Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

After the 3rd century, the area of Palestine became increasingly Christianized, although the proportions of Christians and Jews are unknown, the former perhaps coming to predominate in urban areas, the latter remaining in rural areas.

By the time of the Muslim conquest of the Levant, Jewish populations centers had declined from over 160 to around 50 settlements.

By the birth of Christ most Jews lived outside of Israel in Damascus, Aleppo, Alexandria, Persia, Elephantine Island etc...
Yet Israel was mostly Jewish.
Try documenting your fabrications. :rolleyes:
I don't like Israel. Their choices have created an ongoing nightmare that threatens the US from time to time.

American Jews have nothing to do with that.
Obviously. You are a neo-Nazi after all.
Choices by the neighboring Islamic nations to try and destroy Israel are the ongoing nightmares that threaten the USA, and the World, continually since 1948.
Muslims had nothing to do with it.

I'd suggest you read your link. EXCERPTS:

Nazi influence edit

After the Nazi takeover in Germany the new Reich's government streamlined foreign policy according to Nazi ideals, imposed and regulated financially. The Nazi emphasis was on creating the image that Germany and Germanness were equal to Nazism. Thus, all non-Nazi aspects of German culture and identity were discriminated against as un-German. All international schools of German language subsidised or fully financed by government funds were obliged to redraw their educational programs and to solely employ teachers aligned to the Nazi Party. The teachers in Bethlehem were financed by the Reich government, so Nazi teachers also took over there.

In 1933 Templer functionaries and other Gentile Germans living in Palestine appealed to Paul von Hindenburg and the Foreign Office not to use swastika symbols for German institutions, though without success. Some German Gentiles from Palestine pleaded with the Reich government to drop its plan to boycott Jewish owned shops, in April 1933.[13] Some Templers enlisted in the German Army. By 1938, 17% of the Templers in Palestine were members of the Nazi Party. According to historian Yossi Ben-Artzi, "The members of the younger generation to some extent broke away from naive religious belief, and were more receptive to the Nazi German nationalism. The older ones tried to fight it."[14]

Internment, deportation and exchanges edit

At the beginning of World War II colonists with German citizenship were rounded up by the British authorities and sent, together with Italian and Hungarian enemy aliens, to internment camps in Waldheim and Bethlehem of Galilee.[15] On July 31, 1941, 661 Templers and other Germans in Palestine were deported to Australia via Egypt, leaving behind 345 in Palestine.[16] Likewise the British authorities declared the Templers enemy nationals, arresting and deporting many them to Australia.[15] During the war the British government brokered the exchange of about 1,000 Templers for 550 Jews under German control. These Jews were mostly Palestinian or residents with relatives in Palestine.[17]

Creation of Israel edit

After its foundation, the State of Israel—with the fresh memory of the Holocaust—was adamant in not permitting any ethnic Germans, of a community which had expressed pro-Nazi sympathies, to remain in or return to its territory.

In 1962 the State of Israel paid DM54 million in compensation to property owners whose assets were nationalized.[15] Sarona was incorporated in Tel Aviv, part of it becoming the compound of the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the IDF High Command Headquarters, while the other part housed various civil offices of the Israeli government, using the original German houses. In the early 21st century the civil offices were evacuated, and the area extensively renovated, becoming a pedestrian shopping and entertainment area.
LOL yourself.
All of those countries speak Arabic in North Africa.
Except for Iran, and Indonesia and Malaysia, all other countries seem to speak and write Arabic.

Oh, that is right !

The British did not colonize North America and Australia and New Zealand, which explains why those countries DO speak English.
Somehow , yeah, somehow English ended up being the spoken and written language of those countries.

The same with all Spanish speaking countries in the Americas.

Nope, Spain had nothing to do with that. Spanish somehow became the spoken and written language.

LOL, indeed, LOL

Arabs were in Spain for hundreds of years.. They don't speak Spanish.

