Islam in Australia: Living and dying for the flag of Allah


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I can remember how for years and years all immigrants wanted to become good Americans. They practiced their culture at home, but were able to assimilate into American society. If this is the type of people the West is letting in, there is going to be big trouble ahead.

Islam in Australia: Living and dying for the flag of Allah
  • AUGUST 19, 2014 12:00AM

PM warns against terror attack complacency

  • Sydney-based radicaal Islamic group denounce Australian flag and talk about beheading ‘non-believers’
  • Tony Abbott: “the only flag that should be flying is the Australian national flag”
  • Wissam Haddad: “Shahada flag ... that’s a flag that I stand and live and die for and I don’t stand and live and die for the Australian flag”
A SENIOR leader of radical Sydney-based Islamic organisation al-Risalah has denounced the Australian flag, as the group’s supporters posted Facebook messages about beheading “non-believers”.

Wissam Haddad, the head of the al-Risalah Islamic Centre in Sydney’s southwest, yesterday told The Daily Telegraph he followed the “flag of Allah” rather than the flag of Australia.

The flag, called the Shahada, is the same as the one used by Islamic State terrorists who have been spreading death and terror across the Middle East.

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Most immigrants still do. Why do you single out Muslims?
Strange how Coyote is so quick to jump on this forum to defend the Muslims, but yet is so silent about what they are doing to others in the Middle East and how so many are coming from various countries around the world to fight with those savages. Meanwhile, Coyote, I would suggest. if you live in a large city. to attempt to find European immigrants who are still in touch with the folks back home and ask them what is going on there. It is not all peaches and cream when it comes to the Muslims you are always trying to champion. We all realize that not all Muslims are like that, but it certainly looks like an awful lot of them who immigrated to Europe are really not attempting to assimilate.
Strange how Coyote is so quick to jump on this forum to defend the Muslims, but yet is so silent about what they are doing to others in the Middle East and how so many are coming from various countries around the world to fight with those savages. Meanwhile, Coyote, I would suggest. if you live in a large city. to attempt to find European immigrants who are still in touch with the folks back home and ask them what is going on there. It is not all peaches and cream when it comes to the Muslims you are always trying to champion. We all realize that not all Muslims are like that, but it certainly looks like an awful lot of them who immigrated to Europe are really not attempting to assimilate.
Australia isn't located in Europe you freakin nitwit.
Strange how Coyote is so quick to jump on this forum to defend the Muslims, but yet is so silent about what they are doing to others in the Middle East and how so many are coming from various countries around the world to fight with those savages. Meanwhile, Coyote, I would suggest. if you live in a large city. to attempt to find European immigrants who are still in touch with the folks back home and ask them what is going on there. It is not all peaches and cream when it comes to the Muslims you are always trying to champion. We all realize that not all Muslims are like that, but it certainly looks like an awful lot of them who immigrated to Europe are really not attempting to assimilate.

Hi Sally,

Glad to see you are still on the ball. Kudus to you.

Now, let's see if I can answer your questions and respond to your suggestions :)

blah blah blah silent on blah blah doing to others in the ME, not silent....I just don't have much time to spend sitting in front of the compute searching for anti-Muslim articles to spam the ME forum with. I comment periodically but really....just posting article after article after article doesn't indicate any level of "care" - it is more indicative of someone with too much time on their hands. What are you doing about it Sally? Taking in any refugees? Traveling over there to provide relief? Adding to the discussion with ideas, solutions, etc? Or just hitting the "enter" key and moving on to the next anti-Muslim article? In fact, Sally - this article you are posting has nothing to do with the Mid East - it's in Australia.

I grew up in a large city with a number of different immigrant groups, I work in an area where I'm in constant contact with people from around the world. I have family and friends in England, Wales, India, Germany and France.

