Islam is reviving British values

Islam is a religion of peace. UK can certainly benefit from this philosophy of Islam. That is what the Archbishop is alluding to.

I can see that. The UK was horribly violent before Islam burrowed in like a parasite to bring peace and calm to the land by turning English spirit to mush and English attitudes towards meek compliance with political correctness.

All is better now that England no longer defends its culture and values. See peace can be bought through subservience and acquiescence.

UK does have a history of extreme violence. Brits killed millions of people in Asia and Africa in the process of colonization. So I think letting Islam into UK will be a good thing as it will temper the violent British tendencies.

You seem hostile toward the Brits.
"Religion of pieces" one American forumite at another US site calls it.

Australian jihadist poses with decapitated heads in sickening pictures | Mail Online

'Bucket full of heads any1 in aus want some organs please dont be shy to ask': Smirking Australian terrorist poses with decapitated heads in sickening pictures posted online

. Khaled Sharrouf posted the pictures on Twitter on Friday
. His friend Mohamed Elomar is seen holding up severed heads
. Both men fled Australia for Syria in December last year
. They are fighting for terror group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
. Sharrouf has been taunting Australian police on social media
pretty nasty stuff , good to see this kinda news being circulated though .
I can see that. The UK was horribly violent before Islam burrowed in like a parasite to bring peace and calm to the land by turning English spirit to mush and English attitudes towards meek compliance with political correctness.

All is better now that England no longer defends its culture and values. See peace can be bought through subservience and acquiescence.

UK does have a history of extreme violence. Brits killed millions of people in Asia and Africa in the process of colonization. So I think letting Islam into UK will be a good thing as it will temper the violent British tendencies.

You seem hostile toward the Brits.

I am not hostile towards any living beings including Brits. Pointing out colonial atrocities committed by Brits does not make me hostile towards them.
well , maybe you are not hostile. You have to be able to see wots going on in Britain at this time from a sober Brits point of view though. Look at the hate expressed towards the Brits by many of these placard / sign waving Muslims / newcomers . U.K. is 60,000,000 people on a very small island and lots of the newcomers to Britain hate the Brits because of the past .
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native Brits / English / Welsh /Scots need to wake up and see what is happening on their tiny island .
[ame] [/ame]
60 Minutes EDL and Oz

Many [including Brits] can see what's going on in Britain...getting the govt to actually do something about it is the problem.

Oh, and multiculturalism has been a dismal failure in Australia as well, despite what this video states.
I understand , I see the massive praying being done in Frances streets . I know about the no go zones in France and probably even in London and Malmo . I've heard about MALMO and I've seen some stories , articles about an IMAM in Australia that defaced or broke into his mosque and blamed it on racism but didn't realize that he had been taped doing the defacing . Short on details at the moment but it was a couple years ago. The Imam was caught but I don't know what happened .
The increasing air of hatred in UK towards non-white people is alarming. You guys who are promoting hatred against Muslims and anyone who happens to be a person of color are not doing any service to humanity. Knock it off, guys.
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That's a great attempt at trolling.

The UK is a good laboratory to test a proposition. If a nation won't defend it's values and culture and allows an invading culture or religion to defends it's values, then what happens to the host nation?

It is not just me who thinks that Islam is good for UK. British politicians have recognized the value of Islam for Britain for quite some time now. Now even important Christian leaders are recognizing that. India has a large Muslim population from which UK can benefit in its quest to revive British values. Facilitating Muslim immigration into UK is a good for UK.

Perhaps I am assuming too much, but I take it that you are from India or have your roots from there. I don't know how much Islam has benefited India, but there was a Muslim woman poster from a southern state in India who would keep on repeating that she wanted the 850 million Hindus eradicated so Islam could take over India. I wouldn't be surprised if many millions of Muslims in India would like to see Islam take over India. As far as dark skin is concerned, it appears that lighter skin must be prized in India, and this ad (which I love watching) has seemed to break a taboo by showing a darker skinned woman. Maybe the Bollywood films will break the taboo and start having lead actors and actresses with the same darker skin as this woman.

Shock turns to praise in India as Tanishq bridal jewellery ad breaks taboos
hmmm , guy doesn't believe in Freedom of Speech I guess . [Funny]

There is a difference between freedom of speech and inciting violence against a group of people who have done you no harm. Anyone who is OK with murdering innocent people just because of their religion is essentially giving support to terrorism. This kind of dangerous mindset is what resulted in millions of people killed in Europe in 30s-40s. The level of intolerance in UK is a cause for serious concern for all civilized human beings.
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I don't think you know what you are talking about Vikrant and I certainly wouldn't accept your definition of an American Freedom . Hopefully other Americans can see your misinformation for what it is as they continue to practice American style Freedom of Speech . I see no one in this thread advocating any violence except for the placard and sign wavers that are photographed and in England .
plus , USA is the only place on earth that has TRUE Freedom of Speech . England has all sorts of PC restrictions on wot can be said , probably the same thing in most of Europe . And , everyone in the middle east holds their tongue if they don't want to lose it because of Blasphemy laws [sharia].
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I don't think you know what you are talking about Vikrant and I certainly wouldn't accept your definition of an American Freedom . Hopefully other Americans can see your misinformation for what it is as they continue to practice American style Freedom of Speech . I see no one in this thread advocating any violence except for the placard and sign wavers that are photographed and in England .

Standing up to racism and bigotry is not misinformation. If you guys are any indicator of UK's view on race relations then things are looking pretty dangerous there. It looks like you guys are clamoring for genocide.
you sound silly Vikrant !! Looks like you got turned around but this is a USA message board . But concerning the UK , many in the UK are wusses . No one that I know of on this board is clamoring for anything other than Freedom of Speech . Yeah , quit being so silly and read up on the things that you are trying to talk about !!
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you sound silly Vikrant !! Looks like you got turned around but this is a USA message board . But concerning the UK , many in the UK are wusses . No one that I know of on this board is clamoring for anything other than Freedom of Speech . Yeah , quit being so silly and read up on the things that you are trying to talk about !!

I am truly grateful that you are not proposing genocide. But what then are you proposing? Are you proposing mass expulsion of Muslims (and other people of color) from the UK? Are you proposing discrimination against Muslims (and possibly other people of color)? What exactly are you proposing?

What is the point of demonizing Muslims?

Do you know how Hitler started? He did not start with gassing people. He started with demonizing Gypsies, Poles, Russians, Jews etc. After he convinced large segment of Germans that those groups were subhumans, only then he proceeded to gas them.

UK is in the danger of going the same route if it continues to persecute people of color. What UK needs to do is create an atmosphere of love, peace and justice. At the moment, it seems like you guys are heading towards hate, unrest and injustice.

I do not live in UK. I hope I will never have to visit UK. It is your country and it your responsibility to make it a good country.
lots of practitioners of genocide working at this moment over in Syria , Iraq , Kurdistan and they are the Islamic state [is] . They are actually doing genocide on the Yazidi people and others [Christians] . No genocide or advocating for genocide on this message board here in the USA . I think this guy is some kinda robot / machine or something as he doesn't even seem to know where he is posting .
What is happening in Syria or Iraq is not a justification for you people to start your racket of crimes against humanity in UK. Think about what you are posting. These are living beings we are talking about. They may be dark complexioned but nevertheless they are people with aspirations to make a good life for themselves and their family. They are not trying to harm you. It is your paranoia which presents them as a threat to you.

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