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Islam: Trying to Understand Jihad

Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
Its all false

The Koran is all false. The only decent ideas expressed
in the Koran are some lines lifted from jewish literature
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
Its all false

The Koran is all false. The only decent ideas expressed
in the Koran are some lines lifted from jewish literature
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance
Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
Its all false

The Koran is all false. The only decent ideas expressed
in the Koran are some lines lifted from jewish literature
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

the Koran is a pile of nonsense----a collection of comments
made by a sociopath in order to justify his rapes, pillaging
and general disgusting behavior and also to announce
HIMSELF a "king". The kind of filth which is the Koran would make Stalin blush and even nauseate Pol Pot
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

You have no right to say this on the ground of freedom of religion. You ought to be arrested and questioned. The Muslims are blessed that there are among them some who turn in their sons to the police as soon as they start to think they are engaged in radicalism and extremism.

Most non-Muslims know well that there is no such thing as Jihad in today's Islam. Only Americans seem to not understand it. Non Muslims will explain quite well how there is no Jihad in today's Islam. There is no need to make debates about it.

Thank you clarifying the true meaning and mission of Islam.

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.

According to whom? And when?

His would not be the first religion where the passage of time and the tendency of men and women to fudge things got in the way of a man's direct link with the Truth of the Spirit.

The extremists and the radicalists seek recognition. If you do not realise it, still they get much popularity among the youth of the West. It is obvious what they are after. It reminds me of the saying, statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics. You can find an excuse for it if you want to, if you hope to.
Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
Its all false

The Koran is all false. The only decent ideas expressed
in the Koran are some lines lifted from jewish literature
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

The Koran contains the anti-human message of Islam's hateful deity, as manifest and promulgated in the brutal jihad lifestyle of a hateful, bloodthirsty desert sheikh, whose life is emulated by Moslems to this day. The hateful book which laid the groundwork for the fourteen centuries of violence and subjugation visited upon the infidel—and the obliteration of infidel culture—has never been revised or considered anything less than muhammud's (swish) call to murder and destruction.
Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
Its all false

The Koran is all false. The only decent ideas expressed
in the Koran are some lines lifted from jewish literature
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

What the Quran really says is, the sun orbits the earth, the earth is flat, the heaven and earth were created in six days, and other nonsense.
The world took cheap shots at us for waterboarding. Muslims just burned a man alive. What is it you think requires understanding? Are you looking for some moral sense in their actions? Does the lack of one clear your head?
Obama seems to have the same malady. So does Clinton.

Let's not get to know them better. Let's not empathize with them. Let's empathize with the beheaded and the burned, and the dead school children, and mount an full bore attack against those who are morality bankrupt.....
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The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

My understanding, what little I do have, of Islam is that it doesn't deny that Jesus was a prophet. What's your take on the 10 Commandments. I think they're from the Old Testament but old JC was cool with them too.

The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

My understanding, what little I do have, of Islam is that it doesn't deny that Jesus was a prophet. What's your take on the 10 Commandments. I think they're from the Old Testament but old JC was cool with them too.

The ten commandments are those laws divinely revealed to prophet moses
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

My understanding, what little I do have, of Islam is that it doesn't deny that Jesus was a prophet. What's your take on the 10 Commandments. I think they're from the Old Testament but old JC was cool with them too.

Jesus Christ taught the Mosaic laws, the laws revealed to moses
My understanding, what little I do have, of Islam is that it doesn't deny that Jesus was a prophet. What's your take on the 10 Commandments. I think they're from the Old Testament but old JC was cool with them too.

Jesus Christ taught the Mosaic laws, the laws revealed to moses

That's not what I meant. Let me rephrase the question. What do you think about the wisdom of the 10 Commandments? Just generically; like if you were reading them like a recipe in a book instead of some lofty religious mumbo jumbo? Don't you think they are an appealing set of "how-to"s for humans? They make sense, right? Keeps the friction between men down to a dull roar...?

I'll bet the Koran has some words that are similar. Am I right about that?