Who is this "we" Sally? You aren't royalty last I heard. There have been a large number of well done public opinion polls on Muslims in Europe, in particular in the UK where it was found that they were by far well integrated, very British and quite assimilated. I won't bother posting a link, because I've posted these many times and they get routinely ignored.
Then those that are big of group and small of mouth need to distance themselves from the big of mouth, and in doing so they show the degree of their separation through more than silence.

Hi Sally,

Glad to see you are still on the ball. Kudus to you.

Now, let's see if I can answer your questions and respond to your suggestions :)

blah blah blah silent on blah blah doing to others in the ME, not silent....I just don't have much time to spend sitting in front of the compute searching for anti-Muslim articles to spam the ME forum with. I comment periodically but really....just posting article after article after article doesn't indicate any level of "care" - it is more indicative of someone with too much time on their hands. What are you doing about it Sally? Taking in any refugees? Traveling over there to provide relief? Adding to the discussion with ideas, solutions, etc? Or just hitting the "enter" key and moving on to the next anti-Muslim article? In fact, Sally - this article you are posting has nothing to do with the Mid East - it's in Australia.

I grew up in a large city with a number of different immigrant groups, I work in an area where I'm in constant contact with people from around the world. I have family and friends in England, Wales, India, Germany and France.

Who is this "we" Sally? You aren't royalty last I heard. There have been a large number of well done public opinion polls on Muslims in Europe, in particular in the UK where it was found that they were by far well integrated, very British and quite assimilated. I won't bother posting a link, because I've posted these many times and they get routinely ignored.

Of course you don't have time to read many articles on the Internet, because you are too busy with these forums. How you do it with a full-time job is kind of miraculous unless you have bosses who give you permission to do so. Meanwhile, one doesn't have to be on the Internet as much as you are to pick up what your new friends are doing in many places on this planet. Nice for you to close your eyes to what is happening. Maybe you are so busy sticking up for your new friends that you don't have time to question those here originally from Europe who can tell you what their friends and relatives are going through. By the way, if you live in a big city, go to an Assyrian church and ask the parishioners what your new friends are doing to those Assyrians in the Middle East (in case you are even a little bit interested because of course it involves your new friends).
Australia has let in quite a few Islamic extremists over the years, not as bad as those in the UK - but getting there. If it was up to me and a group was holding a 'Kill the x' sign I would send them for re-education to remove their indoctrination (usually community service and teachings by more tolerant Imams helps). If that doesn't work then it is best to put them in jail before they can actually go abroad and join ISIS. But that wouldn't be politically correct, so it will just get more out of control till Australia has its own tube bombings.
Then those that are big of group and small of mouth need to distance themselves from the big of mouth, and in doing so they show the degree of their separation through more than silence.


But they I pointed out in another thread, and those who demand it, over and over, keep ignoring it...(insert shrugging smilie the isn't yet in the library)
Of course you don't have time to read many articles on the Internet, because you are too busy with these forums.

Well Sally....I think it's you who are busy punching in articles here without even reading them clearly spend a lot of time here.

How you do it with a full-time job is kind of miraculous unless you have bosses who give you permission to do so. Meanwhile, one doesn't have to be on the Internet as much as you are to pick up what your new friends are doing in many places on this planet.

Oh give it up Silly Sally - no one is buying this. You spend a lot of time on the internet. Good for you. Maybe you can take some of that time to make difference and come up with some good discussion in some of those many articles.

For example the one you just posted. How representative is this group of Islam in Australia? Do you know? Do you do any research into what you are posting?

Nice for you to close your eyes to what is happening.

My eyes are open :)

Maybe you are so busy sticking up for your new friends that you don't have time to question those here originally from Europe who can tell you what their friends and relatives are going through. are starting (again) to sound like a robocall.

By the way, if you live in a big city, go to an Assyrian church and ask the parishioners what your new friends are doing to those Assyrians in the Middle East (in case you are even a little bit interested because of course it involves your new friends).

What does this have to do with Islam in Australia?

