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Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Fucking radical, Sharia law pushing ignorant Islamist militants.

ABUJA (Reuters) - Islamist militants set off bombs across in Nigeria on Christmas Day - three targeting churches including one that killed at least 27 people - raising fears that they are trying to ignite sectarian civil war.
The Boko Haram Islamist sect, which aims to impose sharia law across the country, claimed responsibility for the three church bombs, the second Christmas in a row the group has caused mass carnage with deadly bombings of churches. Security forces also blamed the sect for two other blasts in the north.

Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs
Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs - Yahoo! News
So!? Looks like even rag-heads get into the season. They even got camels!
Any religion that promotes violence as a way to gain favor with God is fucked up.
Any Religion that just sits by and doesn't condemn these acts is fucked up.
Back in the day if anyone did not not tow the line of Christianity lets say for example
the Pope would excommunicate them as punishment.
Islam on a whole just sits on the sidelines and don't say squat about these acts
of murder in the name of their religion....

Shame on them all......
whats your point? People killing people? Ok
Terror happens, did you have some sort of personal stake in the region or something?
I'm going to assume you didnt and just wanted to take a pop shot at Islam through these actions of some terrorists.

This is the typical response when anyone points out the inherent violence of Islam--next will be bringing up the Crusades or whatever example in history to try and rationalize to themselves that Islam is morally equivalent to Christianity--indeed Christians are just as violent as Muslims!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Fucking radical, Sharia law pushing ignorant Islamist militants.

ABUJA (Reuters) - Islamist militants set off bombs across in Nigeria on Christmas Day - three targeting churches including one that killed at least 27 people - raising fears that they are trying to ignite sectarian civil war.
The Boko Haram Islamist sect, which aims to impose sharia law across the country, claimed responsibility for the three church bombs, the second Christmas in a row the group has caused mass carnage with deadly bombings of churches. Security forces also blamed the sect for two other blasts in the north.

Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs
Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs - Yahoo! News

Just remember, the Islamic religion is a religion of peace. Pay no attention to the fact that in every Country that has any real Muslim population terror attacks occur, street violence against non Muslims occurs in Muslim areas, the Countries that are supposedly Islamic all have barbaric laws, murdering women, non Muslims and gays left and right.

Ohh did I mention their Prophet was a warrior that preached war, murder and terror? That the Koran dictates Jihad ( holy war) against anyone that offends the Islamic religion, its people or its Prophet or God?

Just keep that head planted deep in that hole and keep reciting Islam is a religion of Peace.
whats your point? People killing people? Ok
Terror happens, did you have some sort of personal stake in the region or something?
I'm going to assume you didnt and just wanted to take a pop shot at Islam through these actions of some terrorists.

Geez. If someone deemed a racist kills, the alarms are sounded because of a hate crime and millions of people have the finger of blame pointed and are expected to answer for it. In some cases, just disagreeing with Obama brings on more outrage than the senseless murders of those innocent Christians in Nigeria.

When radical Muslims kill Christians and bomb their churches while other Muslims sit idly by and do not condemn it or express sympathy, suddenly it's just people killing people!

Terror doesn't just happen. It's planned for a long time, then carried out and the reasons don't begin to justify their actions.

Sadly, we're not proactive when it comes to prevention, and don't even react properly after attacks because we're too busy sticking our heads in the sand and being politically correct.

A entire religion was attacked because radicals deemed them infidels. They deem anyone outside of their faith as expendable and they do not value human life. Most in America are infidels, too, so by all means, let's just brush off these radical Muslims and pretend they are no threat.

If you don't insist that Muslims speak out against such atrocities, then I would expect you and others like you to refrain from demanding answers from Christians next time an abortion doctor is murdered. It's just people killing other people. No big deal, right?
On this Christmas Day, all I can say is let's not match them in our hate. Christianity emphasizes that hate ultimately impacts the hater, not the object of hate. However, as tragic as this event is, far more Muslims are killed by Muslim terrorists than are Christians or Jews. Just yesterday, 44 Muslims in Damascus were suicide bombed to death by other Muslims.

