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Islam: Trying to Understand Jihad

If you wish to make friends with those whose stated aims include destroying western civilization and replacing it with the totalitarian boot that would stomp on the human face forever, that is certainly your prerogative.

You certainly shouldn't expect thinking individuals to join you, however.

I'm not trying to make friends with anyone. You are selectively reading my posts. I could give a rat's ass who likes me and who doesn't. I'm trying to get to the bottom of things. You don't singe the hair on a pig's carcass with a flame thrower, you use a very small hand torch.

It's like I'm talking to amoebas here..? :cuckoo: When you have a near-death experience like I did, commonly you just don't care about all the social jockeying anymore. It's like the first thing to go out in the dust bin after that happens...

Your having a near death experience has absolutely nothing to do with a totalitarian political system created by a murderous warlord.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

The only possible implications to a near death experience that would be relevant in the least would be if you lost the capacity to reason during the process.

Well, I lost the capacity to blindly hate, if that's what you mean by "reason"... :lmao:

Did you not get how I compared the excessive violence of jihad to being a drug addiction? How if violence was food, jihadists could start a new TV series called "My 600lb Life"? Indulgence? Anything get through your thick head? Do you remember anything of what I said or is your hate..er...I mean "reason" getting in the way of your short term memory cell function in your brain?
Well, I lost the capacity to blindly hate, if that's what you mean by "reason"... :lmao:

Did you not get how I compared the excessive violence of jihad to being a drug addiction? How if violence was food, jihadists could start a new TV series called "My 600lb Life"? Indulgence? Anything get through your thick head? Do you remember anything of what I said or is your hate..er...I mean "reason" getting in the way of your short term memory cell function in your brain?

At least you did not lose your ability to split an infinitive.

I did note your incredibly stupid comparison, though, which is quite indicative of your lack of ability to think clearly.

You appear to be suffering under the quite considerable delusion that opposing the sort of totalitarian ideology that represents the very antithesis of free thinking is "blind hate", while offering your chaotic ramblings by way of support actually represents some bizarre form of enlightenment.
It is my understanding that both Christianity and Islam believe in the day of judgement, and that we remain dead until we are resurrected on that day. Which explains the belief of Christians who think I am deceived by demons when getting messages from the spirit world. So this invalidates near death experience by the standards of conventional religious theology. Or have I got it wrong about what Christians believe?
My understanding, what little I do have, of Islam is that it doesn't deny that Jesus was a prophet. What's your take on the 10 Commandments. I think they're from the Old Testament but old JC was cool with them too.

Jesus Christ taught the Mosaic laws, the laws revealed to moses

That's not what I meant. Let me rephrase the question. What do you think about the wisdom of the 10 Commandments? Just generically; like if you were reading them like a recipe in a book instead of some lofty religious mumbo jumbo? Don't you think they are an appealing set of "how-to"s for humans? They make sense, right? Keeps the friction between men down to a dull roar...?

I'll bet the Koran has some words that are similar. Am I right about that?

I realize the Koran says there's a time to take up arms. But I'm sure it also says there are times when diplomacy works too. I get the frustration with the "infidels", I really do. But I'm one of those rare American birds who can step outside the box here and look at my country through the eyes of foreigners with different value systems...whether or not I agree with those too..and see how bizarre our culture has become.

Yet do equally bizarre efforts that are escalating as perversely as the epidsodes of "Man vs Food" or "My 600lb Life" solve the problem coming from your end? Isn't the common enemy the dark one for both of us?

Just curious what your perspective is. I was kind of hoping the Muslims could put the lid on the boilover of jihad while some of us in "infidel land" could roll up our sleeves and really land some punches on the insanity here.
I don't know how to answer. I don't disagree
Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
Its all false

The Koran is all false. The only decent ideas expressed
in the Koran are some lines lifted from jewish literature
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance
The literal word of the Creator was given to a totally illiterate terrorist thief, who robbed caravans even during the pagan festival of Ramadan? Ha ha ha...you're kidding. :lmao:
I believe the ten commandments are divinely revealed to Moses and should be followed the law of Allah doesn't change. Plus the Quran is a confirmation of the books revealed before it
hey rosie. haven't the jews taken over this world and turned it into the hell it is now? from wall street to hollywood, from propaganda on our tvs news with debeers diamonds and the worlds greatest war machines run by our corrupt governments and on and on, jews lead the path to hell for this world. don't they? they have infiltrated all these important aspects of our lives for sheer profit of a few. Wolfowitz, kissinger, goldmensacs, all of hollywood which poisons our minds, debeers bloody diamonds, bloombergs goldmen sacking our retirements and enslaving us all globally, do we need more evidance of the evil spirit of your people and their God? then you wonder why nazi round you up and burn you. ? then the rich jews leave the poor ones to burn. your God is going to punish us for following your misguided greedy people to hell for selling our souls. it's same old song and dance. your people have been chosen to ruin this world with your foolish pride and vanity

Jews have made contributions in to modern humanity in the fields of medicine, technology, science, economics, etc. They have over 150 Nobel prizes to their name in testimony of this contribution, while you Moooooslems have only 5 and two of them were peace prizes given to terrorist thieves like Arafat. So what exactly do Muslims contribute to modern civilization other than death, mayhem, terror, hate, barbarism, medieval savagery, and chauvanism?
I believe the ten commandments are divinely revealed to Moses and should be followed the law of Allah doesn't change. Plus the Quran is a confirmation of the books revealed before it

Funny about that, I tend to think that Moses probably never even existed, and the whole story of Moses was probably made up by some Jewish scribe. But I am willing to concede he may have been inspired by God.

