Islamic State: The Terror We Give is the Terror We Get

1. You knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of your countries.

2. You kill 3,000 of us, we kill 300,000 of you.

Vengeance... a hundred-fold... a thousand-fold... will continue to be the modus operandi, as long as you dare to strike at us.

Don't want to suffer 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 kill-ratios?

Don't strike at us.


Otherwise, be it upon your heads, not ours.

We will tear you a new asshole... anytime you feel like messing with us.

Yeppers on parade:ack-1:
Primarily in the late 60s through the 70s host countries renegotiated their oil contracts which in essence gave them the lions share of the profits and control over oil production.
How many of those host governments were democratically elected and how many were US puppets?
So that's the only point you have issue with........ Okay Sputz'
In 1951 Persia (now Iran) Oil production was nationalized.
I guess you're ignorant of Mossadeq?
"Mohammad Mosaddegh or Mosaddeq[a] (Persian:مُحَمَد مُصَدِق‎; IPA: [mohæmˈmæd(-e) mosædˈdeɣ] ( listen); 16 June 1882 – 5 March 1967), was an Iranian politician. He was the democratically elected[1][2][3]Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in a coup d'état orchestrated by the BritishSecret Intelligence Service and the AmericanCentral Intelligence Agency.[4][5]"
Mohammad Mosaddegh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
We were discussing the aspects of how some countries nationalized or had their oil production placed in their hands that was what you asked me to provide evidence of. Guess you forgot about that part..........
Yes, I'm aware of Mohammad Mosaddegh and what the Brits and the US did, still changes nothing. Let me ask you a question, how long have we controlled oil production in Iran since 1979...........? Oops........
Primarily in the late 60s through the 70s host countries renegotiated their oil contracts which in essence gave them the lions share of the profits and control over oil production.
How many of those host governments were democratically elected and how many were US puppets?
Yo knumb knuts, originally everyone of these poor countries welcomed us in as we had the wherewithal and knowledge to build the infrastructure they lacked. In case you haven't noticed all that has changed dramatically over the decades....... Well maybe you hadn't noticed.........
Interesting take, sooooo, what you're (via the article) claiming is we are responsible for all acts of terrorism, that those acts are only a response to what we do and there are no other causative factors........ no other origins......
I'm sure you'll find some other delusional people to believe this, try the conspiracy theory section, they wear tinfoil hats also. :thup:
Terror is a matter of receiving or giving.....
1. You knock over two of our buildings, we knock over two of your countries.

2. You kill 3,000 of us, we kill 300,000 of you.

Vengeance... a hundred-fold... a thousand-fold... will continue to be the modus operandi, as long as you dare to strike at us.

Don't want to suffer 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 kill-ratios?

Don't strike at us.


Otherwise, be it upon your heads, not ours.

We will tear you a new asshole... anytime you feel like messing with us.

Yeppers on parade:ack-1:
Have we not knocked over two of their countries?

Have we not killed 300,000 of theirs in response to their killing 3,000 of ours?

To me, that does not indicate Keyboard Warrior status.

To me, that indicates a Reciter of Fact.

Then again, you would know nothing of warriors...

Having pussied out of Air Force basic training after 10 days on a phony-baloney medical discharge with a phone-baloney bad back.

If Saddam doesn't invade Kuwait we don't go over there and soil there they claim
But let's face it these Muslims are crazy fucks and they will find whatever reason that will fit their need to
commit these atrocities.
Interesting take, sooooo, what you're (via the article) claiming is we are responsible for all acts of terrorism, that those acts are only a response to what we do and there are no other causative factors........ no other origins......
I'm sure you'll find some other delusional people to believe this, try the conspiracy theory section, they wear tinfoil hats also. :thup:
Terror is a matter of receiving or giving.....
Too simplified a view but I understand your point.
Terror is a matter of receiving or giving.....

Only to the weak-minded who resort to relativist nonsense instead of thinking critically.

Terrorism has a definition. If you stick to the definition and are honest, then you will apply it only when appropriate. If you expand the definition out of convenience in order to serve an agenda, then you are only acting as a propagandist.

Those who support Islamic terrorism inevitably expand the definition in such a way as to include just about anybody killed for any reason. They prattle on about "state terrorism" without any regard to whether various actions fit the criteria, and they do so either because they are like Georgie boy and are simply too stupid to do anything but parrot the terrorist orthodoxy or else do so knowingly as an intentionally false rationalization for their actions.

Terrorism is not a matter of point of view, but of conduct. If you were capable of moral reasoning, you would understand that instinctively. You do not, so you don't. .
hen did 911 happen? What happened in 1993? No matter...if we did start something, we need to finish it. Stop sound like obama
Why would you think more killing is going to solve the problem?