It's hard, because I'd be lying if I said I had any respect for Islam. But I'm not going to waste tons of energy hating Muslims. Far more damage is being done to Muhammed's followers by his other followers than by members of other religions.
BBC said:
BBC: Nigeria churches hit by blasts during Christmas prayers


A series of bomb attacks in Nigeria, including two on Christmas Day church services, have left at least 32 people dead and many injured.

The Islamist group Boko Haram said it carried out the attacks, including one on St Theresa's Church in Madalla, near the capital Abuja, that killed 27.

A second explosion shortly after hit a church in the central city of Jos. A policeman died during gunfire.

Three attacks in northern Yobe state left four people dead.

Two hit the town of Damaturu, and a third struck Gadaka. Yobe state has been the epicentre of violence between security forces and Boko Haram militants.


Churches bombed by royal command

The evil Queen Elizabeth in association with allied royals in the Saudi royal family allowed the orders to go out from Mecca to terrorists in Nigeria - "bomb Nigerian churches for Christmas".

As at least 32 Nigerians were killed and many injured by royal command, Queen Elizabeth broadcast her Christmas lies on TV thanks to the gullible fools in the BBC and other TV channels.

Hey media fools - no the Queen is not a good Christian and no she is not a good leader of the Commonwealth to be implicated in terrorist crimes against the people!

Royalist terrorists are waging war on believers and on members of the Commonwealth, killing innocents while the UK royal family and royal families all over the world are making merry and generally living lives of privilege and safety.

In order to guarantee true believers of all faiths the freedom to worship in peace and safety then all evil royal families throughout the world who do abuse religion to incite terrorists to kill and to terrorise the people into bowing down to royalty must be overthrown in favour of democratic republics.
On this Christmas Day, all I can say is let's not match them in our hate. Christianity emphasizes that hate ultimately impacts the hater, not the object of hate. However, as tragic as this event is, far more Muslims are killed by Muslim terrorists than are Christians or Jews. Just yesterday, 44 Muslims in Damascus were suicide bombed to death by other Muslims.

It's hard, because I'd be lying if I said I had any respect for Islam. But I'm not going to waste tons of energy hating Muslims. Far more damage is being done to Muhammed's followers by his other followers than by members of other religions.

I don't hate them, but would like to know why they don't speak out against the radicals among them. We are asked often to not fear them, but how do we know who is who when none of them openly sides with non-Muslims or any other victims of radical Muslims? If the peaceful sheep follow the wolves, they are just as dangerous. I saw the crowds cheering after 9/11 and yet we're told that radicals are few and far between.
whats your point? People killing people? Ok
Terror happens, did you have some sort of personal stake in the region or something?
I'm going to assume you didnt and just wanted to take a pop shot at Islam through these actions of some terrorists.

Geez. If someone deemed a racist kills, the alarms are sounded because of a hate crime and millions of people have the finger of blame pointed and are expected to answer for it. In some cases, just disagreeing with Obama brings on more outrage than the senseless murders of those innocent Christians in Nigeria.

When radical Muslims kill Christians and bomb their churches while other Muslims sit idly by and do not condemn it or express sympathy, suddenly it's just people killing people!

Terror doesn't just happen. It's planned for a long time, then carried out and the reasons don't begin to justify their actions.

Sadly, we're not proactive when it comes to prevention, and don't even react properly after attacks because we're too busy sticking our heads in the sand and being politically correct.

A entire religion was attacked because radicals deemed them infidels. They deem anyone outside of their faith as expendable and they do not value human life. Most in America are infidels, too, so by all means, let's just brush off these radical Muslims and pretend they are no threat.

If you don't insist that Muslims speak out against such atrocities, then I would expect you and others like you to refrain from demanding answers from Christians next time an abortion doctor is murdered. It's just people killing other people. No big deal, right?

why not demand answers from the Christians over in Africa killing muslims?

