Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

The attempt to destroy Israel is muslim imperialism. Islam once colonised huge swathes of the world. Colonial settler Muslims conquered through violence and built mosques on top of the houses of worship of indigenous people. In a mindset of muslim supremacy - many Muslims today believe they are the only people who belong in the Middle East. They are not. There are other people indigenous to the region who have every moral, legal and historic right to live independently. They do not need to live subjugated as second class citizens under Muslims - also known as “dhimmi.” There needs to be push back against the anti-intellectualism in some parts of the Muslim world - and push back against an attitude of muslim supremacy. They need to step into reality and decency and accept the world is not theirs alone and that other people have rights.

The middle east was - and still is to an extent - a multi-cultural mixture of ancient traditions and religions. The muslim conquest tries its hardest to Arabize the entire region and extinguish the regions diversity. Unfortunately over the centuries their campaign has been largely successful.However, to think the Arab colonialist enterprise is a thing from the past is grossly mistaken. It is still going on today. Yes, today!There are still dozens of cultures and societies in the middle east that have not been lost yet and are still resisting the pressure from the Arab-Islamist colonialist enterprise.Be it the Amazigh people of northern Africa, the Kurds and Yezidis, Zoroastrians, Mandeans, the Arameans, the Chaldeans, the Druze, the Copts of Egypt and the many other Christian denominations of the Levant, the Greek minorities all over the middle east and many more smaller communities rooted in ancient pre-islamic traditions. And of course the Jews.And the Arab colonialists are still using the same tactics to subjugate anyone resisting their control.Peace in the middle east starts with the end of the Arab -Islamist colonialist enterprise.

So why don't they have a functioning police force and courts in the West Bank ? Are they like Yemen?

So much for Muslims taking over the world.
So why don't they have a functioning police force and courts in the West Bank ? Are they like Yemen?

So much for Muslims taking over the world.
They do not have them in areas A and B under the PA? Who are you kidding?

Islam has taken a good chunk of Asia and Africa in the past 1400 years. By all means do not notice it.
The way to approach the problem is to stop lying and tell me truth.

Chart helps, though early numbers are "approximates";
Overview of Palestine's demographics from the 1st century to the Mandate era. Figures in thousands.
1st c.Majority~1,250
4th c.MajorityMinority>1st c.[1][2]
5th c.MinorityMajority>1st c.
End 12th c.MinorityMinorityMajority>225
14th c.MinorityMinorityMajority150
Estimates by Sergio DellaPergola (2001), drawing on the work of Bachi (1975). Figures in thousands.[3]
The population of the region of Palestine, which approximately corresponds to modern Israel and the Palestinian territories, has varied in both size and ethnic composition throughout the history of Palestine.
So explain to me why Jewish people have lived all over the Arab world for 2500 years?
While some did, not all did and the answer lies in history going back further and events out of control of the Jewish people.
I would suggest you should do so, to document this claim. However this may be either rhetorical or disinformation based effort on your part. Or just ....:rolleyes:

So let's start here;

Time periods in Jewish history​

The history of the Jews and Judaism can be divided into five periods:
(1) ancient Israel before Judaism, from the beginnings to 586 BCE;
(2) the beginning of Judaism in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE;[clarification needed]
(3) the formation of rabbinic Judaism after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE;
(4) the age of rabbinic Judaism, from the ascension of Christianity to political power under the emperor Constantine the Great in 312 CE to the end of the political hegemony of Christianity in the 18th century; and
(5), the age of diverse Judaisms, from the French and American Revolutions to the present.[17]

Ancient Israel (1500–586 BCE)​

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So explain to me why Jewish people have lived all over the Arab world for 2500 years?
Now a part II;