Yes, because for the same reason that we killed to stop madmen who wanted a world of Aryan's only.
Will you want to be forced to become a Muslim George under Sharia Law or die at their hands?
They even kill Muslims who don't adhere to Sharia Law.
We have 2 different groups, one who wants to do it peacefully with immigrating to western countries and get Sharia Laws legally or the ones who are doing it with war and killing.
The end result is still the same, wanting a world wide Islam religion with Sharia Law.
re you high? what does that have to do with anything
Muslim complaints against the US government fall into two general categories: unblinking support for Israel and a similar reflexive support for Muslim dictators like the royal families in Saudi, Kuwait, and Bahrain, for example. What the elites in Muslim monarchies believe and what the masses of Muslims in those countries believe about US imperialism are as different as Zionism and Islam in Palestine.
All this is very simple, the left finds blame here while, the right supports our interests. I hear the left talking about the crusades and we are arguing about when the crusades actually started and the left wants so bad to blame Christianity. These savages brought the fight to us, roll over or fight your choice! The king of Jordan is the only one reacting in a way for them to understand
re you high? what does that have to do with anything
Muslim complaints against the US government fall into two general categories: unblinking support for Israel and a similar reflexive support for Muslim dictators like the royal families in Saudi, Kuwait, and Bahrain, for example. What the elites in Muslim monarchies believe and what the masses of Muslims in those countries believe about US imperialism are as different as Zionism and Islam in Palestine.
So? The typical Iranian loves Americans but hates out government not realizing that our government is in essence a reflection of us (called an example of thought processes). If the Islamists want to overthrow their respective monarchies and replace them with overtly hostile anti-western theocracies or anarchistic hell holes then they do what groups like ISIS is doing now........ what the anti-Gaddafi groups did and what Hamas and Hezbollah did decades ago in southern Syria.......
Interesting take, sooooo, what you're (via the article) claiming is we are responsible for all acts of terrorism, that those acts are only a response to what we do and there are no other causative factors........ no other origins......
I'm sure you'll find some other delusional people to believe this, try the conspiracy theory section, they wear tinfoil hats also. :thup:

You actually believe if we didn't have a foreign policy that meddled in the Saudi Arabia, gave millions in foreign aid to Israel to create an Apartheid State, and funded a clandestine black ops drug running war and the attendant war lords in South East Asia that these problems would have occurred? Are you seriously this misinformed?


Oh great, another myopic moron who failed HS history and never actually studied the cultures of the area but still feels informed enough to comment on the subject......... Your tin foil hat is slipping sideways, ya need to straighten it out.

Actually, I had a very good Honors History teacher that helped me achieve a 4 on my history AP and comp out of my college history requirement at State. When I couldn't think of a topic to do my term paper on, he suggested I research how the Roosevelt administration maneuvered the American public into a war they didn't want against Japan.

I had always thought that the attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise. Imagine my shock and horror when I found out that the American government not only knew it was coming, but forced Japan's hand. Seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.



Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not
Comprehensive research has shown not only that Washington knew in advance of the attack, but that it deliberately withheld its foreknowledge from our commanders in Hawaii in the hope that the "surprise" attack would catapult the U.S. into World War II. Oliver Lyttleton, British Minister of Production, stated in 1944: "Japan was provoked into attacking America at Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty of history to say that America was forced into the war."
re you high? what does that have to do with anything
Muslim complaints against the US government fall into two general categories: unblinking support for Israel and a similar reflexive support for Muslim dictators like the royal families in Saudi, Kuwait, and Bahrain, for example. What the elites in Muslim monarchies believe and what the masses of Muslims in those countries believe about US imperialism are as different as Zionism and Islam in Palestine.

We support Israel, you wonder why? Israel looks pretty good compared to those other shit holes in that region.
"We fire missiles from the sky that incinerate families huddled in their houses. They incinerate a pilot cowering in a cage.

"We torture hostages in our black sites and choke them to death by stuffing rags down their throats.

"They torture hostages in squalid hovels and behead them.

"We organize Shiite death squads to kill Sunnis.

"They organize Sunni death squads to kill Shiites.

"We produce high-budget films such as 'American Sniper' to glorify our war crimes.

"They produce inspirational videos to glorify their twisted version of jihad.

The barbarism we condemn is the barbarism we commit.

"The line that separates us from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is technological, not moral.

"We are those we fight."

Chris Hedges The Terror We Give Is the Terror We Get -Truthdig

"We are those we fight," and soon that fight will reach our homeland.

Do you feel safer today than you did in March 2003?
Get some help,we do not burn people alive trapped in cages,you need some real help
hen did 911 happen? What happened in 1993? No matter...if we did start something, we need to finish it. Stop sound like obama
Why would you think more killing is going to solve the problem?
Because PMS said you can't kill an all that's left is to kill terrorists, their families and their goats. The few that are left will still have the idea...but they will not be strong enough to act on it.

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