The British did colonize America. My family is Dutch and Irish. They arrived in 1620 and 1700 respectively as settlers...
Obviously. You are a neo-Nazi after all.
Choices by the neighboring Islamic nations to try and destroy Israel are the ongoing nightmares that threaten the USA, and the World, continually since 1948.

Don't be stupid. I'm not a neo Nazi. The early immigrants and later Holocaust survivors sought sanctuary in Palestine. Nothing wrong with that. The problem is Jewish Nationalism. Read Theodore Herzl's diaries. (I have not read them all) He is very clear that they want a Jewish state and know they have to get rid of the Palestinian majority.

IMO that's wrong.
That's just silly. Hamas doesn't want a 2 State solution but neither does Netanyahu.

Most Arabs today are very peaceful people. Look at the reality not the propaganda.
That's what I said!
Not only does Hamas not want a "2 State Solution", but same with other such anti-Israel Muslim orgs, like Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and whatever other name de jur.

I still await documentation on numbers of Arabs that are "peaceful". However, not all Muslims are Arabs and the reality I go by has been the hostility towards Israel by Muslim peoples since 1948.
Don't be stupid. I'm not a neo Nazi. The early immigrants and later Holocaust survivors sought sanctuary in Palestine. Nothing wrong with that. The problem is Jewish Nationalism. Read Theodore Herzl's diaries. (I have not read them all) He is very clear that they want a Jewish state and know they have to get rid of the Palestinian majority.

IMO that's wrong.
When you oppose Jewish Nationalism but support Muslim Nationalism in it's place, that makes you a Neo-Nazi in my book. Especially since you support the anti-Israel agenda started with the 1948 War and the use of the "Palestinian" refugees by the losing Muslim/Arab side.

BTW, the Nazi's recruited a Muslim brigade in WWII and would have expanded on same had they prevailed in the Middle East during the war. Interestingly , many former Nazi and German military became advisors to the Arab/Muslim states that sought to destroy Israel from 1948 onward.
That's not the Arabs' goal. That's the goal of Hamas and the Likud.

Most Arabs are Muslims, and most want to kill Jews.

It's the goal of Islam and in the case of Hamas and Hezbollah, the goal also of their Iranian supporter/backers.

The long term goal of Islam is the conversion, by force and conquest if necessary, of all humanity, whole of Earth.
Jihad is first and foremost a personal struggle to be a good person and a good Muslim. That's what it has always been. Have you ever read the rules of warfare in the Koran?
More Islamic lies and disinformation (taqiyya).
There is also 'Physical' Jihad for conquest and conversion and has been a major goal since Muhammad first raised a sword and lead his armies. Physical Jihad is the only way to attain higher levels in Paradise. Islamic Jihad is the name used by one of the many Muslim armies(insurgents) fighting the West/Infidels at this time.

Wish you weren't such a fool and puppet.
That's what I said!
Not only does Hamas not want a "2 State Solution", but same with other such anti-Israel Muslim orgs, like Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and whatever other name de jur.

I still await documentation on numbers of Arabs that are "peaceful". However, not all Muslims are Arabs and the reality I go by has been the hostility towards Israel by Muslim peoples since 1948.

Likud Charter says they don't want a 2 State solution either.... Just a Jewish state.

Hezbollah isn't so bad. They just exist to keep Israel out of Lebanon.

Jewish immigrants to Palestine have treated the Palestinians very badly for 80 years in the name of Jewish Nationalism. That's why the Arabs don't like them.
More Islamic lies and disinformation (taqiyya).
There is also 'Physical' Jihad for conquest and conversion and has been a major goal since Muhammad first raised a sword and lead his armies. Physical Jihad is the only way to attain higher levels in Paradise. Islamic Jihad is the name used by one of the many Muslim armies(insurgents) fighting the West/Infidels at this time.

Wish you weren't such a fool and puppet.

Who told you that? I mean have you discussed that with an educated Muslim or did you read it on the Internet?
Likud Charter says they don't want a 2 State solution either.... Just a Jewish state.

Hezbollah isn't so bad. They just exist to keep Israel out of Lebanon.

