Isn't opposing gay marriage an anti-marriage position by definition?

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament as well. Why don't you research the matter further before I make a total fool out of you
I'm screwed then, LOL. Bend over red rover.

Yeah pretty much, you sit there flapping your yapper about something it's obvious you know little of
Oh, I know plenty, I'm also a rainbow loving homosexual who will vote for Obama so I can implant my Muslim seed in your rectum. LOL.

Nah, you're just a vile, disgusting and immature little douche.

He's trying to derail the thread, ignore the little flamer
Still need you to prove the Christian God is valid, if you can't disprove my pink dildo, why should you tell us to disprove your sky fairy?
Gay marriage households are no more or less stable than any other.

Of course "as a Christian" you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that bogus claim.

Just like you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that your god exists, let alone has a "magic plan".

Depends on what you view as "stable" - if you mean "they stay together" well they might, but, a child needs a man and a woman to raise them, a husband and a wife. They are different by design so that children might be cared for completely.

How do I know this? Relationship with God along with Biblical study and prayer.

You will know it one day too. If not in your life in Earth, then in the next. Mock if you will -
it's not like that wasn't prophesied as well :)

You are entitled to believe your fallacies but there is zero requirement that children require both genders.

A stable relationship for raising children just needs to be 2 adults. One might be the father and the other his grandfather or uncle. The gender is irrelevant as long as the children receive unconditional love.

And there are plenty of dysfunctional opposite gender marriages, including Christian ones, so your holier than thou attitude is ludicrous.

That you imagine that you have a "relationship" with an imaginary person is your problem. But you don't get to inflict what your imaginary person tells you on other people.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom from religion because of people like you.
Marriage is the legal and social recognition of a new family. Why do so many of my conservative friends oppose the creation of new families? Each gay couple you prevent from marrying is a new family that could have adopted an unloved child. Each child adopted is one less in the broken group homes and foster care system. Giving these children homes and families serves their needs and takes ammo from our liberal colleagues who would kill them. There really doesn't seem to be any way to justify opposing this.
I found a list of states with the marriage statutes of each.
I think Michigan says it best:



"Sec. 1. Marriage is inherently a unique relationship between a man and a woman. As a matter of public policy, this state has a special interest in encouraging, supporting, and protecting that unique relationship in order to promote, among other goals, the stability and welfare of society and its children. A marriage contracted between individuals of the same sex is invalid in this state"; Mich. St. ' 551.1
Legal Definitions of Marriage in the United States | CLGS
Gay marriage households are no more or less stable than any other.

Of course "as a Christian" you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that bogus claim.

Just like you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that your god exists, let alone has a "magic plan".

Depends on what you view as "stable" - if you mean "they stay together" well they might, but, a child needs a man and a woman to raise them, a husband and a wife. They are different by design so that children might be cared for completely.

How do I know this? Relationship with God along with Biblical study and prayer.

You will know it one day too. If not in your life in Earth, then in the next. Mock if you will -
it's not like that wasn't prophesied as well :)

You are entitled to believe your fallacies but there is zero requirement that children require both genders.

A stable relationship for raising children just needs to be 2 adults. One might be the father and the other his grandfather or uncle. The gender is irrelevant as long as the children receive unconditional love.

And there are plenty of dysfunctional opposite gender marriages, including Christian ones, so your holier than thou attitude is ludicrous.

That you imagine that you have a "relationship" with an imaginary person is your problem. But you don't get to inflict what your imaginary person tells you on other people.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom from religion because of people like you.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom OF religion. Get it straight
Gay marriage households are no more or less stable than any other.

Of course "as a Christian" you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that bogus claim.

Just like you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that your god exists, let alone has a "magic plan".

Depends on what you view as "stable" - if you mean "they stay together" well they might, but, a child needs a man and a woman to raise them, a husband and a wife. They are different by design so that children might be cared for completely.

How do I know this? Relationship with God along with Biblical study and prayer.

You will know it one day too. If not in your life in Earth, then in the next. Mock if you will -
it's not like that wasn't prophesied as well :)

You are entitled to believe your fallacies but there is zero requirement that children require both genders.

A stable relationship for raising children just needs to be 2 adults. One might be the father and the other his grandfather or uncle. The gender is irrelevant as long as the children receive unconditional love.

And there are plenty of dysfunctional opposite gender marriages, including Christian ones, so your holier than thou attitude is ludicrous.

That you imagine that you have a "relationship" with an imaginary person is your problem. But you don't get to inflict what your imaginary person tells you on other people.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom from religion because of people like you.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom OF religion. Get it straight
What does freedom of religion have to do with not allowing homosexuals to get married? All religions are protected equally, I should become a satanist..
You are entitled to believe your fallacies but there is zero requirement that children require both genders.

A stable relationship for raising children just needs to be 2 adults. One might be the father and the other his grandfather or uncle. The gender is irrelevant as long as the children receive unconditional love.

And there are plenty of dysfunctional opposite gender marriages, including Christian ones, so your holier than thou attitude is ludicrous.

That you imagine that you have a "relationship" with an imaginary person is your problem. But you don't get to inflict what your imaginary person tells you on other people.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom from religion because of people like you

The ideal situation is one man, one woman, married.
Not any other situation, including single parent homes.

I'm not inflicting anything on anyone. I am sharing what I feel and believe just like you are.
How is my sharing any different from yours?
The ideal situation is one man, one woman, married.
Not any other situation, including single parent homes.
Even assuming that this is true, the fact of the matter is that there simply aren't enough married heterosexual couples taking these people in and giving them the unconditional love and support they deserve. This is not a hypothetical situation. This is happening right now and real people's lives are being affected by it.

