Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Reality check, think this is unusual, look at other Muslim-Hindu "debates"

3 hours is a lot of time, or how much a serious debate should take,
especially when hearing what is actually being discussed here...

For me, the challenge was not the length, but to keep sanity,
while listening to bold promotion of child sex, slavery,
as success for the universal conversion to Islam.

And if You didn't think this was surreal enough,

at 3:02 the guy literally takes a Pikachu doll

for proof, he's not a sadist...

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OH gee----I got curious so I did check----sadly with WIKKI ---about malaria in
Saudi Arabia-----Same Old Sh%t as the AIDS thing----the evil bug "tsetsee
malaria bug----according to KSA report, exists ONLY ON THE BORDER (lol---that
probably means Yemen). Not long ago Saudi arabia finally HAD to admit the
existence of AIDS in HOLY SAUDI ARABIA----but, of course, blamed it on foreign

I thought we were talking about malaria.
Want to know more about Islam? Just read last week's news about the massacre of the Ethiopian
migrants at the hands of Saudi Arabia, Protector of the "Two Holy Cities". That's Islam in a nutshell.

Twit, the border has been closed for more than 20 years.
I thought we were talking about malaria.
who is "we" ?-----the demographics of transmissible disease is an interesting
topic. Malaria is VERY interesting from the POV of demographics----sorry---
your fancy wancy private school education FAILED YOU. Malaria is tied up
even with the issue of SICKLE CELL anemia and even thalassemia---both of which
got hilariously tied up with politics and even propaganda
Malaria is VERY interesting from the POV of demographics ---- both of which got hilariously tied up with politics and even propaganda ...

so true ...


the saudie mosquito reads only the koran and asks first if their new friend is or is not a muslim.
the muslims worked hard and with infinite mendacity to cover up
the REAL history of arab---and arab muslim SLAVERY AS THE ECONOMIC DRIVING FORCE OF ARAB IMPERIALISM--not just for
1000 years but more like 4000 years. The black population of the
USA was the SPECIAL PROJECT. They became entirely hoodwinked
into believing that islam is and was THEIR RELIGION. For the record---
before OIL-----there was the SLAVE TRADE--thruout Africa ---to Persia--all the way to India and on to Asia the mostly the Southern parts of Europe and thence to the new world---the Americas.
Spain as "stolen Arab land"

Arab imperialism strives on ideological mass psychosis.
Did I mention the main cause of illiteracy in the Middle East?

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Twit, the border has been closed for more than 20 years.

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