Islam is not inherently evil

Nice try, but I'm staying home to fight the threat here to gay people. You won't.

Feel free to fight HERE for gay people...

And if that is true... why are you yammering on about what 4 freaks are doing in other countries? What they support there has zero influence on what happens here. It has zero influence on laws in this country.

The four "freaks" are American Christian pastors. Bryan Fischer has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.

I dont care who they are....or what they are doing. It has ZERO influence on what happens here.
I would chip in, probably for the same reason you would.

Really. What is it you are hoping would happen to me if you succeeded in shipping me to a Muslim country?

No one is wishing you bad, however, if you take your "Liberal, stupid fucking views" to Iran, for example, you'll be the main course at a public lynching.

Go for it.

I'm happy to hear that from you. Of course, it isn't true for Si Modo and Windbag.
Feel free to fight HERE for gay people...

And if that is true... why are you yammering on about what 4 freaks are doing in other countries? What they support there has zero influence on what happens here. It has zero influence on laws in this country.

The four "freaks" are American Christian pastors. Bryan Fischer has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.

I dont care who they are....or what they are doing. It has ZERO influence on what happens here.
If you don't wake up it will be too late.

Appearing on NPR's Fresh Air, Mayer said Fischer and his supporters are out to push Romney as far to the right as they can.

“[Fischer's] history – if you take a look at it, he's an angry voice,” she said. “He is only backing Romney, with – as he describes it – a 'clothespin on his nose.' He represents the farthest edge of the evangelical Christian right and they are not comfortable with Romney, but they have a marriage of convenience and they're going to back him and push Romney as far to the right as they can."
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Nice try, but I'm staying home to fight the threat here to gay people. You won't.

Feel free to fight HERE for gay people...

And if that is true... why are you yammering on about what 4 freaks are doing in other countries? What they support there has zero influence on what happens here. It has zero influence on laws in this country.

The four "freaks" are American Christian pastors. Bryan Fischer has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.


Everyone has a larger following than Rachel Maddow. The Muppets have a larger following than Rachel Maddow and that's of those over 25.
Nice try, but I'm staying home to fight the threat here to gay people. You won't.

Feel free to fight HERE for gay people...

And if that is true... why are you yammering on about what 4 freaks are doing in other countries? What they support there has zero influence on what happens here. It has zero influence on laws in this country.

The four "freaks" are American Christian pastors. Bryan Fischer has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.

That's an accomplishment??

EVERYBODY has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.
Feel free to fight HERE for gay people...

And if that is true... why are you yammering on about what 4 freaks are doing in other countries? What they support there has zero influence on what happens here. It has zero influence on laws in this country.

The four "freaks" are American Christian pastors. Bryan Fischer has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.


Everyone has a larger following than Rachel Maddow. The Muppets have a larger following than Rachel Maddow and that's of those over 25.

Which side are you on?
Really. What is it you are hoping would happen to me if you succeeded in shipping me to a Muslim country?

No one is wishing you bad, however, if you take your "Liberal, stupid fucking views" to Iran, for example, you'll be the main course at a public lynching.

Go for it.

I'm happy to hear that from you. Of course, it isn't true for Si Modo and Windbag.

Funny that sky.... i tell you something wishing to keep you safe... and you meltdown claiming i am wishing you harm

You miss the irony of that Si and QW are saying mirroring your saying what i am telling you is wishing you harm.... as in GOING would be safe... so they tell you if i am wrong... go right ahead and go....

then worrier says no one is wishing you harm... you thank him... and blast Si and QW for agreeing with you.

am i missing something here?
The four "freaks" are American Christian pastors. Bryan Fischer has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.

I dont care who they are....or what they are doing. It has ZERO influence on what happens here.
If you don't wake up it will be too late.

Of course it will be too late. Islam will have become too powerful by then. Islam has no chance in a Christian nation. They do in a secular nation. Secularism is a jumping off point to islam. Muslims know it, whether you do or not. France knows it and so does Sweden.
Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. "The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

Your reading comprehension must be lacking or maybe its jsut that your lacking any kind of comprehension, did you not read the posts about Jesus Christ removing the law of the old testament (Jewish Torah) and creating the New testament thus the name Christians.

When Muslims kill gays we should condemn them. When Christians ask for the same, we should support them or minimize the concern.