I realize the Koran says there's a time to take up arms. But I'm sure it also says there are times when diplomacy works too. I get the frustration with the "infidels", I really do. But I'm one of those rare American birds who can step outside the box here and look at my country through the eyes of foreigners with different value systems...whether or not I agree with those too..and see how bizarre our culture has become.

Yet do equally bizarre efforts that are escalating as perversely as the epidsodes of "Man vs Food" or "My 600lb Life" solve the problem coming from your end? Isn't the common enemy the dark one for both of us?

Just curious what your perspective is. I was kind of hoping the Muslims could put the lid on the boilover of jihad while some of us in "infidel land" could roll up our sleeves and really land some punches on the insanity here.
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wise up g....

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.

As does the Christian bible. You should read it sometime. God directs the Israelites to invade lands and kill everyone in them and take the lands as God's gift to them. There are long, long sections of the bible devoted to these ethnic cleansings.

Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.

Again, read the Christian bible and the atrocities directed toward men, women, and children.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.

The Quran s Verses of Violence

Selective bias fed to you by bigots.

Top Ten Ways Islamic Law forbids Terrorism

I instruct you in ten matters for war: Do not kill women, children, the old, or the infirm; do not cut down fruit-bearing trees; do not destroy any town. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

My understanding, what little I do have, of Islam is that it doesn't deny that Jesus was a prophet. What's your take on the 10 Commandments. I think they're from the Old Testament but old JC was cool with them too.

Jesus Christ taught the Mosaic laws, the laws revealed to moses

That's not what I meant. Let me rephrase the question. What do you think about the wisdom of the 10 Commandments? Just generically; like if you were reading them like a recipe in a book instead of some lofty religious mumbo jumbo? Don't you think they are an appealing set of "how-to"s for humans? They make sense, right? Keeps the friction between men down to a dull roar...?

I'll bet the Koran has some words that are similar. Am I right about that?

not exactly. Most Christians and jews sorta know all of
the TEN COMMANDMENTS------some know which one is which. -----for muslims the thing is not a big prominent issue-------ask a muslim to recite "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS"-----and you will get a kind of blank
look. Of course there are elements of the BIG TEN in every
law code in the Universe-------even ROMMULUS----and that
other place ---the planet of the VULCANS
Let amirmuwahid76 answer the question irosie...

BTW, if you're Arab, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you guys for one thing: The Arabian horse! That animal is one of the finest creatures to walk the face of the earth. The fire but obedience, the sweet personalities...swift, strong, hardy, with endless endurance. I have three arabian mares and they are a source of endless pleasure for me to work with, handle and ride when I get that rare occasion.
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

And I say the Quran is the mumblings of a semi literate lying Arab bandit named Muhammad.
Have you taken a look at some of the pictures from the hubble telescope? have you read ' a brief history of time' by Steven Hawking? What do you know about the universe?
What I am telling you is that the mumblings of the Quran are poorly written, plagiarised crap not worthy of any attention. They certainly are not words of wisdom and knowledge that one would expect from a being capable of conceiving and setting into motion the observable universe.

I say the Allah described in the Quran is a dumb assed , sadistic, monster

I stake my eternal soul on it, and I know all the rotten things the Quran says Allah will do to me for all eternity.
Pouring boiling liquids on my head that will melt my insides too and making me a cloak of fire, and burning off my skin and renewing it and burning it off again for all eternity.

Screw your rotten God/ Allah.
The Quran is the literal word of the Creator of the universe, you would do well not to speak in ignorance

And I say the Quran is the mumblings of a semi literate lying Arab bandit named Muhammad.
Have you taken a look at some of the pictures from the hubble telescope? have you read ' a brief history of time' by Steven Hawking? What do you know about the universe?
What I am telling you is that the mumblings of the Quran are poorly written, plagiarised crap not worthy of any attention. They certainly are not words of wisdom and knowledge that one would expect from a being capable of conceiving and setting into motion the observable universe.

I say the Allah described in the Quran is a dumb assed , sadistic, monster

I stake my eternal soul on it, and I know all the rotten things the Quran says Allah will do to me for all eternity.
Pouring boiling liquids on my head that will melt my insides too and making me a cloak of fire, and burning off my skin and renewing it and burning it off again for all eternity.

Screw your rotten God/ Allah.