The Babylonian captivity (c. 587–538 BCE)​


The Persian period (c. 538–332 BCE)​


The Hellenistic period (c. 332–110 BCE)​


The Hasmonean Kingdom (110–63 BCE)​


The Roman period (63 BCE – 135 CE)​

Judea had been an independent Jewish kingdom under the Hasmoneans, but it was conquered and reorganized as a client state by the Roman general Pompey in 63 BCE. Roman expansion was going on in other areas as well, and it would continue for more than a hundred and fifty years. Later, Herod the Great was appointed "King of the Jews" by the Roman Senate, supplanting the Hasmonean dynasty. Some of his offspring held various positions after him, known as the Herodian dynasty. Briefly, from 4 BCE to 6 CE, Herod Archelaus ruled the tetrarchy of Judea as ethnarch, the Romans denying him the title of King. After the Census of Quirinius in 6 CE, the Roman province of Judaea was formed as a satellite of Roman Syria under the rule of a prefect (as was Roman Egypt) until 41 CE, then procurators after 44 CE. The empire was often callous and brutal in its treatment of its Jewish subjects, (see Anti-Judaism in the pre-Christian Roman Empire). In 30 CE (or 33 CE), Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant rabbi from Galilee, and the central figure of Christianity, was put to death by crucifixion in Jerusalem under the Roman prefect of Judaea, Pontius Pilate.[62] In 66 CE, the Jews began to revolt against the Roman rulers of Judea. The revolt was defeated by the future Roman emperors Vespasian and Titus. In the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE, the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and, according to some accounts, plundered artifacts from the temple, such as the Menorah. Jews continued to live in their land in significant numbers, the Kitos War of 115–117 CE notwithstanding, until Julius Severus ravaged Judea while putting down the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–136 CE. Nine hundred eighty-five villages were destroyed and most of the Jewish population of central Judaea was essentially wiped out, killed, sold into slavery, or forced to flee.[63] Banished from Jerusalem, except for the day of Tisha B'Av, the Jewish population now centred on Galilee and initially in Yavne. Jerusalem was renamed Aelia Capitolina and Judea was renamed Syria Palestina, to spite the Jews by naming it after their ancient enemies, the Philistines.

The diaspora​

Main article: Jewish diaspora

The Jewish diaspora began during the Assyrian conquest and it continued on a much larger scale during the Babylonian conquest, during which the Tribe of Judah was exiled to Babylonia along with the dethroned King of Judah, Jehoiachin, in the 6th century BCE, and taken into captivity in 597 BCE. The exile continued after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BCE.[52] Many more Jews migrated to Babylon in 135 CE after the Bar Kokhba revolt and in the centuries after.[52]

Many of the Judaean Jews were sold into slavery while others became citizens of other parts of the Roman Empire.[citation needed] The book of Acts in the New Testament, as well as other Pauline texts, make frequent reference to the large populations of Hellenised Jews in the cities of the Roman world. These Hellenised Jews were affected by the diaspora only in its spiritual sense, absorbing the feeling of loss and homelessness that became a cornerstone of the Jewish creed, much supported by persecutions in various parts of the world.

Of critical importance to the reshaping of Jewish tradition from the Temple-based religion to the rabbinic traditions of the Diaspora, was the development of the interpretations of the Torah found in the Mishnah and Talmud.

Long story short, between conquered, captured, exiled, enslaved, and compelled to flee; there are numerous reasons why many Jews were not living in their "Promised Land" the past 2,500 years.

I thought you knew history and could provide this answer yourself, but for you Truth is PRAVDA.
Jews, Palestinians and Phoenicians are descended from Canaanites and they have been in the Levant for 4 thousand years.

Israel can't purge the Arabic speaking people to have a Jewish state. That's not only immoral, it's insane.
Yet the Arabic speaking people(more correctly, Muslims) can purge Israel of the Jews to return it back to an Islamic State and to you and many others it seems that is not immoral nor insane. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, you might not only document your claim on Canaanites or better yet try a source that doesn't match your lies (taqiyya)
Canaan (/ˈkeɪnən/; Phoenician: 𐤊𐤍𐤏𐤍 – KNʿN;[1] Hebrew: כְּנַעַן – Kənáʿan, in pausa כְּנָעַן‎ – Kənāʿan; Biblical Greek: Χανααν – Khanaan;[2] Arabic: كَنْعَانُ – Kan‘ān) was a Semitic-speaking civilization and region of the Southern Levant in the Ancient Near East during the late 2nd millennium BC. Canaan had significant geopolitical importance in the Late Bronze Age Amarna Period (14th century BC) as the area where the spheres of interest of the Egyptian, Hittite, Mitanni, and Assyrian Empires converged or overlapped. Much of present-day knowledge about Canaan stems from archaeological excavation in this area at sites such as Tel Hazor, Tel Megiddo, En Esur, and Gezer.

The name "Canaan" appears throughout the Bible as a geography associated with the "Promised Land". The demonym "Canaanites" serves as an ethnic catch-all term covering various indigenous populations—both settled and nomadic-pastoral groups—throughout the regions of the southern Levant or Canaan.[3] It is by far the most frequently used ethnic term in the Bible.[4] Biblical scholar Mark Smith, citing archaeological findings, suggests "that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture... In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature."[5]: 13–14 [6][7]

The name "Canaanites" is attested, many centuries later, as the endonym of the people later known to the Ancient Greeks from c. 500 BC as Phoenicians,[8] and after the emigration of Phoenicians and Canaanite-speakers to Carthage (founded in the 9th century BC), was also used as a self-designation by the Punics (as "Chanani") of North Africa during Late Antiquity.
So explain to me why Jewish people have lived all over the Arab world for 2500 years?
Jews have not lived all over the "Arab" world for 2500 years.

