Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

well, some believe in agreement just that the agreement needs to be heavenly and not mortal ...

With whom else would G-d want and agreement?

All you need to know about immortality, is the existence of Israel.
A heavenly agreement makes only sense with a mortal,
by choice of Adam - the rose of creation.
Israel is the only country preventing
exclusive Islamist domination over
the entire Middle East.

By 'go', do you mean
kicking Islamist ass,
business, or both?

I mean why do Jews want to go to Arabia or do business there?
I mean why do Jews want to go to Arabia or do business there?

Is Egypt in Arabia? Is the Levant?

Arabia is a term of vague meaning when used by Arab imperialists...

I mean why do Jews want to go to Arabia or do business there?
your statement is almost as idiotic as "the jews killed
Jesus" --to wit, it is a gross generalization. I have not
encountered a single jew who expressed a desire to go
to Saudi arabia and "do business there"---but it is likely
that a few exist. Why do arabs want anything at all in
Israel is interested in preserving itself and the boundaries the Jews had when they got started in that land about 2500 years ago.

Islam/Arabs are about recapturing the lands of Israel, which they stole from Orthodox Christianity about 1400 years ago. They do not want a "two state" solution, and are an all or nothing agenda which has their goal the elimination of the state of Israel and it's Jewish occupants.

Arabs were in Palestine long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.

The Jews lost two wars and Palestine in the first century. Do you think God has anything to do with this current situation? Do you think God had anything to do with the Holocaust?
Arabs were in Palestine long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.

The Jews lost two wars and Palestine in the first century. Do you think God has anything to do with this current situation? Do you think God had anything to do with the Holocaust?
Of course what are now called "arabs" were in
Palestine----what are now called "arabs" are specifically described in the bible---as ISHMAELITES----They were
characterized as being nomadic---not living in permanent homes, illiterate and dangerous criminals on the opened by ways----caravan robbers and slave traders. Ishmaelites plied their slave trading far and wide----from Egypt all the way into India---they were
Arabs were in Palestine long before Islam. Sargon2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria during the Babylonian exile.

The Jews lost two wars and Palestine in the first century. Do you think God has anything to do with this current situation? Do you think God had anything to do with the Holocaust?
First, thanks for reminding me of my error (typo?) on that "2,500 years ago". Should have been more like about 6,000 years ago +/-; about 4000 B.C.E.; after Abraham made his pact with YHWH and took his Tribe(Clan) from Ur (ancient Sumeria) to that Eastern shore of the Mediterranean, the Levant. The so-called "Promised Land" which Abraham's "People"~Tribe~Clan were to settle to fulfill "God's" Command.


The episode with "Sargon2" happens about 1,300 years later, c. 722-705 B.C.

Note that the "Babylonian Exile" occurred centuries after the "Egyptian Exile" and Moses; about 13th century BCE, +/-.
Generally, the majority of scholars see the biblical Moses as a legendary figure, whilst retaining the possibility that Moses or a Moses-like figure existed in the 13th century BCE.[14][15][16][17][18] Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271 BCE;[19] Jerome suggested 1592 BCE,[20] and James Ussher suggested 1571 BCE as his birth year.[21][note 2]

Also note that Babylon was a successor state to Akkad, which was a successor state to Sumer.
I used "Arab/Muslim" because many people conflate the two and don't know the nuances involved. For instance, Mohammad 'founded' Islam to provide his "people" (ethnic) - Arabs with a religion tailored to their needs to have unity to contend with then Western powers such as Byzantine.

As such, Islam contains some aspects more unique to Arab culture/ethnicity than to the Judaeo~Christian predecessors which Mohammad tried to link it to. Such as the practice of pederasty.

As for your second paragraph/sentence --- First, a reminder than by most definitions I'd be considered an agnostic, if not an atheist. So for a start you might present you definition/concept of "God" before I could consider answering your questions on first century setbacks for the Jews or the 20th Century Holocaust.

My personal beliefs on this and many related matters entail the concept of "(ET) Intervention Theory" and would include the Jewish people/religion (along with all other religions, etc.) as one of many manipulations by the Anunnaki as presented in my thread;
The Geminga Scenario
The Koran says be kind to the Christians, they're nearest to us in belief.
It also says they must pay a special tax to remain Christian and live within the Dur-al-Islam; the Realm/lands of Islam, without being required to convert to Islam. Also, they become equivalent to 'second-class' citizens.
First, thanks for reminding me of my error (typo?) on that "2,500 years ago". Should have been more like about 6,000 years ago +/-; about 4000 B.C.E.; after Abraham made his pact with YHWH and took his Tribe(Clan) from Ur (ancient Sumeria) to that Eastern shore of the Mediterranean, the Levant. The so-called "Promised Land" which Abraham's "People"~Tribe~Clan were to settle to fulfill "God's" Command.


The episode with "Sargon2" happens about 1,300 years later, c. 722-705 B.C.

Note that the "Babylonian Exile" occurred centuries after the "Egyptian Exile" and Moses; about 13th century BCE, +/-.
Generally, the majority of scholars see the biblical Moses as a legendary figure, whilst retaining the possibility that Moses or a Moses-like figure existed in the 13th century BCE.[14][15][16][17][18] Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271 BCE;[19] Jerome suggested 1592 BCE,[20] and James Ussher suggested 1571 BCE as his birth year.[21][note 2]

Also note that Babylon was a successor state to Akkad, which was a successor state to Sumer.
I used "Arab/Muslim" because many people conflate the two and don't know the nuances involved. For instance, Mohammad 'founded' Islam to provide his "people" (ethnic) - Arabs with a religion tailored to their needs to have unity to contend with then Western powers such as Byzantine.

As such, Islam contains some aspects more unique to Arab culture/ethnicity than to the Judaeo~Christian predecessors which Mohammad tried to link it to. Such as the practice of pederasty.

As for your second paragraph/sentence --- First, a reminder than by most definitions I'd be considered an agnostic, if not an atheist. So for a start you might present you definition/concept of "God" before I could consider answering your questions on first century setbacks for the Jews or the 20th Century Holocaust.

My personal beliefs on this and many related matters entail the concept of "(ET) Intervention Theory" and would include the Jewish people/religion (along with all other religions, etc.) as one of many manipulations by the Anunnaki as presented in my thread;
The Geminga Scenario
Just realized I made a math error above.
It would be about 4,000 years ago, not 6,000; about 2000BCE, not 4000BCE, when Abram made his pact/covenant with YHWH ( and became known as Abraham) that created what we know as the Jewish ethnicity.
It also says they must pay a special tax to remain Christian and live within the Dur-al-Islam; the Realm/lands of Islam, without being required to convert to Islam. Also, they become equivalent to 'second-class' citizens.

Only able-bodied men paid it to avoid military Service.

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