Terror doesnt happen? sure it does you dumb fuck. People all the time make kneejerk reactions and cause harm to others in numerous ways.
Christ get an education.

I dont care about the rest of your whinefest. Go cry to someone who gives a shit.

Just keep puking out those liberal talking points and don't attempt to think for yourself.

Your comment about it's just people killing people was the epitome of ignorance.

Ain't crying, pal, but you sure sound like you're coming unglued. Better call the gubmint for help.
Any religion that promotes violence as a way to gain favor with God is fucked up.
Any Religion that just sits by and doesn't condemn these acts is fucked up.
Back in the day if anyone did not not tow the line of Christianity lets say for example
the Pope would excommunicate them as punishment.
OK but not all Christian churches these days take their lead from the Pope nor bow down to the Vatican City five times a day.

But if it were Catholic inspired terrorists then sure the Pope would be in the frame if he didn't excommunicate the Catholics who were bombing innocents.

Likewise, if it were Anglican Christians doing terrorism then the Church of England and its head the monarch of the UK who would be held responsible.

So you are on the right lines, but stay with it, don't lose the plot.

Islam takes its lead from Mecca and Muslims bow down to Mecca five times a day.

So that puts those who rule Mecca in charge of Islam and responsible for the lead that Muslims look to coming from the holiest city of Islam.

Now Mecca is in Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy ruled by the Saudi royal family.

So ..
Islam on a whole just sits on the sidelines and don't say squat about these acts
of murder in the name of their religion....

Shame on them all......

.. no, shame on the Saudi royal family and shame on us for still doing deals with the Saudis, to sell them arms etc in return for buying the oil and having western governments condemn jihadi terrorism sure but fail to hold the Saudi royals responsible for the lead they are allowing to come from Mecca.
Fucking radical, Sharia law pushing ignorant Islamist militants.

ABUJA (Reuters) - Islamist militants set off bombs across in Nigeria on Christmas Day - three targeting churches including one that killed at least 27 people - raising fears that they are trying to ignite sectarian civil war.
The Boko Haram Islamist sect, which aims to impose sharia law across the country, claimed responsibility for the three church bombs, the second Christmas in a row the group has caused mass carnage with deadly bombings of churches. Security forces also blamed the sect for two other blasts in the north.

Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs
Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs - Yahoo! News

Just remember, the Islamic religion is a religion of peace. Pay no attention to the fact that in every Country that has any real Muslim population terror attacks occur, street violence against non Muslims occurs in Muslim areas, the Countries that are supposedly Islamic all have barbaric laws, murdering women, non Muslims and gays left and right.

Ohh did I mention their Prophet was a warrior that preached war, murder and terror? That the Koran dictates Jihad ( holy war) against anyone that offends the Islamic religion, its people or its Prophet or God?

Just keep that head planted deep in that hole and keep reciting Islam is a religion of Peace.

No you remember that Islam is whatever Mecca says it is, or these days whatever is broadcast on Arab / Pakistani / Egyptian etc TV says Mecca says it is.

So who controls Mecca and who controls broadcasting?

It is all those rotten absolute monarchies and dictatorships which our western governments do deals with - especially Saudi Arabia but conservative and military dictatorship elements in all the Muslim countries.

Those rulers of the countries of Islam say what Islam is and why oh why are our governments still dealing with those rotten rulers when they say Islam agrees with terrorist attacks like this recent one against Nigerian churches?
whats your point? People killing people? Ok
Terror happens, did you have some sort of personal stake in the region or something?
I'm going to assume you didnt and just wanted to take a pop shot at Islam through these actions of some terrorists.

Geez. If someone deemed a racist kills, the alarms are sounded because of a hate crime and millions of people have the finger of blame pointed and are expected to answer for it. In some cases, just disagreeing with Obama brings on more outrage than the senseless murders of those innocent Christians in Nigeria.
It is the same thing when Obama bows down to the Saudi monarchy which rules Mecca which sends out religious justification for jihadi terrorism towards political aims.

