Islam is not inherently evil

You misunderstood what I was saying.

You complained about her suggesting that she NEVER go to a Muslim country.

You kept on accusing her of saying the opposite of what she said.

She got sick of your shenanigans and said, ok, go to a Muslim country.

And you said, you'd like that.

She is not the one being vicious in that exchange.

no no no...

i said... feel free NOT to take my advice and to to a muslim country.... very different then saying go to one....
Very true. My error.
According to the U.S. Population Clock, there are 313,649,296 Americans as of June 1, 2012. Conservative estimates put the number of gays and lesbians at 5% to 10% which means kooks like Commandants Anderson, Knapp and Worley want to kill 15,682,464 to 31,364,929 of their fellow American citizens. Did you get that? These ignorant Baptist preachers want to kill as many as 31 million American citizens based on their own inability to understand Leviticus 20:13 in context.

Does this vicious hatred from alleged men of God make you sick to your stomach? Even Nazi Germany didn't incarcerate behind electrified fences in concentration camps and kill that many of their fellow citizens. Anderson, Knapp and Worley are worse than Nazis in their blood-lust.

Serious questions for
thoughtful Christians

1.Do you personally believe God advocates that gay people should be killed?

2.Who should be in charge of killing gay people today?

3.Some of you may decide not to kill all gays and lesbians.

4.If you are allowed to disregard the killing part of Leviticus 20:13, why are gays not allowed to disregard the "men with men" part?

5.Do you also believe all adulterers should be killed? Leviticus 20:10 says to kill adulterers.

6.Why should we kill all gays and not kill all adulterers (other than the common sense reason that killing all adulterers would empty most churches)?

7.Who should be in charge of killing adulterers today?

8.If it's wrong to kill adulterers why is it okay to kill gays?

9.Is it possible Leviticus 20:13 is not talking about gays at all?

10.Is it possible your understanding of Leviticus 20:13 is wrong and completely at odds with what God and Moses were saying?

Kill Gays seems to be the mindset of some Christians. Isn't that sad?

Still trying to make Christianity look evil in order to defend your defense of Islam?

In order to make Christianity look evil, you MUST disregard Christ as if he never existed. Which make it decidedly unChristian. And, just like Islam! Odd how that works.

Is it possible that Leviticus concerns the beliefs of people who were NOT Christian, nor could they possibly have been Christian since Christ wasn't born!
According to the U.S. Population Clock, there are 313,649,296 Americans as of June 1, 2012. Conservative estimates put the number of gays and lesbians at 5% to 10% which means kooks like Commandants Anderson, Knapp and Worley want to kill 15,682,464 to 31,364,929 of their fellow American citizens. Did you get that? These ignorant Baptist preachers want to kill as many as 31 million American citizens based on their own inability to understand Leviticus 20:13 in context.

Does this vicious hatred from alleged men of God make you sick to your stomach? Even Nazi Germany didn't incarcerate behind electrified fences in concentration camps and kill that many of their fellow citizens. Anderson, Knapp and Worley are worse than Nazis in their blood-lust.

Serious questions for
thoughtful Christians

1.Do you personally believe God advocates that gay people should be killed?

2.Who should be in charge of killing gay people today?

3.Some of you may decide not to kill all gays and lesbians.

4.If you are allowed to disregard the killing part of Leviticus 20:13, why are gays not allowed to disregard the "men with men" part?

5.Do you also believe all adulterers should be killed? Leviticus 20:10 says to kill adulterers.

6.Why should we kill all gays and not kill all adulterers (other than the common sense reason that killing all adulterers would empty most churches)?

7.Who should be in charge of killing adulterers today?

8.If it's wrong to kill adulterers why is it okay to kill gays?

9.Is it possible Leviticus 20:13 is not talking about gays at all?

10.Is it possible your understanding of Leviticus 20:13 is wrong and completely at odds with what God and Moses were saying?

Kill Gays seems to be the mindset of some Christians. Isn't that sad?

Still trying to make Christianity look evil in order to defend your defense of Islam?

In order to make Christianity look evil, you MUST disregard Christ as if he never existed. Which make it decidedly unChristian. And, just like Islam! Odd how that works.

Is it possible that Leviticus concerns the beliefs of people who were NOT Christian, nor could they possibly have been Christian since Christ wasn't born!

I don't think Christianity is evil. I think the four Christian pastors who want gays to be hurt or killed are evil. I think the "Kill gay" legislation sponsored by Christians is evil. I think the RCC policy of moving pedophile priests around and not protecting RCC children is evil.

I think the Catholic Magdalene Laundries in Ireland were evil.
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Syrenn misunderstands my position, even though I have explained it thoroughly in this thread.

I relate much more closely to American Christians than I do to Middle Eastern Muslims. When I hear about a stoning or beheading I think it's horrid, and I atrribute it to Islamic fundamentalists gaining control of the country.