I condemn Muslim and Christians who oppress gays. That does not make either religion INHERENTLY evil, even though both call for evil to be done in the name of Allah and God.

Your a Liar and a bigot

According to the U.S. Population Clock, there are

1.Do you personally believe God advocates that gay people should be killed?

No and God and Allah are "not" the same.

2.Who should be in charge of killing gay people today?

No one

3.Some of you may decide not to kill all gays and lesbians.

This isn't even a question.

4.If you are allowed to disregard the killing part of Leviticus 20:13, why are gays not allowed to disregard the "men with men" part?

Because Jesus said its Abomination.

5.Do you also believe all adulterers should be killed? Leviticus 20:10 says to kill adulterers.


6.Why should we kill all gays and not kill all adulterers (other than the common sense reason that killing all adulterers would empty most churches)?

Your making rash generalizations without evidence to support your claims.

7.Who should be in charge of killing adulterers today?

No one

8.If it's wrong to kill adulterers why is it okay to kill gays?

Its not

9.Is it possible Leviticus 20:13 is not talking about gays at all?

Your an idiot

10.Is it possible your understanding of Leviticus 20:13 is wrong and completely at odds with what God and Moses were saying?

As i said before your an idiot
I dont care who they are....or what they are doing. It has ZERO influence on what happens here.
If you don't wake up it will be too late.

Of course it will be too late. Islam will have become too powerful by then. Islam has no chance in a Christian nation. They do in a secular nation. Secularism is a jumping off point to islam. Muslims know it, whether you do or not. France knows it and so does Sweden.

And sadly... they see the danger to late.
No one is wishing you bad, however, if you take your "Liberal, stupid fucking views" to Iran, for example, you'll be the main course at a public lynching.

Go for it.

I'm happy to hear that from you. Of course, it isn't true for Si Modo and Windbag.

Funny that sky.... i tell you something wishing to keep you safe... and you meltdown claiming i am wishing you harm

You miss the irony of that Si and QW are saying mirroring your saying what i am telling you is wishing you harm.... as in GOING would be safe... so they tell you if i am wrong... go right ahead and go....

then worrier says no one is wishing you harm... you thank him... and blast Si and QW for agreeing with you.

am i missing something here?

Yes, you missing the point entirely. We will be a Christian theocracy in America, not a Muslim one. When that happens, the Pastors will have their ill wishes toward gays and lesbians realized. The US won't be much different than Iran for gay people when they have their way.

May I never live to see that day.
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I'm happy to hear that from you. Of course, it isn't true for Si Modo and Windbag.

Funny that sky.... i tell you something wishing to keep you safe... and you meltdown claiming i am wishing you harm

You miss the irony of that Si and QW are saying mirroring your saying what i am telling you is wishing you harm.... as in GOING would be safe... so they tell you if i am wrong... go right ahead and go....

then worrier says no one is wishing you harm... you thank him... and blast Si and QW for agreeing with you.

am i missing something here?

Yes, you missing the point entirely.

No i don't believe that i am missing the ....points.. as you are trying to make many. :tongue:
* Islam is racist. The Quran stipulates that the Arabs are superior to all others, .
This part is totally wrong; the Quran teaches No such thing.

What it actually says is Muslims are superior to all others

This part is totally wrong; the Quran teaches No such thing.

Okay. That leaves you with an awful lot to explain. Go.
I have nothing to explain.

Islam is what it is; and needs No apologetics or defense. :cool:

in other words you admit that Islam promotes, misogyny, rape and murder thanx for being honest for once

Islam is a ideaology. It is not an inanimate object. It is not a gun, it is not the koran which is only some paper and a bit of binding. It's an entire belief system like nazism, communism, satanism or any other belief system that is at its heart evil.
Your contention that Islam is somehow "evil" is totally subjective and only based on personal opinion.

1.5 billion muslims (25% of the worlds population) would disagree with you. :cool:

Right and people always know whats good for them:rolleyes:

Your contention that Islam is somehow "evil" is totally subjective and only based on personal opinion.

1.5 billion muslims (25% of the worlds population) would disagree with you. :cool:

You don't speak for Islam or it's brain-washed followers. The Nazis were evil and millions followed them to ruin.
National Socialism only lasted around 20 years and proved to be a bankrupt ideology and political system.

