but most people do not know."
God, pray upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and all his
companions. And the final prayer of ours is that praise be to
God, the Lord of Universes.
Read Warsaw Burning

Is this an appeal to the supposed "humanity" of Arab imperialism?


They can't live with Hindus without terrorising them.

They can't live with Jews without terrorising them.

They can't live with Christians without terrorising them.

They can't live with Atheists without terrorising them.

They can't live with LGBT without terrorising them.

They don't like Free Speech

They don't like Religious Freedom

They don't like free Women

But they constantly want Islamophobia criminalized.

They can't live with Hindus without terrorising them.

They can't live with Jews without terrorising them.

They can't live with Christians without terrorising them.

They can't live with Atheists without terrorising them.

They can't live with LGBT without terrorising them.

They don't like Free Speech

They don't like Religious Freedom

They don't like free Women

But they constantly want Islamophobia criminalized.

Wow. Are you typical for the level of hate?
Can you explain why your Arafat objected to E Barak giving away 90% of disputed land?

Barak Proposes Land Deal; Arafat Rejects Offer
By ABC News
January 6, 2006
Nov. 30, 2000 -- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered themost detailed description yet of his peace plan today, saying he would recognize an independent Palestinian state but would put off the explosive issue of control over Jerusalem.

In an animated speech to Israeli news editors, Barak spoke of a “phased agreement “ and said he was preparedto recognize a Palestinian state. He said theissue of sovereignty over Jerusalem and the return of Palestinian refugees should be put off for “one or two or three years.”

Arafat didn't negotiate - he just kept saying no
22 May 2002
The proposals included the establishment of a demilitarised Palestinian state on some 92% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip, with some territorial compensation for the Palestinians from pre-1967 Israeli territory..
Arafart explained WHY he said NO----a YES to anything would have gotten him
a bullet in his head ---like Anwar Sadat
in his head-----like SADAT
This is really stupid.

There were no colonizing migrations of Arabs.. not like European Zionists migrating to Palestine. .. or European settlers to America.
This is really stupid.

There were no colonizing migrations of Arabs.. not like European Zionists migrating to Palestine. .. or European settlers to America.
Human migration is.a norm----Military invasions and forced imposition of language and religion is YOUR FAVE
Wow. Are you typical for the level of hate?
Answering both your posts.....

You must be a sucker.......No, that is not it.

You must be brainwashed....No, that is not it.

You must be a liar.....Yes, unfortunately, that is it.
Answering both your posts.....

You must be a sucker.......No, that is not it.

You must be brainwashed....No, that is not it.

You must be a liar.....Yes, unfortunately, that is it.
and a liar who knows where her bread is OILED

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