I'm not inflicting anything on anyone. I am sharing what I feel and believe just like you are.
How is my sharing any different from yours?
So far you've been the only one to engage with me on this in any real way. Thank you.

Gay marriage households are no more or less stable than any other.

Of course "as a Christian" you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that bogus claim.

Just like you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that your god exists, let alone has a "magic plan".

Much like YOU can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate He doesn't exist. You're playing a fool's game.

They're throwing anything at it now hoping they can get something to stick whether it applies to the Op or not no longer matters. They're desperate.
Oh great, asking SOMEONE TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE SOMETHING DOESNT EXIST WHEN YOU CANT EVEN PROVIDE EVIDENCE IT DOES is just stupid. I believe in a invisible pink dildo that answers my prayers, you can't disprove it son, just like you can't disprove Allah.

Yes, it is stupid to resort to expecting anyone to answer ten thousand of your stupid questions when they have absolutely nothing to do with the original OP. Yours is an immature response.
This threads a joke, I will treat it as such.
You are the joke, son I will treat you as if you don't exist.
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament as well. Why don't you research the matter further before I make a total fool out of you
I'm screwed then, LOL. Bend over red rover.

Yeah pretty much, you sit there flapping your yapper about something it's obvious you know little of
Oh, I know plenty, I'm also a rainbow loving homosexual who will vote for Obama so I can implant my Muslim seed in your rectum. LOL.

Nah, you're just a vile, disgusting and immature little douche.

He's trying to derail the thread, ignore the little flamer
Since she has decided that God's Law is more important than the Taxpayers, which is fine, it is up to God to provide her a job, and a paycheck since she no longer serves the taxpayers. Her dilemma is an old one...

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24
It's Christian belief and Biblical. Refute it if you can, calling me a bigot isn't going to change the facts
So the Old Testament is fact now? Christian belief has evolved, I doubt anyone takes the OT literally anymore, unless you want to cherry pick to justify your bigotry.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament as well. Why don't you research the matter further before I make a total fool out of you
I'm screwed then, LOL. Bend over red rover.

Yeah pretty much, you sit there flapping your yapper about something it's obvious you know little of
Oh, I know plenty, I'm also a rainbow loving homosexual who will vote for Obama so I can implant my Muslim seed in your rectum. LOL.
It's Christian belief and Biblical. Refute it if you can, calling me a bigot isn't going to change the facts
So the Old Testament is fact now? Christian belief has evolved, I doubt anyone takes the OT literally anymore, unless you want to cherry pick to justify your bigotry.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament as well. Why don't you research the matter further before I make a total fool out of you
I'm screwed then, LOL. Bend over red rover.

Yeah pretty much, you sit there flapping your yapper about something it's obvious you know little of
Oh, I know plenty, I'm also a rainbow loving homosexual who will vote for Obama so I can implant my Muslim seed in your rectum. LOL.

Actually most folks aren't as depraved as you are. You are in the very minority of Americans, almost to the point of total insignificance. Most of us tend to ignore those of the depraved insignificance minority.
As a Christian, God's plan was for man and woman to marry.

Men laying with men is an abomination to God, so, if you are a Christian trying to live in obedience to God, to say you are "OK" with something that is an abomination to your Lord and Creator doesn't make sense.
As a Christian I have learned that Jesus did not come to save the righteous, he came for the sinner.
So lets assume for a moment that gay is a sin.
when judgment day comes, who will Jesus being looking for, the person yelling Im saved because Im straight and you gay guys are going to hell, or will he be coming for the gay people that just happen to also believe in him.
Im standing with the gays.
As a Christian, God's plan was for man and woman to marry.

Men laying with men is an abomination to God, so, if you are a Christian trying to live in obedience to God, to say you are "OK" with something that is an abomination to your Lord and Creator doesn't make sense.
As a Christian I have learned that Jesus did not come to save the righteous, he came for the sinner.
So lets assume for a moment that gay is a sin.
when judgment day comes, who will Jesus being looking for, the person yelling Im saved because Im straight and you gay guys are going to hell, or will he be coming for the gay people that just happen to also believe in him.
Im standing with the gays.

Unless the homosexual repents his/her sin Judgement Day will go badly for them. As a Christian you should know that
Unless the homosexual repents his/her sin Judgement Day will go badly for them. As a Christian you should know that
It's very hard to think of a single American Christian that a Judgement Day would go well for? You will not be one of the lucky few either. You are what Jesus meant when he castigated Peter saying:

..."Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns." - Matthew 16:23
You are entitled to believe your fallacies but there is zero requirement that children require both genders.

A stable relationship for raising children just needs to be 2 adults. One might be the father and the other his grandfather or uncle. The gender is irrelevant as long as the children receive unconditional love.

And there are plenty of dysfunctional opposite gender marriages, including Christian ones, so your holier than thou attitude is ludicrous.

That you imagine that you have a "relationship" with an imaginary person is your problem. But you don't get to inflict what your imaginary person tells you on other people.

The Constitution provides We the People with freedom from religion because of people like you

The ideal situation is one man, one woman, married.
Not any other situation, including single parent homes.

I'm not inflicting anything on anyone. I am sharing what I feel and believe just like you are.
How is my sharing any different from yours?

You are not sharing, you are lying about gays.
As a Christian, a gay marriage household is NOT a stable environment.


Gay marriage households are no more or less stable than any other.

Of course "as a Christian" you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that bogus claim.

Just like you can't provide a single shred of evidence to substantiate that your god exists, let alone has a "magic plan".

You have anything to back your first statement up?

As for the rest, yiff in hell, hatefag.

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