Islam has a 1,400+ year history and is still growing world wide.

Thus, Islam has withstood the test of time and proved it's self to be a successful ideology both religiously and politically. :cool:

You mean you have killed or "forcibly" converted anyone who stands in Islams way.

What scriptures did Jesus give Christians during war when Jesus led his armies?
The N.T. says that Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah); and said it was good; and that not one jot or titel (period/comma) would be changed until the end of time.

The Torah says almost identical things as the Quran about how to deal with the enemy.

So yes, Jesus taught war and warfare to his audience.

This is the stupidest statement ive ever heard in my entire life.

The N.T. says that Jesus was a teacher (Rabbi) and taught the Law (Torah); and said it was good; and that not one jot or titel (period/comma) would be changed until the end of time.

The Torah says almost identical things as the Quran about how to deal with the enemy.

So yes, Jesus taught war and warfare to his audience.

No, Jesus did not teach "the law". Jesus fulfilled the law and ended it. You're full of beans.
Read your Bible.

It says that Jesus taught in the Temple the Law and told the people to obey the Rabbi's words.

Jesus also participated in all of the festivals and did the sacrifices that the Torah says to do.

Not one time did he tell them to disobey the Torah or that the Torah Laws where wrong. :cool:

You twist words worse then a politician.

The Catholic Church in Uganda has called for the "kill gays" legislation to be brought to a vote. This is a reversal of their previous position.

Members of Pastor Charles Worley's Providence Road Baptist Church, asking them if they backed Worley's sermon advocating the imprisonment and killing of gays and lesbians within an electricified fence.

Said church member Geneva Sims: “He had every right to say what he said about putting them in a pen and giving them food. The Bible says they are worthy of death. He is preaching God’s word.”

Another, Stacey Pritchard, agreed: “Sometimes you’ve got to be scared straight. He is trying to save those people from Hell."
Members of Pastor Worley's Church Back His Call to Kill Gays: VIDEO - bonos_rama's column on Newsvine

Look at Jesus and look at Mohammed. Are you really going to tell me Mohammed was not evil?

Yes, I am going to tell you what I've been saying for days. Islam is NOT inherently evil anymore than Christianity is inherently evil.

Evil is sometimes committed in the name of Mohammed and Allah and in the name of Jesus and God.

Three Christian pastors, Charles Worley, Sean Harris and Curtis Knapp calling for violence against gays.

Islam promotes evil deeds "itself", Mohammed created/wrote Islam, Mohammad and preformed many of the same evil deeds he promoted in the Quran, therefore Mohammed is himself evil its not that hard.

Read the book of Romans. Christians are dead to the law in Christ. Christians are free from the death of the law and alive in Christ. You're full of beans.
Paul, who never meet Jesus; except for voices in his head; wrote the Book of Romans.

Thus, there isn't one single word directly from Jesus in that entire book.

It's all Paul doing the talking. :cool:

Your lies are beginning to stretch thin as your ignorance is showing.

Everyone has a larger following than Rachel Maddow. The Muppets have a larger following than Rachel Maddow and that's of those over 25.

Which side are you on?

The side that Rachel Maddow is not on.

Exactly. You don't have my back. You side with the Christians who want to kill gay people. American Christian ministers incited Christian people in Uganda to draft the "kill gays" legislation. They did that by showing gay porn movies in Church.
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I do not understand how any gay or lesbian can be Christian. Why stay in a Church that condemns you for your very being.
Which side are you on?

The side that Rachel Maddow is not on.

Exactly. You don't have my back. You side with the Christians who want to kill gay people.

Christians don't want to kill gay people. It's like saying ALL Christians believe the snake handling is the path to Christian understanding because some pastor snake handler does. What you are relying on is a Christianity that is devoid of Christ! A Bible with no New Testament. You are relying on the koran (which is a continuation of the Old Testament) to condemn Christianity when it isn't even Christian!

That's what's so pecular! You have created a concept of Christianity, without Jesus Christ. Now you are acting as if Christianity without Christ is the only Christianity there is.
When, in reality, the Old Testament, without Christ, is islam! Is it possible to be a Christian without Jesus Christ? I don't think so. The best they could be is preAbrahamic Jews. Maybe Sumarian.

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