Islam----not just a religion

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You could have just come right out and said that you were as completely ignorant as any human could possibly be.

Obviously, you failed to see it, the way you've let Trump manipulate you in the same fashion as Hitler manipulated his followers.

However, that's no reason to get angry at us for pointing out the obvious. Instead, you should get angry at the people who manipulated you.

If you are going to use WWII analogies, do it correctly.
Muslims are the Nazis, the MSM are the propaganda, the progressives are the German cheerleaders, everyone else are the Jews. Trump is the Churchill of our time.

Wow. You really swallowed it whole.

The cheeto has the nutters crawling out from under rocks and making it up as you go along. Bet you love Pooting too.

The irony is that the trumpkins will be the hardest hit by drumpf's policies. Poor dumb RWNJ traitors.

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Lol what's wrong if Muslims wanted to implement Islam in their government?
I'll speak on behalf of Morocco and the north African countries...
The official religion is islam and yet the aspects of sharia are not fully implemented.
In. A country like Morocco there is the following;
Women and men are equal.
We don't chop hands and heads.
Women they can wear whatever they want and yet most of them choose the hijab.
Jews although they are a small minority they assumed high positions in the government.
There are churches and synagogues.
Oh and movies like mission impossible, the mummy, Blackhawk down were filmed there.

Stop being paranoid, islam preaches love, compassion and coexistence. Don't be fooled by the few nut jobs and the alt right media.

But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

and if you don't like oil, park your car and ride a bike, I don't give a shit how you feel about the natural product that keeps the world running and billions fed.
Lol what's wrong if Muslims wanted to implement Islam in their government?
I'll speak on behalf of Morocco and the north African countries...
The official religion is islam and yet the aspects of sharia are not fully implemented.
In. A country like Morocco there is the following;
Women and men are equal.
We don't chop hands and heads.
Women they can wear whatever they want and yet most of them choose the hijab.
Jews although they are a small minority they assumed high positions in the government.
There are churches and synagogues.
Oh and movies like mission impossible, the mummy, Blackhawk down were filmed there.

Stop being paranoid, islam preaches love, compassion and coexistence. Don't be fooled by the few nut jobs and the alt right media.

But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

and if you don't like oil, park your car and ride a bike, I don't give a shit how you feel about the natural product that keeps the world running and billions fed.

then why do we never hear outrage from you "civilized" muslims? Where are the mullahs who say the radicals are defying the religion? Why aren't the "good" muslims rounding up the bad ones and locking them up?
It happens on daily basis, countries where the US didn't interfere there are no terrorist groups.
Remember Iraq? Saddam had it in control there were no terrorist groups.
Remember lybia? No Isis till the US and it's allies removed Gaddafi.
You remember syria? Same thing Assad had it under control till the US aided ISIS and the so called the rebels.
You remember Afghanistan ? AL qaeda and oussama were funded and trained by the US to combat the soviets.
We've been saying it for years, don't interfere with other countries business and you won't have a backlash is that too much to ask?

Lol what's wrong if Muslims wanted to implement Islam in their government?
I'll speak on behalf of Morocco and the north African countries...
The official religion is islam and yet the aspects of sharia are not fully implemented.
In. A country like Morocco there is the following;
Women and men are equal.
We don't chop hands and heads.
Women they can wear whatever they want and yet most of them choose the hijab.
Jews although they are a small minority they assumed high positions in the government.
There are churches and synagogues.
Oh and movies like mission impossible, the mummy, Blackhawk down were filmed there.

Stop being paranoid, islam preaches love, compassion and coexistence. Don't be fooled by the few nut jobs and the alt right media.

But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

and if you don't like oil, park your car and ride a bike, I don't give a shit how you feel about the natural product that keeps the world running and billions fed.

then why do we never hear outrage from you "civilized" muslims? Where are the mullahs who say the radicals are defying the religion? Why aren't the "good" muslims rounding up the bad ones and locking them up?
Lol what's wrong if Muslims wanted to implement Islam in their government?
I'll speak on behalf of Morocco and the north African countries...
The official religion is islam and yet the aspects of sharia are not fully implemented.
In. A country like Morocco there is the following;
Women and men are equal.
We don't chop hands and heads.
Women they can wear whatever they want and yet most of them choose the hijab.
Jews although they are a small minority they assumed high positions in the government.
There are churches and synagogues.
Oh and movies like mission impossible, the mummy, Blackhawk down were filmed there.

Stop being paranoid, islam preaches love, compassion and coexistence. Don't be fooled by the few nut jobs and the alt right media.

But christianity has never been govt in america? Please. Ya'll can have those male dominator god religious perceptual realities that were vomited up in the middle east.