Jewish immigrants to Palestine have treated the Palestinians very badly for 80 years in the name of Jewish Nationalism. That's why the Arabs don't like them.
gee----I know lots of jews from communities that resided in what BECAME
muslim lands because of invasion by muslims during the islamic GREAT
ERA OF CONQUEST. Muslims oppressed them RIGHT AWAY. For that matter
Muhummad made it very clear that HE hated jews or, at least, that is what
is written in the koran. I admit muhummad never read it. Muslims never needed
"Jewish nationalists" to hate, attack, rape, murder, and pillage jews----
They have been doing it for some 1400 years. Try reading the koran
bviously. You are a neo-Nazi after all.
Choices by the neighboring
Islamic nations to try and destroy Israel are the ongoing nightmares that threaten the USA, and the World, continually since 1948.

is there a reason to use islamic nations and not jewish israel ... could it be as a circuitous religious state their affiliation to the u s and europe is not the same. and only marginally exists in the us - and not at all in europe.

rather ... neo-natzi and neo-jew are the same blend of fanaticism. is why you hide behind simple - israel - when to convey your own humble innocence.
Likud Charter says they don't want a 2 State solution either.... Just a Jewish state.

Hezbollah isn't so bad. They just exist to keep Israel out of Lebanon.

Jewish immigrants to Palestine have treated the Palestinians very badly for 80 years in the name of Jewish Nationalism. That's why the Arabs don't like them.
Last call for a 2-State Solution was 1948. It was soundly rejected by the major Muslim/Arab Nations of the region when they attacked Israel and sought to destroy that nation and the Jews. As they have done for 1400 years now, the Muslims retained their true intentions and agenda. They only solution will be when Israel is no longer threatened by Islam.

For that matter, the who;e world will be better off when their is no more Islam. I would suggest any Muslims that want to peacefully co-exist with we Infidels should reject Islam, become apostates and embrace any other religion than Islam. Islam's days as a accepted and viable religion are numbered, that inhuman and inhumane dogma is about to go into the trash can of history!

Hezbollah is the same Satan Span as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and most of the Muslim world. They seek to use Lebanon as a base for further attacks against Israel.

Jewish immigrants to Palestine came no where near to treating the Palestinians as bad as the Muslims have treated the Jews for 1400 years. They Arabs never did "like" the Jews. That's why they tried to block formation of Israel and then refused to abide by the United Nations 2-state solution/partition with the 1948 war to exterminate Israel and the Jews.

Islam picked up where the Nazis left off and hence Islamic Jihad and it's supporters like you can be classed as Neo-Nazi!
Who told you that? I mean have you discussed that with an educated Muslim or did you read it on the Internet?
I got it from the Islamic scriptures: Koran/Quran, Hadiths, and Suras, etc.
"educated Muslims" are ones who flew airliners into buildings on Sept. 11,2001 killing @3,000+ Americans!
"educated Muslims" is an oxymoron because if they really were educated they would no longer be Muslims.

I don't expect to change your mind or get you to admit to error in thinking.
I intend to counter your Islamist propaganda and lies with facts and truth for the benefit of other readers.

Here's a clue for one of my sources;

Growing Jihad on Churches in France​

by Raymond Ibrahim
Gatestone Institute
November 22, 2023

Christian churches are under attack throughout Western Europe, with very recent examples from Austria, Germany, Italy and Sweden.

No Western nation, however, seems to experience as many attacks on its churches as France, once known as the "Eldest Daughter of the Church."

Investigative journalist Amy Mek tweeted on July 1, 2023:

"Attacks on Churches are the norm in France; two Churches a day are vandalized — they are being burned, demolished, and abandoned, and their adherents are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Priests are under constant threat. At what point will France's open border politicians be held responsible?"

That last question inadvertently identifies the culprits — namely, migrants from the Muslim world, where attacks on churches are not abnormal.

In July 2023, for instance, Muslims attacked and desecrated several churches in France, by breaking the doors and windows of one church and spray-painting anti-Jesus and pro-Muhammad graffiti on its walls. The men also torched at least two historic churches — a 16th century church in Drosnay, and the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye-Descartes church — after general riots prompted by the June 27 police shooting of Nahel Merzouk, a Muslim criminal.

