Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Churchill was in no doubt that gas could be profitably employed against the Kurds and Iraqis (as well as against other peoples in the Empire): "I do not understand this sqeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poison gas against uncivilised tribes." Henry Wilson shared Churchills enthusiasm for gas as an instrument of colonial control but the British cabinet was reluctant to sanction the use of a weapon that had caused such misery and revulsion in the First World War. Churchill himself waskeen to argue that gas, fired from ground-based guns or dropped from aircraft, would cause "only discomfort or illness, but not death" to dissident tribespeople; but his optimistic view of the effects of gas were mistaken. It was likely that the suggested gas would permanently damage eyesight and "kill children and sickly persons, more especially as the people against whom we intend to use it have no medical knowledge with which to supply antidotes."

Churchill remained unimpressed by such considerations, arguing that the use of gas, a "scientific expedient," should not be prevented "by the prejudices of those who do not think clearly". In the event, gas was used against the Iraqi rebels with excellent moral effect" though gas shells were not dropped from aircraft because of practical difficulties.

" Violations By Doctrine Against Principles For Non Violence And Individualism Entitle Individuals To Self Defense "

* Public Easement Advantages *

The premises for fictional ishmaelism are debase and contradict a premise of qurayshism , where qurayshism is a genetic religion for preservation of a patriarchal lineage of eponymous ishmael through a religious polity of sharia within the geographic region of hejaz .

A military strategist would realistically understand the advantages of security for access to or control in that region .
You should just let it be. Everything works itself out. Order from chaos is nature's way.
" Egoism Myopia From Monism Without A Vantage Point To Pivot "

* Following First Principles Of Natural Existence *

A fate is a quality of being which occurs and becomes the past , and when a subjective mind options for a different fate , then consequences are amended towards a different destiny .

Within the principles of non violence and individualism , an element of self determination includes a negative liberty to enter into social civil agreements , where the contracts are made valid through informed consent .

* Bar Here Brady *
You should just let it be. Everything works itself out. Order from chaos is nature's way.
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" Egoism Myopia From Monism Without A Vantage Point To Pivot "

* Following First Principles Of Natural Existence *

A fate is a quality of being which occurs and becomes the past , and when a subjective mind options for a different fate , then consequences are amended towards a different destiny .

Within the principles of non violence and individualism , an element of self determination includes a negative liberty to enter into social civil agreements , where the contracts are made valid through informed consent .

* Bar Here Brady *

It's actually the mind's preference for a different fate that is the problem. It will be what it will be.

Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.
Israel is interested in preserving itself and the boundaries the Jews had when they got started in that land about 2500 years ago.

Islam/Arabs are about recapturing the lands of Israel, which they stole from Orthodox Christianity about 1400 years ago. They do not want a "two state" solution, and are an all or nothing agenda which has their goal the elimination of the state of Israel and it's Jewish occupants.

The region where Israel is located was referred to as “Palestine” at least as early as the 5th century BC. Writings from such men as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch all refer to this area as “Palestine.” This term is believed to come from Masoretic Hebrew biblical texts.
Israel is interested in preserving itself and the boundaries the Jews had when they got started in that land about 2500 years ago.

Islam/Arabs are about recapturing the lands of Israel, which they stole from Orthodox Christianity about 1400 years ago. They do not want a "two state" solution, and are an all or nothing agenda which has their goal the elimination of the state of Israel and it's Jewish occupants.

The Likud Charter calls for a Jewish state from the Jordan River to the sea. That's why Hamas has been so useful to Netanyahu.

The region where Israel is located was referred to as “Palestine” at least as early as the 5th century BC.

Writings from such men as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch all refer to this area as “Palestine.” This term is believed to come from Masoretic Hebrew biblical texts.

Islam as a colonial-imperialist force

Tons of blood and ink spilled,
and entire new academic fields invented,
as part of the ideological discourse between Islam and the West.

The 'post-colonial' discourse though now part of the
daily Islamic missionary gaslighting, is apparently
to evade any discussion of Arab imperialism and
colonization of several continents, with likely
history of mass-slavery far worse than
anything by 'the West' altogether.

They sell Islam as a way to go "post-colonial"
but the ultimate goal is Arab imperialism.

When backed with illiteracy as an ideal.
The proof of Quran's divine source?
"it's in the beauty of it's Arabic..."
and the result is 20% illiteracy.

That is Arab imperialism.

Read Warsaw Burning

The Zionists evicted the German colony in 1939. They'd been there since 1860 and they were a religious community, not Nazis. I think they had dairy farms which the Jews confiscated.
Documentation and source please.
What part did the indigenous Muslims play in this?


German Colony was established in Ottoman Haifa in 1868 as a Christian German Templer Colony in Palestine, so it was a religious rather than a merchant colony, though it was self-sufficient in many ways including in agriculture. It was the first of several colonies established by the group in the Holy Land. Others were founded in Sarona near Jaffa, Galilee and Jerusalem.