We do not have a national religion. Muslim countries do. Try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia and see what happens to you at the airport. Try to conduct a Christian service in Saudi Arabia and you will be beheaded.

Our body of law is based on Judeo/Christian PRINCIPLES, one of those principles is tolerance of other religions and beliefs. You will not find that in any muslim country.

I'm not a rich "christian" american oil man, wtf would I go to Saudi Arabia for, home of Wahabism and 15 of the 9/11 high jackers. Even if your govt is cozy with them in the pursuit of advancing US corporate interests.

then pick any muslim country, I just used Saudi Arabia to make a point. Go to Indonesia, Turkey, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Morocco, pick one, in every case the religion IS the government.

and if you don't like oil, park your car and ride a bike, I don't give a shit how you feel about the natural product that keeps the world running and billions fed.
The Bell Curve Goes Ding-Dong in the Desert

The exception proves the rule. Only Low IQs cite rare cases as the general situation.
No wonder the most,racist people are those from rural areas that never interacted with people from different cultures.
I'm glad I live in LA and not amongst right wing fanatics.
No wonder the most,racist people are those from rural areas that never interacted with people from different cultures.
I'm glad I live in LA and not amongst right wing fanatics.
We are glad you live there too. But putting that side, peace through surrender is a common theme in all religions.
I just can't wrap my head around, how some can be so racist towards others. Disn't they learn from the Nazis?
I just can't wrap my head around, how some can be so racist towards others. Disn't they learn from the Nazis?
I just can't wrap my head around, how some can be so racist towards others. Disn't they learn from the Nazis?

Muslims learned MUCH from the Nazis. They collaborated with them in the 30s and 40s, and learned many of their propaganda techniques.

No wonder the most,racist people are those from rural areas that never interacted with people from different cultures.
I'm glad I live in LA and not amongst right wing fanatics.

Oh put a sock in it. No one believes your 'racist' labeling BS anymore..... if they ever did. You're a phony who promotes an oppressive, evil ideology. That makes you America's enemy.
This is what most of the leftists don't understand. Islam is a religion, yes. But it is also a form of government, system of law (sharia), and a culture. Those tenets cannot be separated, when you accept one, you get all.

In the USA we accept and tolerate all religions, the problem is that acceptance of Islam entails more than just the acceptance of a religion.

Discussion is welcomed.
I just don't like their rule where they promise 72 virgins to anyone who kills non moosleems.

That's why I carry my 45ACP 24/7/365 in case I meet one who is gunning for his/her 72 virgins.
No wonder the most,racist people are those from rural areas that never interacted with people from different cultures.
I'm glad I live in LA and not amongst right wing fanatics.

Oh put a sock in it. No one believes your 'racist' labeling BS anymore..... if they ever did. You're a phony who promotes an oppressive, evil ideology. That makes you America's enemy.
Arabs are a race.

They are North African mutts.
I just can't wrap my head around, how some can be so racist towards others. Disn't they learn from the Nazis?
I just can't wrap my head around, how some can be so racist towards others. Disn't they learn from the Nazis?

Muslims learned MUCH from the Nazis. They collaborated with them in the 30s and 40s, and learned many of their propaganda techniques.

Everybody does propaganda.

WW1 saw the height of propaganda in the UK, France, Russia, Germany, and the USA.

If you read "To End All Wars" by Forstchen he spells it out quite clearly.
Lol what's wrong if Muslims wanted to implement Islam in their government?
I'll speak on behalf of Morocco and the north African countries...
The official religion is islam and yet the aspects of sharia are not fully implemented.
In. A country like Morocco there is the following;
Women and men are equal.
We don't chop hands and heads.
Women they can wear whatever they want and yet most of them choose the hijab.
Jews although they are a small minority they assumed high positions in the government.
There are churches and synagogues.
Oh and movies like mission impossible, the mummy, Blackhawk down were filmed there.

Stop being paranoid, islam preaches love, compassion and coexistence. Don't be fooled by the few nut jobs and the alt right media.

The reason why this muzzle scumbag works so hard promoting lies about Islam is because he's a jihadist. Not the kind that shoots people (as far as we know) but the Tokyo Rose kind that hammers propaganda into people's heads hoping that some will buy it.
Oh shut up....America is friends with most Muslim countries. They have bases all over the Muslim world and they are working with the US against the extremists. But being the racist you are nothing will change your mind, enjoy your miserable life. While I enjoy my life in California with educated and open minded humans.

No wonder the most,racist people are those from rural areas that never interacted with people from different cultures.
I'm glad I live in LA and not amongst right wing fanatics.

Oh put a sock in it. No one believes your 'racist' labeling BS anymore..... if they ever did. You're a phony who promotes an oppressive, evil ideology. That makes you America's enemy.
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