Islam Is A Major, Great Religion of the World

An ancient culture that was very successful. Or else it wouldn't be on of the major world's religions.

Terrorism was certainly new to the 20th century.
Dude, seriously?
LOL ok
Lets forget about their history so we can blame the West :rolleyes:
You want to go back a few hundred years to justify why we spend trillions of dollars making sure there are more craters than buildings in Afghanistan? Insight into the neo-con mind.
Im not justifying it. I am far from a war hawk.
I just think you are a complete fucking idiot. You are a partisan shithead with tunnel vision and enveloped in dishonesty.
you sayin he's a liberal?
Well no, when has a social conservative tossed a gay off a roof or shot up a gay nightclub?

The only people who have done that are social conservatives. Your hatred of gay people is a common trait with radical Muslims.
So muslim countries are run by radicals? They must be considering having sex with the same sex can be punishable by death..

Is there a point in there?
Death of gays is legislated in some muslim countries. So, according to your post, those countries are run by radicals. Am i correct?
Yes. Now which specific radicals are you talking about? The ones that we prop up with cash and our military, or the ones who came to power in revolt of the west having installed their government?
Yes. Islam hating queers is a new concept as well. I am glad you are here to enlighten us
History and their holy book is so full of shit! :rofl:
The only people who have done that are social conservatives. Your hatred of gay people is a common trait with radical Muslims.
So muslim countries are run by radicals? They must be considering having sex with the same sex can be punishable by death..

Is there a point in there?
Death of gays is legislated in some muslim countries. So, according to your post, those countries are run by radicals. Am i correct?
Yes. Now which specific radicals are you talking about? The ones that we prop up with cash and our military, or the ones who came to power in revolt of the west having installed their government?
Yes. Islam hating queers is a new concept as well. I am glad you are here to enlighten us
History and their holy book is so full of shit! :rofl:
Of course their holy book is full of shit. Which they'll never embrace as long as the U.S. and others keep pushing them towards radicalism.
So muslim countries are run by radicals? They must be considering having sex with the same sex can be punishable by death..

Is there a point in there?
Death of gays is legislated in some muslim countries. So, according to your post, those countries are run by radicals. Am i correct?
Yes. Now which specific radicals are you talking about? The ones that we prop up with cash and our military, or the ones who came to power in revolt of the west having installed their government?
Yes. Islam hating queers is a new concept as well. I am glad you are here to enlighten us
History and their holy book is so full of shit! :rofl:
Of course their holy book is full of shit. Which they'll never embrace as long as the U.S. and others keep pushing them towards radicalism.
Deer geebus :uhh:
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl.

“My name is Daniel Pearl” (WARNING: Graphic Images)
You tards conflate a religion with terrorists.

You really shouldn't do that.

It's okay to love Islam now.

Steve Bannon praises Islam in new book but compares radical Muslims to communists

Steve Bannon now says he's OK with Islam.

The Breitbart leader and former Trump strategist praises Islam in a new book about his life, despite criticizing the religion for years and helping put the man who called for a Muslim ban in the White House. Even so, Bannon likens radical Islam to communism and says it needs to be destroyed.

Islam “as a faith” is not a threat or inferior to other major religions, Bannon tells journalist Keith Koffler in the book Bannon: Always the Rebel, which comes out November 13. Newsweek obtained an early copy.

Bannon speaks highly of Sufism, a mystical sect of Islam that he has studied, as well as the "internal struggle" that Islam urges in its followers.

"It’s a path to enlightenment or a path to God...just like Judaism’s got its path, just like Christianity’s got its path," Bannon says. "It’s not for anybody to determine what path an individual takes.”

He compliments the religion’s focus on “inner work on oneself.” Bannon also emphasizes, "We're not enemies of Islam," and calls it a "major, great religion in the world."

Bannon studied Sufism. (The guy is quick, he found something to justify his acts AGAIN.)
Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

You go ahead and enter a no go zone any where in Europe and some places of the United States. See how fucking peaceful the religion really is.. When your head is separated from your shoulders, like Daniel Pearl's was, you can get back to me about the religion of peace.. Fucking moron...
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl.

“My name is Daniel Pearl” (WARNING: Graphic Images)
You tards conflate a religion with terrorists.

You really shouldn't do that.

Southern White Democrats of old, and new. Is that you on the far left G?
Southern far right Christian Democrats of old.

Your political ancestors.
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl.

“My name is Daniel Pearl” (WARNING: Graphic Images)
You tards conflate a religion with terrorists.

You really shouldn't do that.

Southern White Democrats of old, and new. Is that you on the far left G?
Southern far right Christian Democrats of old.

Your political ancestors.
Is Nancy Pelosi a Christian G?
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl.

“My name is Daniel Pearl” (WARNING: Graphic Images)
You tards conflate a religion with terrorists.

You really shouldn't do that.

Southern White Democrats of old, and new. Is that you on the far left G?
Southern far right Christian Democrats of old.

Your political ancestors.

You're a moron. Islam has no place in the US and all mosques and Imams need to be vetted.

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