The Templers, a religious Protestant sect formed in southern Germany in the 19th century, settled in Palestine at the urging of their leader, Christoph Hoffmann, in the belief that living in the Holy Land would hasten the second coming of Christ.

The Templers built a colony in keeping with strict urban planning principles and introduced local industries that brought modernity to Palestine, which had long been neglected by the Ottomans. They were the first to organize regular transportation services between Jaffa, Acre and Nazareth, which also allowed for mail delivery.

In 1874 the Christian denomination of the Temple Society underwent a schism and later envoys of the Evangelical State Church of Prussia’s older Provinces successfully proselytised among the schismatics, making up about a third of the colonists. Thus the Colony became a place of partisans of two different Christian denominations and their respective congregations. The population fluctuated between 300-400 settlers between 1870 and 1914.

Sixty of the colonists were American citizens and their leader, Jacob Schumacher served as the U.S. consular agent for Haifa and northern Palestine. Due to their population increase and the ongoing urbanisation of Haifa, the colonists searched to buy lands in order to found new settlements.

Employing modern farming methods, the Templers introduced soil fertilization, better methods of crop rotation and new crops such as potatoes. They imported agricultural machinery and engaged in "mixed farming," combining dairy farming and field crops.
More on the German colony. Ultimately they were accused of being Nazis ..Their farms were confiscated and they were forced to leave Palestine. They had been very helpful to the Jewish immigrants in the early years, but came to be seen as competition.

More on the German colony. Ultimately they were accused of being Nazis ..Their farms were confiscated and they were forced to leave Palestine. They had been very helpful to the Jewish immigrants in the early years, but came to be seen as competition.

Minor players in the grander scheme of things.
Not surprised by your distraction and diffusion from Islamic Jihad as the major Player in the conflicts here.

Why not throw in the Vichy French of that region along with the Islamic Jihadists/Nazi Allies of that region during 1939-1945 as other players? (The ones used by the Nazi Germans to revolt against the British/Allies in the Middle East then.)?

Because of your fascists Neo-Nazi leanings and anti-Jewish agenda it would seem, IMO!

Sorry, you can't weasel out of your Jew Hatred on this one!

Accept your bottom feeder scum-shit nature and live with it!
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The Likud Charter calls for a Jewish state from the Jordan River to the sea. That's why Hamas has been so useful to Netanyahu.

The region where Israel is located was referred to as “Palestine” at least as early as the 5th century BC.

Writings from such men as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch all refer to this area as “Palestine.” This term is believed to come from Masoretic Hebrew biblical texts.
And the region between the Tigris and the Euphrates has been referred to as Mesopotamia for a few thousand years.
Yet we don't hear about the plait of the "Mesopotamians" and the "tragedy" of their "displacement" over the past few thousand years. What a region has been known as geographically doesn't mean the people there fit that term in ethnic or racial description/label.

The "Palestinians" remain Muslim-Arabs despite what they wish to call themselves. They are recent invaders and colonists compared to prior peoples and ethnics in the Levant before them.
The Likud Charter calls for a Jewish state from the Jordan River to the sea. That's why Hamas has been so useful to Netanyahu.

The region where Israel is located was referred to as “Palestine” at least as early as the 5th century BC.

Writings from such men as Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch all refer to this area as “Palestine.” This term is believed to come from Masoretic Hebrew biblical texts.
Would then make the Jews/Hebrews also "Palestinians" as well! :rolleyes:

Muslims have been major players and "part of it" ever since they conquered and "colonized" in the seventh century!

the fact is there was nowhere in europe for the jews however glorious in your mind they were not wanted by anyone on the continent - so they reimposed themselves in the middle east and clearly are not wanted there either. hereditary idolatry for a sht religion is not much of a calling card.
Minor players in the grander scheme of things.
Not surprised by your distraction and diffusion from Islamic Jihad as the major Player in the conflicts here.

Why not throw in the Vichy French of that region along with the Islamic Jihadists/Nazi Allies of that region during 1939-1945 as other players? (The ones used by the Nazi Germans to revolt against the British/Allies in the Middle East then.)?

Because of your fascists Neo-Nazi leanings and anti-Jewish agenda it would seem, IMO!

Sorry, you can't weasel out of your Jew Hatred on this one!

Accept your bottom feeder scum-shit nature and live with it!

I don't like Israel. Their choices have created an ongoing nightmare that threatens the US from time to time.

American Jews have nothing to do with that.

Muslims have been major players and "part of it" ever since they conquered and "colonized" in the seventh century!
Arabs have been in the Levant since long before Islam. Saigon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.
" Qurayshism Does Not Apply Outside Of Hejaz "

* Violates Principles Of Non Violence And Individualism By Doctrine *

Arabs have been in the Levant since long before Islam. Saigon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.
Does arab cultural hegemony seek to implement the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism ?


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