Now I am not an American so it is not my place to single out US Presidents, whether Bush or Obama for backing the Saudi royals and the way they run Mecca and Islam.

No my duty as a Briton is to single out the UK government and our Prime Ministers and our Queen for doing deals with the Saudi kingdom.

So I have done my duty I hope.

So will you and other Americans now do your duty and condemn US presidents for not going to war against Saudi Arabia and other conservative anti-democratic monarchists or military dictatorship so-called "Islamic" rule?

When radical Muslims kill Christians and bomb their churches while other Muslims sit idly by and do not condemn it or express sympathy, suddenly it's just people killing people!

Terror doesn't just happen. It's planned for a long time, then carried out and the reasons don't begin to justify their actions.

Sadly, we're not proactive when it comes to prevention, and don't even react properly after attacks because we're too busy sticking our heads in the sand and being politically correct.

A entire religion was attacked because radicals deemed them infidels. They deem anyone outside of their faith as expendable and they do not value human life. Most in America are infidels, too, so by all means, let's just brush off these radical Muslims and pretend they are no threat.

If you don't insist that Muslims speak out against such atrocities, then I would expect you and others like you to refrain from demanding answers from Christians next time an abortion doctor is murdered. It's just people killing other people. No big deal, right?
I do insist that the officials of Islam in Mecca and on Arab and other muslim country state and independent broadcasting stations not just condemn but declare war against all "Islamic" terrorists from Al Qaeda onwards who have dragged the name of Islam into the mud.

But the fact is that not only don't the Saudi royals condemn such terrorism, they don't prosecute Saudis who donate to it, they broadcast pro-jihadi-terrorism clerics on their satellite TV and in fact the Saudi royals and allied government's sticky fingers are all over global jihadi terrorism.

The Saudi monarchy are the enemy and we had better face up to the fact that we in the democratic west are being betrayed by our own governments who are refusing to lead us into war.

And the same goes for the Islamo fascists in Iran - they also sponsor terrorists and need taking on and taking out - but I am not featuring them first here because Americans usually manage to blame the Iranians for the terrorism they sponsor whereas the central role of the Saudi royals is overlooked again and again by Western governments - which is deeply perverse considering most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and half of the suicide bombers entering Iraq were from Saudi Arabia.

Come on USA. The free world is waiting for you to square up to those Saudi royals.
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whats your point? People killing people? Ok
Terror happens, did you have some sort of personal stake in the region or something?
I'm going to assume you didnt and just wanted to take a pop shot at Islam through these actions of some terrorists.

I would love to know why you dumb motherfuckers find a need to defend Islam???

Then you attempt to portray yourselves as humble progressives??


Sharia only contradicts absolutely everything progressives allegedly stand for, yet you idiots defend that shit??

It makes no fucking sense...

It's like fucking for virginity..... WTF???
whats your point? People killing people? Ok
Terror happens, did you have some sort of personal stake in the region or something?
I'm going to assume you didnt and just wanted to take a pop shot at Islam through these actions of some terrorists.

Geez. If someone deemed a racist kills, the alarms are sounded because of a hate crime and millions of people have the finger of blame pointed and are expected to answer for it. In some cases, just disagreeing with Obama brings on more outrage than the senseless murders of those innocent Christians in Nigeria.
It is the same thing when Obama bows down to the Saudi monarchy which rules Mecca which sends out religious justification for jihadi terrorism towards political aims.

Now I am not an American so it is not my place to single out US Presidents, whether Bush or Obama for backing the Saudi royals and the way they run Mecca and Islam.

No my duty as a Briton is to single out the UK government and our Prime Ministers and our Queen for doing deals with the Saudi kingdom.

So I have done my duty I hope.

So will you and other Americans now do your duty and condemn US presidents for not going to war against Saudi Arabia and other conservative anti-democratic monarchists or military dictatorship so-called "Islamic" rule?