As for the Quran confirming the books revealed before it that is bunk. For one thing the Quran fails to understand the bible story that the holy spirit spoke through the mouths of the disciples, and it blasphemes Jesus saying he was not the son of God and he was not crucified.
Mohammad basically hijacked Judaism and Christianity and mixed it with his own moon god religion. Problem is the illiterate couldn't read a word, so he made up a bunch of shit and killed anybody who questioned him. Two of the biggest piles of dung ever made up by Mohammad were that he was related to Ishmael Abraham's son (how could he know that he was related to someone born 2500 years before him, seriously, did they have ancestor.com back then?) and that Abraham wanted to sacrifice Ishmael and not Issac (it is clearly written Issac several times in the OT).
I believe the ten commandments are divinely revealed to Moses and should be followed the law of Allah doesn't change. Plus the Quran is a confirmation of the books revealed before it
If you believe the Ten Commandments then why do Muslims take Friday instead of Saturday off then?

Islam is an insane religion for people prone to insanity. Proof of that is Muslims believe Moses and Jesus be Muslims and Muslim prophets before Islam even existed. :cuckoo:

One has to be insane and irrational for starters, to believe in some of the crap written in the Koran.
My understanding, what little I do have, of Islam is that it doesn't deny that Jesus was a prophet. What's your take on the 10 Commandments. I think they're from the Old Testament but old JC was cool with them too.

I don't know how to answer. I don't disagree

Well, specifically number 6, "Thou shalt not kill". Your thoughts?

If you believe the Ten Commandments then why do Muslims take Friday instead of Saturday off then?

Let me guess...you are willing to go to war and kill over which day of the week is "Holy" to take off from work to remember your connection with the Almighty? Talk about missing the forest for the trees..

The purpose of the sabbath is to stop the constant work which creates noise in the mind that keeps you from your connection with God. Quieting the mind is the purpose of the sabbath...not so much what EXACT day of the week your group ordains to do this.

This is why seeking abstract cores instead of literal spoken word, using the 10 Commandments (or your religion's equivalent) as your syllabus is the true PhD of the blessed...of those who will actually get into Heaven vs those who may be erroneously believing they will if they genuflect in just the right way..on just the right day....facing just a certain direction...etc. etc. etc ET CETERA.
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Thou shalt not kill I agree
Well, then,

"Tell a friend" is all I can say to that. Like I said, I think the escalating violence in jihadists is like an eating disorder in equally indulgent Americans. I'm not kidding when I draw the analogy of this extreme jihad being like American obesity and food binging. Encouraging testosterone-infused young men to unreflective, unrepentent escalating violence and murder is as easy as encouraging a boozer in AA to drink. A real religious movement would encourage that which is hard. That which is more in line with self-restraint despite one's base drives and instincts.

Didn't Muhammed also have something to say about gluttony? Wouldn't that also apply to the appetite to kill wantonly? Do jihadists really believe that they will succeed in killing every single last infidel on the face of the earth? And even if they did that, what then? Paradise forever? Or would new squabbles crop up as they always do in large populations of territorial homo sapiens and the excuses they invent to keep warring forever?
Thou shalt not kill I agree
Well, then,

"Tell a friend" is all I can say to that. Like I said, I think the escalating violence in jihadists is like an eating disorder in equally indulgent Americans. I'm not kidding when I draw the analogy of this extreme jihad being like American obesity and food binging. Encouraging testosterone-infused young men to unreflective, unrepentent escalating violence and murder is as easy as encouraging a boozer in AA to drink. A real religious movement would encourage that which is hard. That which is more in line with self-restraint despite one's base drives and instincts.

Didn't Muhammed also have something to say about gluttony? Wouldn't that also apply to the appetite to kill wantonly? Do jihadists really believe that they will succeed in killing every single last infidel on the face of the earth? And even if they did that, what then? Paradise forever? Or would new squabbles crop up as they always do in large populations of territorial homo sapiens and the excuses they invent to keep warring forever?
I'm smiling
Thou shalt not kill I agree
Well, then,

"Tell a friend" is all I can say to that. Like I said, I think the escalating violence in jihadists is like an eating disorder in equally indulgent Americans. I'm not kidding when I draw the analogy of this extreme jihad being like American obesity and food binging. Encouraging testosterone-infused young men to unreflective, unrepentent escalating violence and murder is as easy as encouraging a boozer in AA to drink. A real religious movement would encourage that which is hard. That which is more in line with self-restraint despite one's base drives and instincts.

Didn't Muhammed also have something to say about gluttony? Wouldn't that also apply to the appetite to kill wantonly? Do jihadists really believe that they will succeed in killing every single last infidel on the face of the earth? And even if they did that, what then? Paradise forever? Or would new squabbles crop up as they always do in large populations of territorial homo sapiens and the excuses they invent to keep warring forever?
Didn't Muhammed also have something to say about gluttony? Wouldn't that also apply to the appetite to kill wantonly? Do jihadists really believe that they will succeed in killing every single last infidel on the face of the earth? And even if they did that, what then? Paradise forever? Or would new squabbles crop up as they always do in large populations of territorial homo sapiens and the excuses they invent to keep warring forever?
I'm smiling

That's great. But smiling isn't enough. Talking would help.
Interesting speech that Obama made today. Sounded to me like he was calling Americans to reject perversions of their own religions AND at the same time calling Muslims etc. to reject perversions of Islam. It was pretty diplomatic from what I saw. Yet naturally he is being attacked by the left and the right for speaking with that level of wisdom.

Odd. The fringes don't like wisdom. As Larry the Cable Guy would say, "There's your sign"... Crazy/indulgence/excess doesn't embrace wisdom...shocker..

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