Islam destroyed the Christians, the Jews and all unbelievers

I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam, and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) defeated and destroyed all idol worship with the sword. Among this idol worship is Christianity, Judaism and atheism.

At one point, Muhammad was allowed by God to fight. The first battle was the battle of Badr, in the year 624, 15 years after Muhammad was made a prophet. All 313 Muslims were face to face against 1000 unbelievers. It was going to be the end of Islam. The battle lasted one morning. As the Muslims advanced, they walked over dead bodies. Allah (God) had helped Muhammad with thousands of angels.

Battle of Badr - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam, and the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) defeated and destroyed all idol worship with the sword. Among this idol worship is Christianity, Judaism and atheism.

At one point, Muhammad was allowed by God to fight. The first battle was the battle of Badr, in the year 624, 15 years after Muhammad was made a prophet. All 313 Muslims were face to face against 1000 unbelievers. It was going to be the end of Islam. The battle lasted one morning. As the Muslims advanced, they walked over dead bodies. Allah (God) had helped Muhammad with thousands of angels.

Battle of Badr - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It was that day that Islam got the victory over all idol worship (among which is Christianity, Judaism and atheism). Muslims shall cherish that victory until the end of time. Meanwhile, Jews and Christians naively think they got the victory.



Being hateful simply for the purposes of being hateful is a tactic of terrorists and thugs. We (as a species) deserve better than that.
Islam did not destroy Christianity, Judaism or any forms of Atheism.

However, Islam has destroyed its claims to being a peaceful religion when history shows that it mainly spread through war versus spirited intellectually honest debates.

But then, that is the problem with any "Universal religion".
Hate to break it to you but Christianity continues to exist and I guarantee it will continue so long as I am alive.
If you want to know why Christians do not approve of Islam, it is because of the immoral beliefs and how proud the muslims are of them. In the eyes of Christians, Islam is a heathen religion without much value.

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