I read lots of ancient writings------the bible---the greek plays and Homer's stuff and virgil's stuff and----and hindu stuff,
---cantebury tales and Beowulf------and the Koran-----Of all of them I consider the Koran to be ------utterly worthless
Screw your rotten God/ Allah.

A couple of things...

1. Way to make friends...and

2. The description of those who fail to follow the rough equivalent of the Ten Commandments of fire and burning skin etc. is the same description as what some near death survivors...those who were sure they were religious and headed for Heaven no matter what they did on earth...came back to describe. I forget where I read it but I sort of really keep up on the near death stuff because of an experience I had had. It said that for some reason, the way more rare "scary" near death accounts were those of either drug addicts who overdosed or of devout religious people who were rock certain they were saved. Reflecting back on it, religion is like an addiction. I mean if violence was food, jihadists could start their own series of "My 600lb Life".

Indulgence is indulgence is indulgence. The 11th Commandment should have said "If you are certain you are right about something, that's when you should double-down on being humble; unless you yourself are a friggin' prophet". Amen.

(and that goes for your completely irreverent and disrespectful comments about Islam to a Muslim, "Dajjal"..It's one thing to disagree or be respectfully critical. It's another to be baiting for a fight...like a child...)
Screw your rotten God/ Allah.

A couple of things...

1. Way to make friends...and

2. The description of those who fail to follow the rough equivalent of the Ten Commandments of fire and burning skin etc. is the same description as what some near death survivors...those who were sure they were religious and headed for Heaven no matter what they did on earth...came back to describe. I forget where I read it but I sort of really keep up on the near death stuff because of an experience I had had. It said that for some reason, the way more rare "scary" near death accounts were those of either drug addicts who overdosed or of devout religious people who were rock certain they were saved. Reflecting back on it, religion is like an addiction. I mean if violence was food, jihadists could start their own series of "My 600lb Life".

Indulgence is indulgence is indulgence. The 11th Commandment should have said "If you are certain you are right about something, that's when you should double-down on being humble; unless you yourself are a friggin' prophet". Amen.

If you wish to make friends with those whose stated aims include destroying western civilization and replacing it with the totalitarian boot that would stomp on the human face forever, that is certainly your prerogative.

You certainly shouldn't expect thinking individuals to join you, however.
If you wish to make friends with those whose stated aims include destroying western civilization and replacing it with the totalitarian boot that would stomp on the human face forever, that is certainly your prerogative.

You certainly shouldn't expect thinking individuals to join you, however.

I'm not trying to make friends with anyone. You are selectively reading my posts. I could give a rat's ass who likes me and who doesn't. I'm trying to get to the bottom of things. You don't singe the hair on a pig's carcass with a flame thrower, you use a very small hand torch.

It's like I'm talking to amoebas here..? :cuckoo: When you have a near-death experience like I did, commonly you just don't care about all the social jockeying anymore. It's like the first thing to go out in the dust bin after that happens..

VVVV People can't read it seems VVVV
(and that goes for your completely irreverent and disrespectful comments about Islam to a Muslim, "Dajjal"..It's one thing to disagree or be respectfully critical. It's another to be baiting for a fight...like a child...)

Unlike you I am not trying to make friends with a Muslim that supports beheading hostages.
If you wish to make friends with those whose stated aims include destroying western civilization and replacing it with the totalitarian boot that would stomp on the human face forever, that is certainly your prerogative.

You certainly shouldn't expect thinking individuals to join you, however.

I'm not trying to make friends with anyone. You are selectively reading my posts. I could give a rat's ass who likes me and who doesn't. I'm trying to get to the bottom of things. You don't singe the hair on a pig's carcass with a flame thrower, you use a very small hand torch.

It's like I'm talking to amoebas here..? :cuckoo: When you have a near-death experience like I did, commonly you just don't care about all the social jockeying anymore. It's like the first thing to go out in the dust bin after that happens..

VVVV People can't read it seems VVVV

Your having a near death experience has absolutely nothing to do with a totalitarian political system created by a murderous warlord.

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

The only possible implications to a near death experience that would be relevant in the least would be if you lost the capacity to reason during the process.

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