Islam Is A Major, Great Religion of the World

Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl.

“My name is Daniel Pearl” (WARNING: Graphic Images)
You tards conflate a religion with terrorists.

You really shouldn't do that.

Southern White Democrats of old, and new. Is that you on the far left G?
Southern far right Christian Democrats of old.

Your political ancestors.

You're a moron. Islam has no place in the US and all mosques and Imams need to be vetted.
Tell that to your hero Steve Bannon.
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
Tell that to Daniel Pearl.

“My name is Daniel Pearl” (WARNING: Graphic Images)
You tards conflate a religion with terrorists.

You really shouldn't do that.

Southern White Democrats of old, and new. Is that you on the far left G?
Southern far right Christian Democrats of old.

Your political ancestors.
Is Nancy Pelosi a Christian G?
See those crosses on their uniforms? See that JESUS SAVES sign?

Christian terrorists.

Your political ancestors.
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Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

I do not care what Bannon says about Islam. I care what Islam says about Islam. Idiot.
No, you only parrot what you are told to parrot about Islam. You only bleev what you are told to bleev.

I parrot what Islam says with quotes from their own holy literature. Can you find a quote where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror? I can find plenty that say they sanction and reward it.
Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
I guess if you are not a woman, Islam could be a good deal. If you are an 11 year old girl you might have to drop out of school and become some old pervert's wife.
Or Roy Moore's mistress.
I thought you were espousing the virtues of Islam? Political smear campaigns are not relevant.
Here was a picture of some happy young women in Afghanistan during the 70s before the Taliban goat humpers took over. Yes every country should welcome Islam after all they have such a great track record.

Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

I do not care what Bannon says about Islam. I care what Islam says about Islam. Idiot.
No, you only parrot what you are told to parrot about Islam. You only bleev what you are told to bleev.

I parrot what Islam says with quotes from their own holy literature. Can you find a quote where Muhammad or Allah condemn terror? I can find plenty that say they sanction and reward it.

Allah sanctions
Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

I do not care what Bannon says about Islam. I care what Islam says about Islam. Idiot.
No, you only parrot what you are told to parrot about Islam. You only bleev what you are told to bleev.

I believe the Koran sanctions rape of female slaves, cuz it sez so
Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

I do not care what Bannon says about Islam. I care what Islam says about Islam. Idiot.
No, you only parrot what you are told to parrot about Islam. You only bleev what you are told to bleev.

I believe the Koran authorizes war against Christians and Jews, and their subjugation, and murder of all other non-Muslims, cuz it sez so.
Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

I do not care what Bannon says about Islam. I care what Islam says about Islam. Idiot.
No, you only parrot what you are told to parrot about Islam. You only bleev what you are told to bleev.

I believe the Koran sanctions polygamy and wife-beating, cuz it sez so.
Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

I do not care what Bannon says about Islam. I care what Islam says about Islam. Idiot.
No, you only parrot what you are told to parrot about Islam. You only bleev what you are told to bleev.

I believe the Koran sanctions polygamy and wife-beating, cuz it sez so.
You are right. Muhammad completed Islam, which it also says in the Koran.. No Muslim can ever change or challenge what he said.
You are an idiot.
See post 29.

I do not care what Bannon says about Islam. I care what Islam says about Islam. Idiot.
No, you only parrot what you are told to parrot about Islam. You only bleev what you are told to bleev.

I believe the Koran sanctions polygamy and wife-beating, cuz it sez so.
You are right. Muhammad completed Islam, which it also says in the Koran.. No Muslim can ever change or challenge what he said.

According to Islamic sources, Muhammad permitted rape of female slaves and without birth control This was a depraved sociopath not a prophet!
Islam is a path to enlightenment or a path to God.

We're not enemies of Islam.

Lol no wonder your posts are garbage.

Islam is a path to death and destruction. It was formed by what can only be described as a monster. Mohammad was a pedophile. He married a 6 yr old and consummated the marriage at 9 yrs old. This is why Muslims are OK with raping children. He was a brutal warlord that massacred 10s of 1000s of people. He practiced genocide. The only be didn’t kill he forced to convert it made them dhimmis - or second class citizens. He forced women to marry him who he regularly raped. Again he was a monster.

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Writings from a savage 1500 years ago is enlightenment :lol:
Islam as a faith is not a threat or inferior to other major religions.
It isnt enlightenment. Thats for sure. Really makes you look dumb.
I will agree with that statement. One isnt inferior to the other, but it seems it is culturally. In a lot of ways. Maybe they will evolve this radicalism away one day.
Maybe, should they ever get to govern themselves.

They only self govern dozens of countries. Do you ever not sound retarded

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It comes as no surprise that people as disgusting as you liberal insects get a hard-on for the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating, rape-epidemic, beheading fetish ideology of pure HATE (I've read the Quran and studied Pisslam for a lot more years than you did). An ideology which has a 100% historical track record of rape, death and dozens of human rights atrocities everywhere it has ever gone. Not one of you liberal Islam fellatrices has ever been able to name me ONE positive benefit of importing the most demonstrably violent religion on earth into any society. Every muslim country is an oppressive, 3rd-world toilet of barbarism. To which you things want to sell out this country.

Liberal Islam-human-condoms really are the worst living things that ever shat out of humanity's collective asshole. That's the reason you're so attracted to a sewer rat religion as anti-social as you are. The only religion which stones people to death, teaches their own children to be suicide bombers, hijacks planes and throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient women. Jesus Christ, you liberals are disgusting. Disgusting with a capital D.

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