Not only did French authorities pretend that these two heritage churches simply "caught fire" — "probably due to a storm" — but they insisted that it was the police killing that prompted otherwise peaceful Muslims to riot at all.

If this was the case, what does one make of the fact that Muslims have been attacking churches in France for decades? Below is a recent sampling of attacks that occurred before the June 27 shooting of Merzouk:

More informative articles from Middle East Forum can be noticed to the right side of this link and at their homepage~website.
Last edited:
is there a reason to use islamic nations and not jewish israel ... could it be as a circuitous religious state their affiliation to the u s and europe is not the same. and only marginally exists in the us - and not at all in europe.

rather ... neo-natzi and neo-jew are the same blend of fanaticism. is why you hide behind simple - israel - when to convey your own humble innocence.
Get back to me when you've mastered the English language and can write beyond a kindergarten level.:rolleyes:
Arabs were in Spain for hundreds of years.. They don't speak Spanish.

The British did colonize America. My family is Dutch and Irish. They arrived in 1620 and 1700 respectively as settlers...
And the "Arabs"~Muslims got kicked out about five hundred+ years ago. One of the gripes and "reasons we attack you" in the letter from the late Osama bin Laden was the loss of Spain and need to return it to the Dar-al-Islam. The "betrayal of Andalusia".

Speaking of which, below is the link to the translated letter of Nov. 24, 2002. One will notice the delusions and insanity that are hallmark traits of Islamic Religion-Dogma-Belief. (I'll dig through the nitty gritty at a later time.)
gee----I know lots of jews from communities that resided in what BECAME
muslim lands because of invasion by muslims during the islamic GREAT
ERA OF CONQUEST. Muslims oppressed them RIGHT AWAY. For that matter
Muhummad made it very clear that HE hated jews or, at least, that is what
is written in the koran. I admit muhummad never read it. Muslims never needed
"Jewish nationalists" to hate, attack, rape, murder, and pillage jews----
They have been doing it for some 1400 years. Try reading the koran

Obviously. You are a neo-Nazi after all.
Choices by the neighboring Islamic nations to try and destroy Israel are the ongoing nightmares that threaten the USA, and the World, continually since 1948.

For instance, as early as 1905, Israel Zangwill, an organizer of Zionism in Britain and one of Zionism's top propagandists, who had coined the slogan "a land without a people for a people without a land," acknowledged in a speech in Manchester that Palestine was not a land without people.

In fact, it was filled with Arabs: "[We] must be prepared either to drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession as our forefathers did or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedan and accustomed for centuries to despise us."6

This comment came at a time when there were around 645,000 Muslims and Christians in Palestine and only 55,000 Jews, mainly non-Zionists or anti-Zionists in the Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities.7

David Ben-Gurion, the man who along with Herzl and Chaim Weizmann was one of the progenitors of Israel, explicitly acknowledged the linkage between Zionism and expulsion: "Zionism is a transfer of the Jews.

Regarding the transfer of the Arabs this is much easier than any other transfer."8 Or, as Israeli scholar Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi put it: "While the basic problem confronting Diaspora Jews was to survive as a minority, the basic problem of Zionism in Palestine was to dispossess the natives and become a majority."9

Much attention has been paid to how the early Zionists secured land in Palestine, but relatively little study has focused on the equally essential effort by Zionists to delegitimize and replace the Palestinian majority.10 Without Jewish control, the Zionists concluded they would be no better off than in Europe, where Zionism arose specifically as a way to escape antisemitism, pogroms, the ghetto and minority status.

As former defense minister Ariel Sharon, a leading spokesman of Zionism's right wing, has commented: "Our forefathers did not come here in order to build a democracy but to build a Jewish state."11 A similar view was recently expressed by Labor leader and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: "I don't believe that for 2,000 years Jews dreamed and prayed about the return to Zion to create a

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