I feel it's much more likely that we become ann American Christian theocracy than an American Muslim theocracy. When American Christians support violence toward American gays, as the four pastors I mentioned, (and other's previously) it feels much closer to home and more potentially threatening to me and my loved ones.

I would expect Americans to have my back and not wish violence on me for being a lesbian. When Americans hold those views, it's scary.

American Christian fundamentalists are powerful in the US and they are influencing national politics.

4..... four..... 4 freak pastors and their freak flocks are not...... American christians.

get a grip sky....i know how you feel about it.. But you are sorley misinformed on what is an american christian... and a muslim.

Most muslims tow the line... there is no free thinking.... they are ALL fundamentalists and would call for your death.

Just becasue one hits you closer to home...does not mean or make them worse then what is really happening.
Wait? I thought you said I misunderstood?

OK. Obviously I didn't. So, why be so vicious toward someone who you most of the time, consider a friend when she was wishing for your safety?

I mean, I pretty much know the reason, but perhaps it's something that you should seriously consider.

She isn't attacking you.

She always thinks i am....

Because you usually are. You always side with whoever is acting ugly to me. You remind me of my sister.

See.... nice passive aggressive private dig sky...... :eusa_whistle: And since you bring in your psycho sister into the conversation....its up for grabs.

I am not your sister, nor am i psycho.
What's really happening in this country is that the GOP POTUS candidate cannot get elected without 99% of the right wing evangelicals.

The extremist Bryan Fischer, with his listenership in the many many millions managed to exert enough pressure on the Romeny campaign for Romney's gay staff to be forced to resign.

Bryan Fischer and his ultra extremist following are attempting to shift the GOP far to the right.

Now, we have many pastors coming forward daring to call for violence against gays.

And frankly, I don't trust you folks to give a shit enough to stop them.
It wouldn't surprise me if you offered to pay my way to a Muslim country.

pay your own way there sky if you think they are better and you would feel safer with them then american christians.....

Nice try, but I'm staying home to fight the threat here to gay people. You won't.

Feel free to fight HERE for gay people...

And if that is true... why are you yammering on about what 4 freaks are doing in other countries? What they support there has zero influence on what happens here. It has zero influence on laws in this country.

pay your own way there sky if you think they are better and you would feel safer with them then american christians.....

Nice try, but I'm staying home to fight the threat here to gay people. You won't.

Feel free to fight HERE for gay people...

And if that is true... why are you yammering on about what 4 freaks are doing in other countries? What they support there has zero influence on what happens here. It has zero influence on laws in this country.

The four "freaks" are American Christian pastors. Bryan Fischer has a larger following than Rachel Maddow.
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If I had the extra cash, I just might. But it would not be for the reason you assume.

I would chip in, probably for the same reason you would.

Really. What is it you are hoping would happen to me if you succeeded in shipping me to a Muslim country?

No one is wishing you bad, however, if you take your "Liberal, stupid fucking views" to Iran, for example, you'll be the main course at a public lynching.

Go for it.
Still trying to make Christianity look evil in order to defend your defense of Islam?

In order to make Christianity look evil, you MUST disregard Christ as if he never existed. Which make it decidedly unChristian. And, just like Islam! Odd how that works.

Is it possible that Leviticus concerns the beliefs of people who were NOT Christian, nor could they possibly have been Christian since Christ wasn't born!

I don't think Christianity is evil. I think the four Christian pastors who want gays to be hurt or killed are evil. I think the "Kill gay" legislation sponsored by Christians is evil. I think the RCC policy of moving pedophile priests around and not protecting RCC children is evil.

I think the Catholic Magdalene Laundries in Ireland were evil.

Public school teacher who are pedophiles are evil and school systems transfer them around all the time to cover up for their pedophilia. Los Angeles just closed down an ENTIRE school because of pedophile teachers.

Pastors who want to kill gays are evil people who happen to call themselves Christians, but it doesn't mean they really are.

I am not a fallen Catholic. I never was a Catholic. Catholics do not believe that animals have souls and there are no animals in heaven. I do. I don't have to accept the pecularities of the Catholic Church. But I know I'm not a Catholic. I would not protest that Catholics change their beliefs to suit me so I could be a Catholic.

Christianity, before and after the advent of Christ says that homosexuality is a sin. Before Christ, the spiritual leaders killed gays. After Christ, spiritual leaders prayed for them. Big difference there. A Christian believes that homosexuality is a sin. But what does the Bible New Testament say about sin, moral failing sin? It is very specific. Jesus was very specific and demanded that judgment of what is a sin or not is for YOURSELF and not to judge the sin of others. The very best a Christian can come up with is that homosexuality is a sin and they are not going to engage in homosexual acts, nor shall they accept homosexuality as normal behavior and deny that it is a sin. I've read the Bible several times and never found anything where Jesus says that anyone should punish gays or persecute them much less kill them. He did say, more than once, that a man cannot judge the sin of others at all.

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