I have all kinds of friends Sally - Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Bhuddists and Athiests. Which new friends do you mean?
Not "all," and for the most part LEGAL immigrants still do. They do so rather successfully, by and large.

Even many illegal immigrants - most of the time they are leaving something worse and want to make a better life for themselves.
The apologism is rife and rampant. Coyote needs to show the connect in Australia with proof.

So far she falls back on ephemeral proof.

For Austrailia. Where are they?

I'll wait for your proof that the majority of the Muslims in Austrailia are standing up against their violent and vocal bretheren.

Not just a few voices here and not groups that promote understanding in their non profit organizations that often are found to be silently funding terrorism.

Post thse groups in Austrailia and what they are actually doing to take their violent jihadi bretheren to task for what they do.

Like travelling to join ISIS.

We have this same issue in Canada. Some small talk, money raised and the only action is when these organizations of reformers are found in contravention of the newly minted anti-terrorism funding laws .

The apologism is rife and rampant. Coyote needs to show the connect in Australia with proof.

So far she falls back on ephemeral proof.

For Austrailia. Where are they?

I'll wait for your proof that the majority of the Muslims in Austrailia are standing up against their violent and vocal bretheren.

Not just a few voices here and not groups that promote understanding in their non profit organizations that often are found to be silently funding terrorism.

Post thse groups in Austrailia and what they are actually doing to take their violent jihadi bretheren to task for what they do.

Like travelling to join ISIS.

We have this same issue in Canada. Some small talk, money raised and the only action is when these organizations of reformers are found in contravention of the newly minted anti-terrorism funding laws .


That's your favorite accusation.

There have been plenty of denouncements around the world regarding violent extremism but they are routinely ignorerd - excuses made, goal posts moved.

Imam condemns Iraq violence - Shepparton -
The American Muslim (TAM)
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Even many illegal immigrants - most of the time they are leaving something worse and want to make a better life for themselves.

True. It doesn't excuse illegal immigration, but most illegal immigrants are not monsters or greedy layabouts. Just people.
Australia has let in quite a few Islamic extremists over the years, not as bad as those in the UK - but getting there. If it was up to me and a group was holding a 'Kill the x' sign I would send them for re-education to remove their indoctrination (usually community service and teachings by more tolerant Imams helps). If that doesn't work then it is best to put them in jail before they can actually go abroad and join ISIS. But that wouldn't be politically correct, so it will just get more out of control till Australia has its own tube bombings.

I've been to Australia many times with the first time being in the 60's as a gift for my High School Graduation. The last time being five years ago.

The changes are marked. Australia is a friend of Canada and of Israel. It's painful to see and yes it is a concern.

Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council | Australia's Jewish community has legitimate security concerns
Everything the OP says is one 100% correct !

There is no other immigrant group in Australia as troublesome as some Muslims.

You all should be aware of the shocking photos regarding the Islamic States beheadings and one 7 year old child holding up a severed head with a beaming father all recently arrived from Australia,looking on.

Unfortunately quite a few of the local Muslims were in approval and there were many public demonstrations and TV appearances which demonstrated their allegiance is not with Australia at all but rather with radical Islam.

There is no doubt that the acts commited by some local Muslims are the most aggressive and troublesome and a lot of them are fanatics who are guided by the principle of Jihad.
The NSW Supreme Court heard that under the nom de plume Abu Mohamed Attawheedy, Khazaal put together into book form a compilation of articles written by other people that promoted violence against Christians, Jews and non-Muslims and then had it posted on the internet site

... The jury was told that the first half of the book concentrated on religious teachings and rulings about jihad, while the rest of the book canvassed reasons, benefits and methods of assassinations. Among the countries on the hit list were Australia and the US.

The book contained references to previous successful terrorist attacks and to material from serious international terrorists including al-Qa'ida number 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri. It also included material that talked about how "small cells" could cause havoc and horror to the US and Jews alike.


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