Like any free people, some have moved and followed Judaism outside of their homeland. Why? Because some people like to move, but they kept their religion and culture.

This has been happening since before the destruction of the First Temple.

"Arab"world, or Muslim world, has a history of 1400 since they invaded everywhere outside of the Arabian Peninsula, all the way to North Africa and Spain, Vienna, etc.

In some cases the muslims kept the lands they conquered, in others they were kicked out, as in Spain, etc.
They do not have them in areas A and B under the PA? Who are you kidding?

Islam has taken a good chunk of Asia and Africa in the past 1400 years. By all means do not notice it.

They didn't colonize Africa . Africans converted to Islam and Christianity. Some Berbers converted to Judaism.
The region where Israel is located was referred to as “Palestine” at least as early as the 5th century BC. Writings from such men as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch all refer to this area as “Palestine.” This term is believed to come from Masoretic Hebrew biblical texts.
But to the Romans, the land of the Jews was known as Judea. Also to the Greeks, and the Persians.

A region is a region, because Herodotus called the Philistine coastal area, only, Palestina.

Call it what you will, Greece and Rome did not call the Jewish homeland Palestine, they called it Judea.
That's just silly. Hamas doesn't want a 2 State solution but neither does Netanyahu.

Most Arabs today are very peaceful people. Look at the reality not the propaganda.
We are looking at the pro Palestine protests.

"Very Peaceful".
They didn't colonize Africa . Africans converted to Islam and Christianity. Some Berbers converted to Judaism.
All North Africa countries are Muslim. And there are Arabs in those countries. The indigenous people are a very small minority.

Say what you will. 8 Million indigenous copts surrounded by 72 Million Arabs and other Muslims.
Jews have not lived all over the "Arab" world for 2500 years.

Like any free people, some have moved and followed Judaism outside of their homeland. Why? Because some people like to move, but they kept their religion and culture.

This has been happening since before the destruction of the First Temple.

"Arab"world, or Muslim world, has a history of 1400 since they invaded everywhere outside of the Arabian Peninsula, all the way to North Africa and Spain, Vienna, etc.

In some cases the muslims kept the lands they conquered, in others they were kicked out, as in Spain, etc.

Yeah they have. By the time of Christ most Jews lived outside Palestine.. Some very early like Elephantine Island, Damascus, Persia and Alexandria by the 4th century BC.
All North Africa countries are Muslim. And there are Arabs in those countries. The indigenous people are a very small minority.

Say what you will. 8 Million indigenous copts surrounded by 72 Million Arabs and other Muslims.

Lol 😂 The Arabs didn't colonize all those countries.
Yeah they have. By the time of Christ most Jews lived outside Palestine.. Some very early like Elephantine Island, Damascus, Persia and Alexandria by the 4th century BC.
Here you go attempting AGAIN to say that Jews did not LIVE in their homeland, therefore why should they care....blah, blah, blah

Most Jews? You know nothing, but keep trying to take the Jewish homeland away from the Jews.

Shame on you !
The Likud Charter calls for a Jewish state from the Jordan River to the sea.

They don't want peace.
Back track to the 1948 War when Arab/Muslim nations of the region attacked Israel with goal to destroy that nation and kill, or drive out, all Jews.

Those Arab/Muslim belligerents/aggressors promised the "Palestinian (non-Jerwish)" people of the region they could have the Jewish land and property once Israel was defeated and the Jews gone.

The "all or nothing" stakes were set by the Arab/Muslim 'gangsters' 75+ years ago and will remain such until those Arab/Muslim 'gangsters' decide to end their war(s) against Israel.

Personally, I don't believe this planet will ever know Peace so long as Islam exists in it's current form. That non-religion is just an ideology to assure perpetual war on this planet and has been the largest danger to humanity for 1400 years.
Lol 😂 The Arabs didn't colonize all those countries.
LOL yourself.
All of those countries speak Arabic in North Africa.
Except for Iran, and Indonesia and Malaysia, all other countries seem to speak and write Arabic.

Oh, that is right !

The British did not colonize North America and Australia and New Zealand, which explains why those countries DO speak English.
Somehow , yeah, somehow English ended up being the spoken and written language of those countries.

The same with all Spanish speaking countries in the Americas.

Nope, Spain had nothing to do with that. Spanish somehow became the spoken and written language.

LOL, indeed, LOL
Here you go attempting AGAIN to say that Jews did not LIVE in their homeland, therefore why should they care....blah, blah, blah

Most Jews? You know nothing, but keep trying to take the Jewish homeland away from the Jews.

Shame on you !

I didn't invent history . The first diaspora was after the return from Babylon. Many Jewish men would not give up their foreign wives and children so they left.

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