When radical Muslims kill Christians and bomb their churches while other Muslims sit idly by and do not condemn it or express sympathy, suddenly it's just people killing people!

Terror doesn't just happen. It's planned for a long time, then carried out and the reasons don't begin to justify their actions.

Sadly, we're not proactive when it comes to prevention, and don't even react properly after attacks because we're too busy sticking our heads in the sand and being politically correct.

A entire religion was attacked because radicals deemed them infidels. They deem anyone outside of their faith as expendable and they do not value human life. Most in America are infidels, too, so by all means, let's just brush off these radical Muslims and pretend they are no threat.

If you don't insist that Muslims speak out against such atrocities, then I would expect you and others like you to refrain from demanding answers from Christians next time an abortion doctor is murdered. It's just people killing other people. No big deal, right?
I do insist that the officials of Islam in Mecca and on Arab and other muslim country state and independent broadcasting stations not just condemn but declare war against all "Islamic" terrorists from Al Qaeda onwards who have dragged the name of Islam into the mud.

But the fact is that not only don't the Saudi royals condemn such terrorism, they don't prosecute Saudis who donate to it, they broadcast pro-jihadi-terrorism clerics on their satellite TV and in fact the Saudi royals and allied government's sticky fingers are all over global jihadi terrorism.

The Saudi monarchy are the enemy and we had better face up to the fact that we in the democratic west are being betrayed by our own governments who are refusing to lead us into war.

And the same goes for the Islamo fascists in Iran - they also sponsor terrorists and need taking on and taking out - but I am not featuring them first here because Americans usually manage to blame the Iranians for the terrorism they sponsor whereas the central role of the Saudi royals is overlooked again and again by Western governments - which is deeply perverse considering most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and half of the suicide bombers entering Iraq were from Saudi Arabia.

Come on USA. The free world is waiting for you to square up to those Saudi royals.
My impression of the Sauds is that they are a deeply divided nation. The Royal family there had 7 of its members murdered between 2000 and 2009 by extremists and their associates who went after the World Trade Center. The extremists even punish the new presidents, such as President Karzai in Afghanistan who has lost both family and people in his cabinets to rabid terrorists in his country.

America may have its share of dumb and dumber, but over there it's mean and meaner. Sometimes we don't know who's saving the world from worse elements than are already out there.

From America's standpoint, I'd say the worst problem we have right now is Iran which is going nuclear and announced its plans to send a fleet to America's coastal waters to create trouble. They have already engaged heavily in war by proxy when they sent IEDs to blow up our troops for intervening in Iraq, their mortal enemies.

Go figure.
Moral of the story: Don't live in Nigeria.

Wrong, moral of the story is Isam (at least the way it's practiced) is the religion of senseless murder.
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Fucking radical, Sharia law pushing ignorant Islamist militants.

Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs
Islamists kill dozens in Nigeria Christmas bombs - Yahoo! News

Just remember, the Islamic religion is a religion of peace. Pay no attention to the fact that in every Country that has any real Muslim population terror attacks occur, street violence against non Muslims occurs in Muslim areas, the Countries that are supposedly Islamic all have barbaric laws, murdering women, non Muslims and gays left and right.

Ohh did I mention their Prophet was a warrior that preached war, murder and terror? That the Koran dictates Jihad ( holy war) against anyone that offends the Islamic religion, its people or its Prophet or God?

Just keep that head planted deep in that hole and keep reciting Islam is a religion of Peace.

oh so much fun one could have breaking down your little points.
Islam Like Christianity and guns are tools. In the end its the human that causes the terror, not the book or religion. These tired old arguments will only get you so far. Thankfully anyone with half a brain knows not to take you seriously.

Some religions are nothing more than organized brain washing from birth. You can't even compare religion to guns. If children are raised by some religious fanatics to believe certain things, then the religious leaders are to blame.

It's up to the religious leaders to condemn the actions of terrorists, yet they don't. What message does this send and why won't they go against others of their religion no matter what?

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