Islam is not inherently evil

And you would be wrong. I don't care if they practice their religion here, just as long as they leave the evil and violence behind in their shithole sandbox countries.

Great. I feel the same way. In that case, Islam cannot be INHERENTLY evil.

Wrongo. Islam IS inherently evil, but as long as they can practice restraint in their evil ways, they're OK to practice it here.

And if they can't, we have a perfectly good justice system to teach the rest why they should.

As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.
Great. I feel the same way. In that case, Islam cannot be INHERENTLY evil.

Wrongo. Islam IS inherently evil, but as long as they can practice restraint in their evil ways, they're OK to practice it here.

And if they can't, we have a perfectly good justice system to teach the rest why they should.

As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.

Wrong again. If they are doing it peacefully, that means that THEY are not evil. But the religion still can be, and in this case is.
Great. I feel the same way. In that case, Islam cannot be INHERENTLY evil.

Wrongo. Islam IS inherently evil, but as long as they can practice restraint in their evil ways, they're OK to practice it here.

And if they can't, we have a perfectly good justice system to teach the rest why they should.

As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.

A mistaken premise. That's where you confusion begins.
Either the religion is inherently evil or not. If it's inherently evil, then EVERYONE who practices Islam is evil.

And we can see in our own country, that the Muslims who practice here are NOT inherently evil.

Islamic theocracy is another story. Christian theocracy would be another story.
Wrongo. Islam IS inherently evil, but as long as they can practice restraint in their evil ways, they're OK to practice it here.

And if they can't, we have a perfectly good justice system to teach the rest why they should.

As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.

Wrong again. If they are doing it peacefully, that means that THEY are not evil. But the religion still can be, and in this case is.

If the Muslims in the US can practice their doctrine non-violently, as they do, then it follows that Islam is not inherently evil, because it can be interpreted non-violently.

The same can be said for Christianity. There is a Bible passage that calls for death to homosexuals. It is only the fringe lunatics, (the four pastors I've previously mentioned), who interpret that passage literally and call for violence toward gays.

Neither the Bible nor the Qu'ran is inherently evil. Christians and Muslims are not inherently evil. Literal and fundamentalist interpretation of either lead to potential violence.
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Either the religion is inherently evil or not. If it's inherently evil, then EVERYONE who practices Islam is evil.

And we can see in our own country, that the Muslims who practice here are NOT inherently evil.

Islamic theocracy is another story. Christian theocracy would be another story.

Was Mohammed an evil man?
Either the religion is inherently evil or not. If it's inherently evil, then EVERYONE who practices Islam is evil.

And we can see in our own country, that the Muslims who practice here are NOT inherently evil.

Islamic theocracy is another story. Christian theocracy would be another story.

Was Mohammed an evil man?

I don't know. Never met him.
As long as Muslims are able to practice their religion peacefully, then it CANNOT be inherently evil.

Wrong again. If they are doing it peacefully, that means that THEY are not evil. But the religion still can be, and in this case is.

If the Muslims in the US can practice their doctrine non-violently, as they do, then it follows that Islam is not inherently evil, because it can be interpreted non-violently.

The same can be said for Christianity. There is a Bible passage that calls for death to homosexuals. It is only the fringe lunatics, (the four pastors I've previously mentioned), who interpret that passage literally and call for violence toward gays.

Neither the Bible nor the Qu'ran is inherently evil. Christians and Muslims are not inherently evil. Literal and fundamentalist interpretation of either lead to potential violence.

But apparently you find it more comfortable to live in a Christian country, like the US, rather than in a Muslim country.
No, Jesus was a bodhisattva. I am much more familiar with Jesus than Mohammed.
Wrong again. If they are doing it peacefully, that means that THEY are not evil. But the religion still can be, and in this case is.

If the Muslims in the US can practice their doctrine non-violently, as they do, then it follows that Islam is not inherently evil, because it can be interpreted non-violently.

The same can be said for Christianity. There is a Bible passage that calls for death to homosexuals. It is only the fringe lunatics, (the four pastors I've previously mentioned), who interpret that passage literally and call for violence toward gays.

Neither the Bible nor the Qu'ran is inherently evil. Christians and Muslims are not inherently evil. Literal and fundamentalist interpretation of either lead to potential violence.

But apparently you find it more comfortable to live in a Christian country, like the US, rather than in a Muslim country.

I don't live in a Christian country. I live in America. We are not a theocracy, yet.
If the Muslims in the US can practice their doctrine non-violently, as they do, then it follows that Islam is not inherently evil, because it can be interpreted non-violently.

The same can be said for Christianity. There is a Bible passage that calls for death to homosexuals. It is only the fringe lunatics, (the four pastors I've previously mentioned), who interpret that passage literally and call for violence toward gays.

Neither the Bible nor the Qu'ran is inherently evil. Christians and Muslims are not inherently evil. Literal and fundamentalist interpretation of either lead to potential violence.

But apparently you find it more comfortable to live in a Christian country, like the US, rather than in a Muslim country.

I don't live in a Christian country. I live in America. We are not a theocracy, yet.

The Us is a very Christian country. That doesn't mean it's a theocracy. But Christianity is one of the foundations of its society. You are of course to bigotted to acknowledge that.
No, Jesus was a bodhisattva. I am much more familiar with Jesus than Mohammed.

Then how can you say Islam is not inherently evil?

How can I say it? Easy. I've been saying it over and over for many days now. Just as you can cherry pick a violent passage in the Qu'ran, the same is possible with the Bible.

That doesn't mean either religion is INHERENTLY evil.

Maybe you need to get a definition of "inherently". That means permanently and in all cases. Since it's possible for devout American Muslims to practice Islam in America then it cannot be inherently evil, because it not evil how it is interpreted in the US.

Now, when it's misused by Middle Eastern/Arabic Islamic fundamentalist theocracies it become evil.

The same happens in Christianity. Those four nutjobs and their congregations are calling for violence toward gays, and this is in our own country.

It shows that either religion can be applied for evil or good.
No, Jesus was a bodhisattva. I am much more familiar with Jesus than Mohammed.

Then how can you say Islam is not inherently evil?

How can I say it? Easy. I've been saying it over and over for many days now. Just as you can cherry pick a violent passage in the Qu'ran, the same is possible with the Bible.

That doesn't mean either religion is INHERENTLY evil.

Maybe you need to get a definition of "inherently". That means permanently and in all cases. Since it's possible for devout American Muslims to practice Islam in America then it cannot be inherently evil, because it not evil how it is interpreted in the US.

Now, when it's misused by Middle Eastern/Arabic Islamic fundamentalist theocracies it become evil.

The same happens in Christianity. Those four nutjobs and their congregations are calling for violence toward gays, and this is in our own country.

It shows that either religion can be applied for evil or good.
To the bolded: We annexed Uganda?
America is a Christian nation only in the sense that the majority of its population happens to be Christian. But unfortunately, religious conservatives use this fact as an excuse to try to impose their religious beliefs and social agenda on the rest of the nation.

The imposition of Christian religous beliefs on the rest of non-christian nation has the potential for oppression of other POV and religions.

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