Islamic pawns of the apocalypse


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
For the last 40 years the American left has been bringing in millions upon millions of fresh-off-the-boat foreigners into the country.

In their mind it's been a big success, but we'll see how much a success it is when the policy of robbing the American to pay for the foreigner ends. (since Americans will be broke soon)

For many years the Christian west, has been living in relatively good peace and security. The problems of the middle east were a distant memory, or something you read about in the paper.

At no other point in history have people worked so hard as to bring the problems of Islam straight to our doorstep. The left-wing internationalists arte working overtime to load our nations with these people. There is no logical reason for so many to come here.

Communism and Islam have some similarities as totalitarian regimes.

For example...

* If you hold rank you can be a homosexual, but the people who are killed for being a homosexual are people who are poor or fall out of favor with the leadership.

* If you hold rank you can be a child molester, but the people who are killed for being a child molester are people who are poor or fall out of favor with the leadership.

Every time the left-wing western leadership shows support for the Muslim world they show their true colors. The left-wing western leadership doesn't care about slavery, women's rights, or whatever BS they act like they care about to win votes.

The left-wing internationalists know damn well what Islamic people are going to do in the west, they're going to disrupt trust in business, and kill people.

The Left-wing have a strict policy about "discrimination", so what that means is, every time a radical Islamic group commits violence, western citizens are going to lose rights and liberty.

It's becoming more evident that the founding of America was the zenith of the human race, and as soon as America is gone the Commies, Muslims, Africans, Orient, and pagan Americas are going to go back to what they do best, killing each other.

The Western Left think they will bring Muslims into the western world then indoctrinate many of them into their Socialist system, and change them to conform. IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK. Too many people from Islam hold no value on their own life.

It's time for people to face the fact this was all predicted years ago and there's something going on much larger than a human plan. We're heading into the apocalypse, full steam ahead.
For the last 40 years the American left has been bringing in millions upon millions of fresh-off-the-boat foreigners into the country.

In their mind it's been a big success, but we'll see how much a success it is when the policy of robbing the American to pay for the foreigner ends. (since Americans will be broke soon)

For many years the Christian west, has been living in relatively good peace and security. The problems of the middle east were a distant memory, or something you read about in the paper.

At no other point in history have people worked so hard as to bring the problems of Islam straight to our doorstep. The left-wing internationalists arte working overtime to load our nations with these people. There is no logical reason for so many to come here.

Communism and Islam have some similarities as totalitarian regimes.

For example...

* If you hold rank you can be a homosexual, but the people who are killed for being a homosexual are people who are poor or fall out of favor with the leadership.

* If you hold rank you can be a child molester, but the people who are killed for being a child molester are people who are poor or fall out of favor with the leadership.

Every time the left-wing western leadership shows support for the Muslim world they show their true colors. The left-wing western leadership doesn't care about slavery, women's rights, or whatever BS they act like they care about to win votes.

The left-wing internationalists know damn well what Islamic people are going to do in the west, they're going to disrupt trust in business, and kill people.

The Left-wing have a strict policy about "discrimination", so what that means is, every time a radical Islamic group commits violence, western citizens are going to lose rights and liberty.

It's becoming more evident that the founding of America was the zenith of the human race, and as soon as America is gone the Commies, Muslims, Africans, Orient, and pagan Americas are going to go back to what they do best, killing each other.

The Western Left think they will bring Muslims into the western world then indoctrinate many of them into their Socialist system, and change them to conform. IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK. Too many people from Islam hold no value on their own life.

It's time for people to face the fact this was all predicted years ago and there's something going on much larger than a human plan. We're heading into the apocalypse, full steam ahead.
So are you trying to mold a new boogieman into jihadism out of an old boogieman of Communism ??

Not sure I followed your rant on all this.

Even the Chinese are giving up Communism although not giving up tyranny.

And fat boy Kim in N.Korea is not smart enough to give up Communism.
I do not believe the muzzies will ever become a significant minority in the USA.

Negroes, Mexicans, and Asians have already grabbed 3 of the top 4 spots.

That's exactly right. Nothing has changed with Muslims in centuries so it's foolish to expect it now just because they change locations.

They have been open about wanting to spread and multiply. Conversations saying such have been overheard by those who assist the refugees. It's an ancient set of beliefs that has not evolved at all over hundreds of years.

Women have no rights in Muslim countries. Some allowed women to advance but it never sticks.

The left not only ignores the culture but tend to insist that citizens of non-Muslim countries tolerate it when Muslims immigrate. That is how Germany, France and England handled the barbaric behavior of Muslim immigrants. Women were told to avoid areas where refugees were housed and told to dress more moderately so as not to trigger the behavior.

The majority of Muslims will never assimilate, something that has always been a requirement for those coming here. Obama told all foreigners that they need not assimilate. We now have several languages spoken in classrooms across the country. It stalls learning for everyone when the teachers have to repeat things in different languages.

Muslims demand a lot of things, from menus to having prayer rooms at work and school. They make demands of food shelters, too.

Never has any other group been catered to the way that Muslims have been. Teaching Islam in schools has gone much further than merely discussing various religions. The Islam teachings dive deep into the tenets and practices.

Dearborn, Michigan, is an example of what they would like America to be. Signs in Arabic and a hostile attitude toward infidels. Mosques popping up everywhere with loud calls to prayers all day. Bars being closed because their locations violated sharia law. Restaurants refusing to serve any pork.

Muslims will never fit in with our culture, nor do they intend to make an effort. sharia law contradicts our constitution. They are here to change us. Period.
There have been muzzies living in America since the Revolutionary War.

They have not been a problem before. They have not been significant before either.

Right about now if they can speak Arab fluently still then they are a benefit to the FBI and CIA if they will join up.

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